• WSHubert_NY



    Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 84 total)
    • I guess this is a bug in Office 2000, SR-1 based on the KB article here.

    • in reply to: GetAddress from Global Address List? (Word/2000-SR1) #669996


      Bummer about the job and the lost code and good luck venturing forth where ever your next career choices may lead…

      After hitting dead-ends trying to getting the GAL to be viewed as just another contacts folder, I decided to use GetAddress with the parameter DisplaySelectDialog:=True and directing my users to pull the name only from the GAL. I then run a very poor test–checking to see if the “” field in the address layout returns any valid information–to try to verify that the name came from the GAL. (While this field isn’t ‘normally’ populated in an ordinary contact, it will be populated if the user selects a synchronized off-line address book or if the contact was downloaded from the GAL.)

      However, for my needs, I think this is about as much as I need to guarantee the information that I retrieve–on the principal that if the users don’t want to or can’t follow instructions and then ask for information from their own personal information store, it then falls to the user to manually verify the info returned by my function.

      Nonetheless–thanks for looking at this–every deadend only helps to further my comprehend the limitations of what is possible (or at least the limitations of what is possible for me!).

    • in reply to: GetAddress from Global Address List? (Word/2000-SR1) #669482

      Thanks Gary. Seems like a good plan so I’ve started down the path of looking at the OL object model, but i’ve hit a little roadblock trying to get any information about an item in my GAL using this method. Essentially, I need to get the display name, first name, initials, job title and phone number information from the GAL–any thoughts on where to go from here?

      Dim myOlApp As Outlook.Application
      Dim myNameSpace As Outlook.NameSpace
      Dim myAddList As Outlook.AddressList
      Dim myAddEntries As Outlook.AddressEntries
      Dim myAddEntry As Outlook.AddressEntry

      Set myOlApp = CreateObject(“Outlook.Application”)
      Set myNameSpace = myOlApp.GetNamespace(“MAPI”)
      Set myAddList = myNameSpace.AddressLists(“Global Address List”)
      Set myAddEntries = myAddList.AddressEntries
      Set myAddEntry = myAddEntries.Item(“Schmo, Joe”)

      Debug.Print myAddEntry.Address ‘gets the default email address

    • in reply to: Too many holidays (2000 sr1a) #669229

      John’s approach certainly works and ensures that you only get the duplicates (in case one list or the other is more thorough). But here are two slightly faster ways to tackle this…

      Categories Method (assuming both holiday sources put all the holiday events in the “Holiday” category)
      (1) From your calendar, select View | Current View | By Category.
      (2) Your holidays should all be in the category “Holidays”. Expand that tree.
      (3) Delete all the items (or all the items after 1/1/2003 if you want to retain historical holiday events). All of your holidays should be deleted.
      (4) Add your holidays back in from Tools | Options… Calendar Options… Add Holidays…

      Date/Time Stamp Method
      Each holiday that you add to your calendar is an “event”; each “event” in your calendar is date-time stamped when it is created (in this case, with two distinct date-time ranges when chose to add holidays).. So all you have to do is sort your calendar by the date-time each event was created and the two sets of holidays that you added should appear in two groups. You can then shift-select and delete the appropriate group.

      (1) Put your calendar in event view.
      (2) Add the “Created” field which will insert the date each event was created in your calendar. To do this:
      (a) Right-click on a title/heading in that view and select Field Chooser
      ( Select the item “Created” (available from either the Date/Time Fields category or the Frequently Used Fields category)
      © Drag that item to the heading of your view
      (3) Click on the new “Created” field to sort by the time you added events to your calendar. Shift-select the group of holidays that you’d like to delete.

    • in reply to: Regain built-in style (XP) #665500


      Thanks for this tip. I like this solution better than using organizer because you don’t have to worry about the possibility that the user may have altered the styles in the normal.dot.

      However, there are two potential problems with this solution–at least in Word2000. First, if you delete a style that is in use, all text using the deleted style will revert to ‘normal’ (for paragraph styles) and to ‘default paragraph font’ (for character styles). And, second, not all styles will allow themselves to be deleted (such as “normal”, or heading styles).

      Nonetheless–in my case, looking to reformat all footnote reference marks with the footnote reference style–that’s exactly the behavior I’m looking for (and then I can re-establish the footnote reference style by doing a simple search and replace in both the document and footnote stories.

    • in reply to: MailItem–Internet Header (2000/SR-1) #664765

      i just found some Microsoft sample code here and it does the trick.

    • in reply to: Word Style List Box (Word 2000 sr1) #662655

      I’ve seen this happen where the “style” drop-down box on a toolbar was inserted via code instead of through the user-interface and a few other times where the toolbar items have just been messed up. If this is the issue…

      Go to customize the toolbars and remove all of the “Style” drop-down boxes in this person’s Word session. Then, in the customize dialog box, on the “Commands” tab, drag a new “Style” drop-down box onto the menu.

      Hope this helps…

    • in reply to: Printing Field w/Monthly Calendar (Outlook 2000) #662262

      Slipstick has a Word template that will read your appointments from Outlook and includes the locations with your appointment items. You can download it here.

    • in reply to: Locked PSTs (2000-SR1) #660096

      We’re running Outlook 2000 on Windows 2000 workstations; Exchange Server 5.5 is running on NT4 and the file servers (where the PSTs are located) are running NT4.

      One other piece of info–one of our users (actually, one of our IT guys) thinks that when he used to log on to a second computer, the second machine would take over the ownership of his PSTs such that he could then use the PSTs on the second machine and they would become locked on the first computer. At about the same time that we started finding a lot of users’ having locked PSTs, our IT guy noticed that if a PST’s folders were expanded on the first computer, the first computer would no longer relinquish ownership of the PST to the second computer. Unfortunately, not yet being able to travel back in time, we can’t replicate this scenario to confirm this storyline. However, the timing is strange!

    • in reply to: linked vs. embedded pictures (2000) #660047

      The pictures are inserted via field codes; the INCLUDEPICTURE field code has a switch which specifies whether the picture should be a “link” or if the picture should be embedded into the document. To switch from an embedded file to a linked file, you’ll need to edit these field codes.

      If you hit Alt-F9 in your document, your pictures should appear as a field code with squiggly brackets which contain the following code…

      {INCLUDEPICTURE [filename and path] * MERGEFORMAT }

      You will simply add the switch the remove the embedding to this field code by typing a space then “d” after the word “MERGEFORMAT” as in….

      {INCLUDEPICTURE [filename and path] * MERGEFORMAT d}.

      To update the field code, you simply hit F9. You can do this one by one or select the entire document and then hit the F9 key.

    • Works in 2000 as well. Thanks Pieter!

    • in reply to: String Commands Stopped Working? (VBA-OF2000 SR-1) #656832

      thanks bryan! somehow, this user’s machine lost its Microsoft Scripting Runtime (scrrun.dll)–it had had it yesterday and for many months before but today, it just didn’t exist anymore. anyhow, i copied a new one onto her system, re-registered it and everything’s running smoothly now. thanks again!

    • in reply to: SpinButton Control (VBA/Office2000 SR-1) #652867

      Thanks all for looking at this–and thank you Jefferson. The extra line solves the problem and, although I don’t know why, I don’t think I need to!

    • in reply to: Export Calendar to word (XP) #652590

      Slipstick has a couple of Word templates for importing Outlook calendars that are available under Printing Tools here.

    • in reply to: Contact Nicknames (Outlook 2000) #652579

      Ctrl-K is a handy shortcut for activating your address book (which I had forgotten) but does not (at least in my testing) create a nickname. In my testing, the nickname only gets created if I wait for the red squiggly line and right-click.

    Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 84 total)