• WSHoward Kaikow

    WSHoward Kaikow


    Viewing 15 replies - 8,311 through 8,325 (of 8,350 total)
    • in reply to: VB vs. VBA #514914

      If you intend to do serious programming, then you are better off learning VB first.

      VBA is, in effect, the “core” common subset of VB.
      However, NONE of the VBA books I have seen have adequate coverage of many important areas. I rely on VB books to learn how to do certain things in VBA because Microsoft’s documentation is so inadequate and the VBA books are so watered down, …!

      I would suggest starting with a book such as Gary Cornell’s Visual Basic 6 from the Ground Up. That book is useful both as a learning tool and as a reference.

      You would also need the VB 6 Programmer’s Guide and the Office 2000 VB Programmer’s Guide.

      Before getting Office 97, I purchased the VB 5 Learning Edition. It was an inexpensive way to learn VB before moving on to VBA in Office 97, as VBA in Office 97 is based on VB 5.

      Now, you would purchase the VB 6 Learning edition, as VBA in Office 2000 is based on VB 6.

      The time spent learning VB will pay off many times over in easing the VBA learning/coding tasks.

      Note, as I understand it, Office XP will have VBA 6.3, so VBA will still be available in Office XP.

    • in reply to: Time/Clock #514308

      Do you use Norton Auntie Virus?

      If so, make sure that you have the latest software updates and virus definitions.

    • in reply to: Who called me? #2 #514268

      Not only is it easy, it may be the best way as it avoids having to know the names of the controls/toolbars/menus.

    • in reply to: Monday Morning Office 2K Bluesnd #1777892

      Have you tried setting your default printer to “Print to File”?

    • in reply to: Harddisk dead? #513421

      Ayup, your disk is dead.

      I had that happen almost two years ago.

      If your system is still under warranty, you should be able to get a free replacement.

      Otherwise, disk drives have really come down in price the last few years.

      Take a look at http://www.dirtcheapdrives.com[/url%5D, http://www.insight.com[/url%5D and http://www.buy.com[/url%5D, as well as using a price search engine once you decide what drive you want.

    • in reply to: Word Books (incl VBA) #513420

      Also see http://www.standards.com/ipusers/standards/word.html%5B/url%5D.

    • in reply to: Javascript- Going thorough images in a page #513057

      Well, I made the mistake of buying the Pure Javascript book. So far, I’ve only read the first 40, or so, pages.

      The book has several fundamental errors, including not properly explaining bitwise and logical operations.

      In addition, it calls E “Euler’s constant”. E is not Euler’s constant, rather it is the base for natural logarithms.

      I’ll continue reading the introductory portion (about 160 pages), but the fundamental errors I mention above give me little faith in the book.

    • in reply to: Macro training #513058

      see the list of books at http://www.standards.com/ipusers/standards/word.html.

    • in reply to: Creating XML from Word #512381

      O’Reilly recently published XML in a Nutshell (ISBN: 0596000588).

      They also have a book Learning XML.

      I’ve not seen either.

    • in reply to: Password Invoice.xlt #512005

      The macros in invoice.xlt are password protected because MSFT doesn’t want you to see the code.

    • in reply to: A Good ISP #1776977

      Post deleted by navir

    • in reply to: AutoExit Event Fires Twice #511325

      Code executing more than once can do harm or it may not do harm.

      Depends on the code.

      If there is a possibility of more than one AutoExit running, then each has to fend for itself and take care to keep track of things AS IF it were the only AutoExit running.

    • in reply to: Word 2000 #1776578

      The problem can occur if the AutoExec is in the Normal template or in a template loaded at startup.

      Startup templates might be in any of a number of directories. Check Tools | Templates & Add-ins to see what you have.

      There’s an AutoExec macro in one of those critters.

    • in reply to: Automatically include file-path in header/footer #511153

      Insert the FILENAME field, using the /p option, and also the PAGE field.

    • in reply to: Word 2K-Won’t Release #510537

      Yes, and sometimes there may be more than 1 Word process.
      You gotta kill all of them.

    Viewing 15 replies - 8,311 through 8,325 (of 8,350 total)