• WSjstevens



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    • in reply to: Copying Files with VBA (XL97; SR-2) #533608


      Thanks for the quick response. I am intrigued with Charlotte’s response on the thread you suggested to look at. I’m at a loss of how to properly structure the code. Can you assist?


    • in reply to: SendKeys (XL97; SR-2) #533437


      I did some searching on MSKB and found a document (Q160219) which address what you mentioned. The solution was to use the code:

      Application.SendKeys Keys:=”(%fx”), Wait:=True

      This also does not work.


    • in reply to: SendKeys (XL97; SR-2) #533435


      I was making a point that there seems to be a problem with functionalily of “SendKeys” . If I can not pass a simple keystroke such as ALT-f then an x to exit the program I must be doing something wrong or the functionality does not work the way it should.


    • in reply to: Help! w/MailMerge (W97 SR-2) #533434

      Solution: I started a new word doc and copy/pasted the code into the new doc and the code functioned properly. I don’t know why but it just does…thanks bill.

    • in reply to: Wheres the Beef? (W97: SR-2) #532878

      I’ve did try attaching the file and it worked. however the sendtomail feature just strips all formatting and embedded objects. I’m not sure why but it sure seems strange.

      Using W97 & Outlook 98.

    • in reply to: Wheres the Beef? (W97: SR-2) #532729


      The e-mail default is set to HTML and the SendToEmail method sends the active document to the reciepient. If I send it off, the formats are lost. This is a good one for Mr. Gates.


    • in reply to: Word97, MailMerge and SendTo (W97, SR-2) #532126

      Thanks for your suggestions. As you can tell by some of the code, I’ve gone in a complete circle. I’m very familiar with XL macros and based on my experience with it the macros in W97 should not be that much different; nor this task at hand. Unfortunately I’ve confused myself and need some assistance with the code or writing new code. Any assistance You or any other Lounger may have would be truly appreciated.

    • in reply to: XL97 VBA Code to Calc #530045

      Thanks for everyone’s suggestions.
      To recap: I have a range with approx 97K cells each containing formulas. What I would like to do is calc each cell or range; I’ve tried both suggestions with a rewrite of my original code and the code for the range itself. Both took approx 15 minutes to run; there must be a better way to minimize the time it takes to calc.

    • in reply to: XL97 VBA Code to Calc #530026

      My experience with arrays is limited; how is an array calculated via vba?

    • in reply to: XL97 VBA Code to Calc #529923

      Sorry the keys were not in the car. Here you go. Just have the car back by 11PM..

      Sub StartMappedCalc()
      Dim TtlCount As String
      Counter = 0
      Range(“R_Mapped_Cells”) = “=CountA(table_01)”
      Range(“R_Mapped_Cells”).Value = Range(“R_Mapped_Cells”)
      TtlCount = Range(“R_Mapped_Cells”)
      For Each Cell_In_Loop In Range(“Table_01”)
      Counter = Counter + 1
      Application.StatusBar = “Mapped Cell Being Calculated: ” & Counter & “/” & TtlCount & “”
      Application.StatusBar = False
      End Sub

    • in reply to: XL97 VBA Calculation Error #528481

      I tried the code you suggested and continue to encounter the same problem. Any ideas?

    • in reply to: XL 97 File Opens Multiple Times #525668

      Believe it or not, the file was saved with 2 additional windows and when it was retrieved, XL treated them as individual files. Once the windows were closed, the problem went away.

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