• WSKilarno



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    • in reply to: Ubuntu, lessons learned #1213968

      I have used ubuntu off and on for several years. the very first thing noticed was that ubuntu was plain JUST NOT MUCH FUN. After all the hours spent i never did figure how to just download an app and run it. it seems that everything is so “cut and dried” that theres not much fun. In windows i can download and try out hundreds
      of apps and utilities, all free if u so desire. When a person is accustomed to DL anything and everything ubuntu is a big disappointment. Never did try the app manager, probably the reason i didnt learn anything. I accidentally discovered something about the ubuntu live cd. I was swapping harddrives and not yet installled the one i was swapping, i picked up the unbuntu live cd and put it in the cdrom and booted up. Couldnt believe that unbuntu would operate without a Hdd installed. But, it did and fast as hell (working on memory only i guess). Only noticed one problem…after getting online and pulling up web pages unbuntu was slow to open links. I was thinking in the event of crash what an easy way to get back on line real quick if needed. And about security., what could a hacker or any harmful program do to your pc if there is no hdd installed? Not much, i think, since they cant change the cd, Unless of course they could leave something harmful in memory, is that possible?

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