• WSherworth



    Viewing 15 replies - 61 through 75 (of 263 total)
    • in reply to: Dealing with form modal (O2K) #835125

      I’ve worked out FaxCom.dll so I’ve got it to work properly now thanks, Hans. It was actually pretty straightforward once I got my head round FaxComLib Classes and Properties.

      Thanks again. (If anyone wants to see the code I’ll happily post it)

    • in reply to: Dealing with form modal (O2K) #835126

      I’ve worked out FaxCom.dll so I’ve got it to work properly now thanks, Hans. It was actually pretty straightforward once I got my head round FaxComLib Classes and Properties.

      Thanks again. (If anyone wants to see the code I’ll happily post it)

    • in reply to: Dealing with form modal (O2K) #834966

      What I’m trying to do is automate the MS Fax. I can get as far as print on the fax and at this point the Send Fax Wizard pops up. I don’t know the code for manipulating fax from office so if I could get sndkeys to work that would do. This is my code so far:
      Sub SendtoFax()
      Dim strStyle(3) As String, strText(3) As String, x As Long

      strStyle(1) = “Company”
      strStyle(2) = “FaxNum”
      strStyle(3) = “Subject”
      Dim strTitle As String
      For x = 1 To 3
      Selection.HomeKey unit:=wdStory
      Selection.Find.Style = ActiveDocument.Styles(strStyle(x))
      With Selection.Find
      .Text = “”
      .Forward = True
      .Wrap = wdFindStop
      End With
      If Selection.Find.Found = True Then strText(x) = Selection
      Next x
      ‘MsgBox strText(1) & ” ” & strText(2) & ” ” & strText(3) – test line
      strTitle = ActiveDocument.Path & “” & ActiveDocument.Name
      Printon “Fax”
      ….. at this point Wizard

      (Printon() is my own func for changing printer then reverting to default). I’ve tried automation with FAXCOMLib.dll but I can’t get it to recognise the fax server either.

      I’d appreciate more of your wisdom. Thanks.

    • in reply to: Dealing with form modal (O2K) #834967

      What I’m trying to do is automate the MS Fax. I can get as far as print on the fax and at this point the Send Fax Wizard pops up. I don’t know the code for manipulating fax from office so if I could get sndkeys to work that would do. This is my code so far:
      Sub SendtoFax()
      Dim strStyle(3) As String, strText(3) As String, x As Long

      strStyle(1) = “Company”
      strStyle(2) = “FaxNum”
      strStyle(3) = “Subject”
      Dim strTitle As String
      For x = 1 To 3
      Selection.HomeKey unit:=wdStory
      Selection.Find.Style = ActiveDocument.Styles(strStyle(x))
      With Selection.Find
      .Text = “”
      .Forward = True
      .Wrap = wdFindStop
      End With
      If Selection.Find.Found = True Then strText(x) = Selection
      Next x
      ‘MsgBox strText(1) & ” ” & strText(2) & ” ” & strText(3) – test line
      strTitle = ActiveDocument.Path & “” & ActiveDocument.Name
      Printon “Fax”
      ….. at this point Wizard

      (Printon() is my own func for changing printer then reverting to default). I’ve tried automation with FAXCOMLib.dll but I can’t get it to recognise the fax server either.

      I’d appreciate more of your wisdom. Thanks.

    • in reply to: Outlook 2k and Winfax (2k) #831288

      That did the trick. Thanks alot.
      I can’t believe I didn’t think to look at that. I’ve spent ages sifting through the registry!
      Thanks again.

    • in reply to: Outlook 2k and Winfax (2k) #831289

      That did the trick. Thanks alot.
      I can’t believe I didn’t think to look at that. I’ve spent ages sifting through the registry!
      Thanks again.

    • in reply to: Outlook 2k and Winfax (2k) #831030

      Thanks John but I’ve already checked that. It only works on Outlook buttons these Winfax buttons won’t budge.

    • in reply to: Calendar Pop up (2000 SP3) #828213

      Have a look at post 15613. I think its originally for A97 but I’ve used it in A2k for some years now.

    • in reply to: Calendar Pop up (2000 SP3) #828214

      Have a look at post 15613. I think its originally for A97 but I’ve used it in A2k for some years now.

    • in reply to: Want program that does nothing! #794343

      You may have found what you’re after by now but if you use Autoit to create DOSOMETHINGNASTY.au3 with Sleep(“1000”) you could compile it to run for 1 sec doing nothing.

    • in reply to: Want program that does nothing! #794344

      You may have found what you’re after by now but if you use Autoit to create DOSOMETHINGNASTY.au3 with Sleep(“1000”) you could compile it to run for 1 sec doing nothing.

    • in reply to: Scanner (WinXP ProBrother 3100C Scanner) #1808234

      I don’t do much of this but I’ve had pretty good results with a free software called SimpleOCR. You can check it out here.

    • in reply to: Lose settings when cut & paste in text box (Publisher 2000) #773008

      I think the best you can do is create a style when you have it just right based how you want it. You can set colour indents font etc. Then every you time you cut and paste click the stylr to set up your text as ot should be. It’s still a fuss but better than having to make all the changes every time

    • in reply to: Lose settings when cut & paste in text box (Publisher 2000) #773009

      I think the best you can do is create a style when you have it just right based how you want it. You can set colour indents font etc. Then every you time you cut and paste click the stylr to set up your text as ot should be. It’s still a fuss but better than having to make all the changes every time

    • in reply to: Convert To PDF? (2000) #773002

      Hi there desrev1
      If you have Acrobat (full) you just need to print your publisher doc to the AcrobatPDF printer. I believe there are freeware equivalents of Acrobat available. If you do a search of the Lounge the subject (ie Free PDF converters) has already been covered.

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