AskWoody LoungerI’ve been holding back comment until any teething problems might have been sorted but basically the new format is rubbish. I do NOT want teasers and then links to a website. I want a newsletter in my inbox that I can read at my leisure – and often OFFLINE – remember that? Reading stuff when there is no internet connection? (And a single data charge?) I also like to file useful newsletters – not webpages. And no, I don’t want it dribbled out a couple of articles at a time. And if this rubbish is going to cost me $25 (USD I assume) they can go whistle. Pity. I’ve been a subscriber for over 8 years and until recently loved the useful, relevant and easy to access content.
Anyone from the newsletter reading this? Any chance of a change? Or will they wait until most subscribers drop off? Or does that not matter – is it just click bait for ads?
(OK – now read all 14 pages! Thanks Kathleen for your input.)
AskWoody LoungerIts the main IE11 update from IE10. Its fairly easy to spot on the list, and will be about 2 or 3 weeks back… basically the time the issue started 🙂
It should go without saying but it will be listed in the Windows Updates, so you open Control Panel > Programs and Features and then click “view installed updates”. You will find it there.
Brilliant – this was it. Thank you so much.
AskWoody LoungerThis problem is cause by the recent IE11 update.
To fix it, uninstall the update through the control panel, let the machine reboot, then open IE > Help > About and untick Automatic Updates so that it is not reinstalled.
As we don’t use IE11 this could be the answer. Do you know which update? There are quite a few!
AskWoody LoungerDid you try reinstalling Office 2003?
[indent]How to install or repair and reinstall Office 2003 programs and features[/indent]
If that doesn’t work, you might try using Windows’ “System Restore” to roll Windows back to a previous state before the problem occurred. It allows you to undo system changes without affecting your personal files, such as e-mail, documents, or photos.
[indent]Microsoft.com > Windows 7 > Video: Fixing a problem using System Restore[/indent]
If still no luck, how about restoring an earlier system image or backup?
No suitable restore point, backup, or images available? Kick yourself — you missed the easy solutions. 🙁
Thanks – but yes, I’ve tried the repair – and I’ve done a rollback (6 weeks I think) – some time back – but without success. I could roll back to 3 months ago – but then rolling back all the data is something out of a nightmare.
AskWoody LoungerThanks, I’ve tried a repair (and also a repair on the pst). No luck. The boss is starting to mutter about how great Eudora was.
AskWoody LoungerIncoming email has nothing to do with outgoing email.
If an email is not ready to go, instead of clicking the “Send” button simply press [Ctrl] to save a copy in the Drafts folder then close the window.
Saving sends it to the Drafts folder – which has exactly the same problem. When you pull it out of drafts and edit it the edits are discarded.
AskWoody LoungerSounds like something from way back in the old dial-up modem and batch processing days.
Get it right, Send it, next. 😉
If you read the thread you can see there are good reasons for not just sending off emails willy nilly (also all mail goes through MailWasher before being imported which cuts out spam, potential malware, and trivial email that doesn’t need to be downloaded). I did suggest using the Draft box – but it has the same problem.
AskWoody LoungerCould you explain what setting is used to stop messages being sent from the outbox until re-sent? Are they delayed for a specified amount of time by a rule or something else?
The Send and Receive is set to manual. This has been common in many places I have had contact with. It saves the “Oh, I shouldn’t have sent that” problem.
AskWoody LoungerYes. Doesn’t help.
AskWoody LoungerHave you tried emptying your Outlook temp file folder? See Outlook SecureTemp Files Folder[/url] for location details.
Thank you – tried this – but no luck.
One thing I have seen – if you do a ctrl-A ctrl- ie set to default layout – it works! Makes me thing it has something to do with the html layout.
AskWoody LoungerSorry – we know how Outlook worls (been using it for over a decade). The system is set up NOT to automatically send the message. Instead they stay in the Outbox until checked. If they are accurate and professional they will be sent. If there is an issue with the email then it is “fixed” – spelling or grammar corrected, prices changed, informalities removed. Once it is okay it is really sent.
This has worked for years. Now, however, Outlook is not saving the changes to the text. If you change the text, click Send (which puts it in the Outbox), then go back to the Outbox and look at the text it is the same as before editing.
AskWoody LoungerTry right clicking one of the buttons in the Custom Toolbars section of the Add-ins tab on the ribbon. One of the options is “Delete Custom Toolbar”.
If you had multiple toolbars in that legacy template then you may need to repeat this for each one.
Seems the best option. Without the code I have no idea what the commands are meant to do. I have deleted the toolbar and will now await the squeals to see what it was meant to do (those I asked had no idea).
AskWoody LoungerAdd-ins should show under File (orb for 2007) Options, Add-ins.
Toolbars that are a part of a template should show under the Add-ins Tab on the ribbon.
You may be able to find them in VBA by opening the template and pressing Alt-F11No – tried
that nothing in Add-Ins. Nothing in VBA. Converting back to 2003 doesn’t show any custom toolbars. Very strange. -
AskWoody LoungerHi Judith,
In your previous posts, you referred to the cell being hidden. In your attached document, the cell isn’t hidden – the text is. The formula you have in cell C1 of the ‘Tolls/Phones/Faxes’ table only works in Word 2003 – and 2010 – if that hidden text is visible. Consequently, I can’t see what the issue of changed behaviour in Word 2010 is supposed to be as the behaviour is the same.
Just checked it – and you are right. But it does work in 2007. So hopefully it is not as widespread as I feared. Just stuff created in 2007.
AskWoody LoungerThere are lots of different scenarios. The simplest I have already coded around – but I’ve attached the orginal. There is a list of disbursements – narration, amount and the total appears in the bottom right column (C). Only if there is only one disbursement what was the subtotal in column B is hidden. This meant the secretary could add another line in the table and just update fields (and unhide the text) – the new amount would be added in. To get around this I have now hard coded the total for a single disbursement which means if they want to add a line they need to do it via a macro which will replace the hardcoded total with a formula.
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