• WSJayden



    Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 173 total)
    • in reply to: I cannot install Visual Basic .NET 2003 (Windows XP SP1) #977549

      Great. Good to hear it worked. Hopefully it all works okay and that no ‘essential’ pre-requisite has been missed….

      As far as I could tell, and remember, the problem of not having the pre-requisites installed seeemed to be a bit bogus.

      Thanks John and Rory. Always nice to help out.


    • in reply to: I cannot install Visual Basic .NET 2003 (Windows XP SP1) #977244

      From the command line, try running the setupsetup.exe with the following switch “Setup.exe /NO_BSLN_CHECK”

      ie. if you CD drive is D: then

      D:SetupSetup.exe /NO_BSLN_CHECK

      I didn’t have to do this, I managed to get it to recognise the pre-requisite install in the end…but this may (or may not help). This switch apparently disables the basline prerequisite check (I haven’t tried it myself to be honest).


    • in reply to: I cannot install Visual Basic .NET 2003 (Windows XP SP1) #977038

      On disc 1 : I think it is the setup folder, then the setup.exe you should run. Make sure you have the .net 1.1 framework installed first though.

      Hope this helps.

    • in reply to: I cannot install Visual Basic .NET 2003 (Windows XP SP1) #977037

      On the setup CD, there is a setup file located one subfolder down. If you run this, setup will proceed as normal.

      I had the same problem , and I’m sorry I can’t be more specific, but I did find an article on it on a Microsoft Web Site somewhere …

      I will find the install CD and give better instructions shortly.


    • in reply to: Using DLL without registring it (VBA / VB6) #913499

      Great thanks, I will have a look at these. Look like exactly what I was after (but couldn’t find) . Thanks .

    • in reply to: Using DLL without registring it (VBA / VB6) #913500

      Great thanks, I will have a look at these. Look like exactly what I was after (but couldn’t find) . Thanks .

    • in reply to: Case sensitive password (Access 2000>) #881843

      I also like using the StrComp function.

      This takes the argumes StrComp(String1,String2, [compare method]). The compare method you can set to compare binary (vbBinaryCompare)

      The reason I like this, is that you don’t have to worry about other ‘binary’ comparisons (the less common) through the rest of the module, as you do when you set the whole module to Binary comparisons. But it is only a preference thing.



    • in reply to: Case sensitive password (Access 2000>) #881844

      I also like using the StrComp function.

      This takes the argumes StrComp(String1,String2, [compare method]). The compare method you can set to compare binary (vbBinaryCompare)

      The reason I like this, is that you don’t have to worry about other ‘binary’ comparisons (the less common) through the rest of the module, as you do when you set the whole module to Binary comparisons. But it is only a preference thing.



    • in reply to: Dialog Text Missing .Net apps (VB.NET) #881729

      Okay, the problem was definitely McAffee VirusScan Enteprise V8 upgrade….

      It appears that the “Buffer Overflow Protection” that is enabled causes this problem.

      The resolution is to disable McAffee Buffer Overflow Protection in the McAffee console window … and viola, the problem is resolved!

      So…my next question…why would McAffee be picking up the Show method of the MessageBox class as being a problem with Buffer Overflow? The interesting point is the overloaded method using the MessageBoxOptions argument is NOT picked up as violating this?

      Seems strange to me…

      Anyway, thanks for your help Mark.

    • in reply to: Dialog Text Missing .Net apps (VB.NET) #881730

      Okay, the problem was definitely McAffee VirusScan Enteprise V8 upgrade….

      It appears that the “Buffer Overflow Protection” that is enabled causes this problem.

      The resolution is to disable McAffee Buffer Overflow Protection in the McAffee console window … and viola, the problem is resolved!

      So…my next question…why would McAffee be picking up the Show method of the MessageBox class as being a problem with Buffer Overflow? The interesting point is the overloaded method using the MessageBoxOptions argument is NOT picked up as violating this?

      Seems strange to me…

      Anyway, thanks for your help Mark.

    • in reply to: Dialog Text Missing .Net apps (VB.NET) #881723

      It looks like it is the upgrade to McAffee VirusScan Enterprise 8 that has caused this problem! We are now experiencing it through-out the company on those PCs that have been upgraded to the newest version of VirusScan.

      We will continue testing and post any more info here, including the fix if we find one.


    • in reply to: Dialog Text Missing .Net apps (VB.NET) #881724

      It looks like it is the upgrade to McAffee VirusScan Enterprise 8 that has caused this problem! We are now experiencing it through-out the company on those PCs that have been upgraded to the newest version of VirusScan.

      We will continue testing and post any more info here, including the fix if we find one.


    • in reply to: Dialog Text Missing .Net apps (VB.NET) #881707


      Thanks mark . You have added another piece to the puzzle, hopefully getting us closer to a resolution….

      I tried messagebox.show with the option of MessageBoxOptions.DefaultDesktopOnly and this displays the text.

      However, i don’t want to have to convert all my current applications to using this .. also, I get dialogs from the .NET framework with missing text still (they are not obviously using this option). Clicking these at random is a bit risky (I did a SP upgrade for the .net framework and got a dialog box with no text…so had to just guess what to click … it was asking if I wanted to restart my computer).

      There must be something somewhere where a settings has been upset?


    • in reply to: Dialog Text Missing .Net apps (VB.NET) #881708


      Thanks mark . You have added another piece to the puzzle, hopefully getting us closer to a resolution….

      I tried messagebox.show with the option of MessageBoxOptions.DefaultDesktopOnly and this displays the text.

      However, i don’t want to have to convert all my current applications to using this .. also, I get dialogs from the .NET framework with missing text still (they are not obviously using this option). Clicking these at random is a bit risky (I did a SP upgrade for the .net framework and got a dialog box with no text…so had to just guess what to click … it was asking if I wanted to restart my computer).

      There must be something somewhere where a settings has been upset?


    • in reply to: Parameter query (97) #880477

      When ever prompted for dates, I always like to enter them dd mmm yyyy (ie. 2 sep 2004). This way, there is absolutely no ambiquity in what I intend the date to be (and MS Access handles the convertion correctly). This may help you in the future (although probably not with this particular problem )

      Like you Patric, being in New Zealand, our dates are regionally formatted dd/mm/yyyy , but because of the more ‘native’ use of mm/dd/yyyy I have had a great deal of headaches in the past.

      Glad you found a solution.

    Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 173 total)