• WSkarniem



    Viewing 15 replies - 61 through 75 (of 82 total)
    • in reply to: Archive files (Outlook 2000) #545934

      MJ, please correct me if I’m wrong, but I’ve just been told by my systems people that the .pst file is the archive file itself, created by the archive process, and that the .ost file is the “live” file. If that’s the case, then this thread doesn’t really make sense to me, as the .pst wouldn’t be compacted by archiving, but would grow as new items were added to it. Help!

    • in reply to: Mail handouts (PowerPoint 2000) #545728

      That was it. Thank you very much!

    • in reply to: Mail handouts (PowerPoint 2000) #545727

      That was the answer. I was given a new computer about a week ago, and that must have been checked by default. Thank you very much.

    • in reply to: Mail handouts (PowerPoint 2000) #545718

      I tried using the File –> Send to–> Word and tried both Handouts and Notes. Both gave me just frames – no slides. I’ll check with our tech support people re: the setup. We are using Office 2000 and PowerPoint and Word 2000. If anyone has any suggestions as to what might be wrong with my install, I’d appreciate them. Thanks for your help.

    • in reply to: Mail handouts (PowerPoint 2000) #545690

      I appreciate the suggestion. I tried it, and when I look at the Word document, I get the format of the handouts, and I get frames for the slides but no “pictures.” If I double click on the frame, I can see the slide but it has the rulers, etc., which means to me that I am actually working with the slide. What am I missing here, please! Thanks for your help.

    • in reply to: Contact Names Are Backwards (OL2000 sp1, CW Install) #545170

      Someone else mentioned that to me in our PC Support department, and it turns out that this is one of those lovely Microsoft options that only takes effect after you exit Outlook and re-enter the program. At least on our system, if you don’t do this the Contacts list is searched by first name, while the Global Address List is searched by Last Name – which makes shortcuts for adding names to a new message not work correctly. Hope that helps!

    • in reply to: Distribution List, Select Recipients (OL2000 sp1, CW Install) #544353

      To my knowledge, no. We encourage our people to use the Contacts categories, as you can select a category, go to Actions –> New message to contact, and it opens a message with each recipient listed separately. You can then delete individual recipients as desired.
      The other reason I personally prefer categories is that the group is automatically updated whenever I add a new contact and assign that contact to categories. It just saves the step of also going to a distribution list and updating it with the new contact.
      Others, however, prefer the distribution list concept, and I do use both.

    • in reply to: Displaying Folders in Outlook 2000 (Outlook 2000) #544140

      Here’s the “Sharing folders” memo we distribute.

    • in reply to: Displaying Folders in Outlook 2000 (Outlook 2000) #544061

      I, too, work in a law firm. I have a document that may or may not help in your case, but it might help others who need help in setting up shared folders. Our secretaries need to be able to add contacts, print e-mails, etc. for their assignments, so we’ve created step-by-step instructions as to what to do on the owner’s computer and what to do on the secretary’s computer. Although they were created for Outlook 98, I believe that they are still current in OL2000.

      Unfortunately, I can’t figure out the process to attach it to this message. If someone will give me instructions for attaching a Word document, I’ll be glad to post it.

    • in reply to: Contact Names Are Backwards (OL2000 sp1, CW Install) #541070

      There’s a setting in Tools – Options – Preferences tab – Contact Options button that you need to change. We use Default Full Name Order as “First (Middle) Last” and Default File As Order as “Last, First (Company).” This was new in O2k, I think, and has caused several people problems.

      By the way, if you’re using Corporate Outlook, you’ll also want to go (at least on our system) to Tools – Services, select your Outlook Address book and click Properties. For each of your address books, you want to specify the sorting order. Since our global address list sorts by last name, we tell users to set their Contacts folder to sort by “File As (Smith, John).”

      Hope this helps.

    • in reply to: Global change to views (Outlook 2000) #540096

      Thanks, MJ. I think that will do it!

    • in reply to: Rules Wizard (Outlook 2000) #536411

      Personally, I’d try Mary J’s way – “try using organizer to create rules based on sender – it seems to work correctly when created that way..” If you select a message from that sender in your inbox and click on “Organize” and in Using Folders choose “Create a rule to move new messages from” and fill in the “Into” what folder box, you should eliminate the problem of the way to enter the name. Hope that helps.

    • in reply to: Rules Wizard (Outlook 2000) #536397

      Do you by any chance mean “with a specific name in the Sender field,” instead of in the “Subject” field? Perhaps that’s what you need to change in your rule?

    • in reply to: Incoming message fonts (Outlook 2000) #536385

      Thanks, MJ.

    • in reply to: Incoming message fonts (Outlook 2000) #536384

      Thanks, Silverback. I’m aware of the ways to use colors under the organize feature, but appreciate your attempt to help. It’s the actual body of the message where he needs – as he puts it – more contrast. We’re trying out a different monitor to see if that helps! Thanks for your effort.

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