• WSJanB



    Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 666 total)
    • in reply to: Excel build-in commands #1286710

      Thanks for the update Rory.


    • in reply to: Excel 2007 doesn’t quit #1286709

      Thanks Rory, that does the trick!


    • in reply to: Excel 2007 doesn’t quit #1286708

      Thanks again, RetiredGeek


    • in reply to: Excel 2007 doesn’t quit #1286557


      See this link.:cheers:

      Great find, thanks!
      But I still wonder if it can be fixed with some VBA code.


    • in reply to: Slanted cell borders (Excel (All)) #1078402

      Thank you very much!
      Very neat trick. cool

    • in reply to: Text form fields and character style (2003/SP2) #1061422

      We too had problems regarding FormFields and MS Mincho when we updated from Office97 to Office2003. We eventually decided to remove MS Mincho from our PC’s and that resulted in the Arial font being replaced by Arial Unicode. See my post 354,936.

    • Thanks for the confirmation Don.

    • Maybe the custom toolbar is “protected”. Don’t know much about Excel, but in Word it’s possible to hide a toolbar from the list in Tools – Customize – Toolbars, with one line of VBA code:

      ActiveDocument.Commandbars(“MyBar”).Protection = msoBarNoChangeVisible

      To make it visible again, just use:

      ActiveDocument.Commandbars(“MyBar”).Protection = msoBarNoProtection

      I wouldn’t be surprised if something like this is possible in Excel.

    • in reply to: Data storage past and present #1060475

      Sinclair Spectrum… That sure brings back memories… A friend keeps every computer he ever owned in working order, in a kinda “museum” in the attic. When his Spectrum died, I gave hime mine, which is still live and kicking, including a microdrive. Every once in a while I pay my Spectrum a visit. smile

    • in reply to: Data storage past and present #1060223

      Found on this site:
      Punch Cards
      Punched Tape
      Magnetic Drum 10 KB
      Laser Disc
      DVD Double Layer 8.3 Gb
      HD DVD 15 GB per layer
      Blue Ray Disc 25 GB per layer
      HVD (Holographic Versatile Disc) 3.9 TB (not available to you yet… smile)

    • in reply to: Any reason key map gets undone? (Word 2003 SP2) #1059037

      You’re welcome Kim.
      This little sub prints all keybindings found in the attached template of a document at the location of the cursor in that document. So you can check if any is present:

      Sub PrintKeyBindings()
      Dim aKey As KeyBinding
      CustomizationContext = ActiveDocument.AttachedTemplate
      For Each aKey In KeyBindings
      Selection.InsertAfter aKey.Command & vbTab & aKey.KeyString & vbCr
      Next aKey
      End Sub

    • in reply to: Any reason key map gets undone? (Word 2003 SP2) #1058872

      Hi Kim,

      That’s exactly the reason why keybindings are removed when you run VBA Code Cleaner: all modules are first removed from the project and then added again. To add the keybindings again, you could run a little macro like this. Needless to say that you have to repeat the last line for every key you want to bind:

      Sub AddKeyBindings()
      CustomizationContext = ActiveDocument.AttachedTemplate ‘Or another template
      KeyBindings.Add KeyCode:=BuildKeyCode(wdKeyQ, wdKeyAlt), KeyCategory:=wdKeyCategoryMacro, Command:=”MySub”
      End Sub

    • in reply to: Computer sometimes doesn’t start! #1058091

      Additional info I forgot to mention yesterday: occasionally, after a few tries, the PC starts up in the BIOS screen stating that the CPU speed wasn’t valid on startup. But it invariably shows the correct speed… This happens maybe 1 out of 10 times I do a cold boot of the PC.

    • in reply to: background picture/paper (2000 or newer) #1057907

      >> Laser printers and inkjet printers cannot print to the edge of the paper

      Not sure if that’s still entirely true for all inkjet printers Hans. I reveived a photo on A4 without white borders from my brother who printed that himself. Don’t know the make and model of his printer right now, but I could ask. Maybe my Canon IP4300 is capable of that too, haven’t tried that yet. But it can print without borders on 10×15 cm.

    • in reply to: Computer sometimes doesn’t start! #1057897

      I was away a few days so couldn’t chime in earlier.
      I’m having the exact same problem with starting up the 4 1/2 year old computer. One of our Tech guys suggested that the Bios battery was at the end of its life and had to be replaced. After I did that, things indeed changed for the better, but only for a day or two. Then the problem happened again. So that wasn’t the culprit after all. sad
      Another Tech guy now suggests that it might be the Power Supply Unit. Haven’t tested that yet; I don’t have another PSU available at the moment. And because I decided to buy a new box this summer, it’s not high on my priority list. But I’m very much interested if you discover the cause of this problem.

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