• WSkarniem



    Viewing 15 replies - 46 through 60 (of 82 total)
    • in reply to: Reappearing Reminder (OL2000/Exchange 2000) #580018

      Many thanks, MJ. Does that have any ramifications with respect to other reminders – legitimate ones, I mean? Or does it only clean-up reminders that have not appointment attached?

    • We figured it out, and I’m posting it here in case anyone else runs into the same situation. The secretary had Attorney A’s name in her Contacts folder, as well as in the Global Address List. That would not, in itself, have caused the problem, except that she also had her Outlook set up to search her Contacts folder before it searched the Global Address List. Therefore, it found Attorney A from her Contacts folder, where it couldn’t find her calendar information! Just thought this might save someone else some time and effort.

      Thank you, OldDog, for your suggestions, and we did try them out before we stumbled on this. I always appreciate the help I receive in this lounge!

    • in reply to: Maximum Number of Worksheets? (Excel 2000) #575540

      Thank you, Van. I forwarded the article to the person with the question, and kept a copy for myself.

    • in reply to: Maximum Number of Worksheets? (Excel 2000) #575539

      Thank you, Bob. I appreciate the help.

    • in reply to: Distribution List from Contact Category (Outlook 2000) #560898

      The White Paper gave a good suggestion. Personally, I’m a firm believer in using Categories, and creating a message to the category, but someone here insists that it must be a distribution list. Thanks for the suggestions.

    • in reply to: Alpha lookup in Contacts (Outlook 2000/Exchange) #559162

      We figured it out. On our system we have two different mailbox stores. The secretary and her attorney were on separate stores. When we moved one so that they were on the same store, the problem went away. Just in case any of you run into the same issue, I thought this might be useful.

    • in reply to: Distribution List from Contact Category (Outlook 2000) #559161

      Thank you, Ricardo. That’s a good suggestion. I’ve decided that the temporary folder, at least for me, is the best way to use my categories for a variety of things, including Word mail merges. You’ve just given me another use for it.
      Thanks again.

    • in reply to: Distribution List from Contact Category (Outlook 2000) #558917

      No, unfortunately I did not. The best option I found was to open an e-mail message which contained the addresses in the To: field, copy the addresses, create the Distribution List, click on Select Members, and paste the e-mail addresses in the selected members area. It didn’t work very well, unless the addresses were already in my address book or contacts. If you find a better option, or if anyone else knows of one, I’d be delighted to hear it.

      I did learn that you can forward a distribution list you’ve already created to someone else, the same way you can any other contact. If someone else has already created the list, that might help.

      Good luck.

    • in reply to: Missing Toolbar Button (Outlook 2000/Exchange) #557590

      I knew I should have looked before I forwarded the question. blush The person in question had turned on the option to have standard and formatting toolbars sharing one line in Word, and it applied to Outlook, so she couldn’t “see” the Reply to All button. My apologies. Perhaps it will help someone else.

      Thanks for the suggestions, Leif.

    • Good answer. That may very well be true, I’ll have to look into that.


    • in reply to: Address Book Source File (Outlook 2000/Exchange) #551994

      Thanks for the replies, MaryJ and Barry. According to the marketing information on the web site, it’s supposed to work with Outlook, so I’m making the assumption that there must be a way to access Contacts without resorting to creating a csv or txt file. Frankly, most of my attornies wouldn’t/couldn’t use it if they had to do that. Since you, Barry, have been able to access the Global list easily, it can obviously see that (I’m assuming you used the *.pst file as the source?).

      I think that I’ll contact the vendor and see what they have to say. I’ll be unavailable for a week or so, but will report back to this forum what I learn. In the meantime, if anyone else already knows the answer, Barry and I (at least) will appreciate your help. Thanks again.

    • in reply to: Simple (?) envelope print (Outlook 2000SR-1) #550979

      I’ve done it from Word. If you go to Tools –> Envelopes and Labels, and click on the Envelopes tab, to the right of the Delivery address label you’ll see and address book button with a drop down arrow. Click on the address book button, and select your Contacts list from the “Show Names from the:” dropdown. Choose your Contact, and it will fill in the name/address information for that contact. You can then print it, or add it to the document, etc. Hope that helps.

    • I think that the new ones are appearing incorrectly because when you added them, the options weren’t set up correctly. Try adding a new one now, and see if it shows up right when you look up the address for the e-mail. If it does, you’re set up correctly now. However, you’ll need to go back and correct the ones you added earlier. In the contact form, click on the Name button. My suspicion is that you’ll find the first name in the last name field. If that’s not the answer, then check the File As field. You may need to change that on each contact.

    • Name and Filing Options for New Contacts: Outlook 2000 allows you to determine how you want to enter names for new contacts. To select your options, on the Outlook menu bar go to Tools –> Options –> Preferences tab –> Contact Options button and select the order you would like Outlook to use for new names. If you want to enter contacts names in

    • I’m sorry. I should have added that this is one of those lovely Outlook options that requires you to exit and re-enter Outlook before it takes effect. I’ll see if I can edit the previous post, somehow, to include that!

    Viewing 15 replies - 46 through 60 (of 82 total)