• WSherworth



    Viewing 15 replies - 226 through 240 (of 263 total)
    • in reply to: Mailmerge from Access2K (Access/Word 2k (no SR)) #561715

      Thanks alot. That’s sorted it.

    • in reply to: IE6 – Worthwhile? (W2K) #559229

      Thanks for your advice too

    • in reply to: IE6 – Worthwhile? (W2K) #559228

      Thanks for the help. I’ve upgraded to 6 so we’ll see how it goes.

    • in reply to: Calculating Age (Access 2000) #545887

      If you don’t want it exact to the day then your query needs a calculated field ,say, AGE:(Now()-[DOB])/365. Assuming your field is called[DOB] and you want your new field to be called [AGE]. This should give you the age in years to 2 (or more) decimal places (i haven’t actually tried it but I’m pretty sure).
      Peter Herworth

    • in reply to: Acrobat and Publisher (2000 SP1a) #545034

      I’ve used Acrobat and Publisher many times and it works superbly. Acrobat creates a print driver and instead of printing to your printer you print to a PDF.
      Simple and effective. I can recommend it.
      Peter Herworth

    • in reply to: Append Query (Access 2000) #544698

      I was a little hasty with my response before and didn’t think properly. The code I refered to is applied to ‘After_Update’ property of one of the fields you are updating (not Invoice No). I then have a small form based on a query which queries the last invoice no of the table you are working on. The After UD code looks up the small form and makes ‘Invoice No’ of new record ‘Last No’ (from small form) +1. It sounds long-winded but I promise you the code whizzes through it.
      (I hope you understand what I’m trying to explain).
      Peter Herworth

    • in reply to: Append Query (Access 2000) #544692

      I did something similar with record nos where autonumber was not suitable. If you add code to the before update property of the ‘invoice no’ field (not part of your append query code) which looks up the previous record and adds 1, I think you will find this works.
      Peter Herworth

    • in reply to: If statements in merge docs (Word 2000) #542511

      Check this site http://www.mvps.org/word/FAQs/index6.html
      I think you’ll find your answer.
      Peter Herworth

      GeoffW – hyperlinks added

    • in reply to: Echo Off (xl 2k) #542404

      That did it for me. Thanks a lot.
      I really should have been able to find that for myself. Perhaps this forum makes it too easy for us – but it is a great help.
      Thanks again.
      Peter Herworth

    • in reply to: Mail merge (Office 2k) #541433

      I find it much better to run ‘transfertext’ to a .txt file and then ‘runapp’ (or shell) to open the Word file which is merged with the specific .txt file. Otherwise I always found that Word tried to open Access again and all sorts of little annoyances occurred. You can do it with a macro or code whichever is easier for you.
      Peter Herworth

    • in reply to: Options (Access 2000) #540114

      Try this:
      If “Your Option Group Name (not Me!optTCHistory)” = 1 Then
      DoCmd.OpenReport “rptEmployee”, acViewPreview, “”, “”, acNormal
      DoCmd.OpenReport “rptEmployee Benefits”, acViewPreview, “”, “”, acNormal
      End If
      End Sub
      This defaults to the second option. You could of course, turn it round. But I think you must have the name of the whole option group rather than the name of each option.
      Best of luck.
      Peter herworth

    • in reply to: Inserting Rollovers (2000) #1787603

      If you know the code for it , open your web page, go to view source and insert your code in Notepad. Save ,close, refresh web page and there it is!

    • in reply to: Not displaying #N/A within an Array formula (Excel 97) #539470

      Your answer was in a recent WOW mailer but I can’t remember which one (2 or 3 issues back). You use “=IF(ISNA(Your Formula),0,(Your Formula))”.

    • in reply to: Click area (A2K) #536791

      You can do it with labels (anywhere within the label) by setting the on-click property to code or a macro. So although I haven’t tried it without any text I’m sure you would get your invisible area with a blank label and some code. If it wont accept a blank label put some text in with the font colour set to background colour.

    • in reply to: Access to Word (Office 2000 Premium) #535229

      Thanks Charlotte – I suspected something like that.. The trouble is because it is asynchronous I can’t close it from within the code until I’ve checked and printed it and I need to check it first. Is there a way round that or am I going to have to start learning something new with these samples I’ve downloaded from the site you mention.
      Thanks again. I’ll try it
      Peter H

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