• WSgrugeon



    Viewing 15 replies - 31 through 45 (of 332 total)
    • in reply to: Printing Problem (Excel XP) #636458

      You say the % doesn’t change. It doesn’t have to. The page all fits OK at 100%.

    • in reply to: Importing from Clarion??? (2ksr1) #636442

      You could try this link. You might then be able to use Perl to extract the data and make a text file. I haven’t tried it but if you want to spend TIME rather than MONEY it could be the way to go.


    • in reply to: DCOM error on Current (Access97-SR2) #636140

      What is the error message?

    • in reply to: Copying tables (A97 SR2) #635056

      I have a completely different way of approaching this.

      1. Copy the whole back end database to a new name. This becomes your back up
      2. Empty all (or some) tables in the current back end database
      3. Continue to use the curent database for the new year.


    • in reply to: Packaging an Access DB (Access 2002) #632062

      I think one thing you need to decide is whether your client will have access installed, and whether it is the same version you are using. If your client has the same version of access you should be able to just send the MDB or MDE (if you want to hide the code). The main issue will be if references need to be set.

      If your client does not have access or has a different version you will need to package a runtime edition of access. That means you have to have developer. You can package using developer wizard and look at a thread here on MDAC which the packager does not necessarily pick up. but you will need to have access to a test machine without Access installed to make sure the package works. Preferably the test machine should have the same OS and general set up as your client’s machine.

    • in reply to: File Importing (Access 2000) #631612

      A scanned document is an image (unless you OCR it and turn it into a document). It is possible to include images in a database as OLE objects but it is better not to. The preferable route is to save the documents in a directory as separate files and include a path to them in a text field in the database.

    • in reply to: Database format (Access 2000) #631608

      I would say definitely one DB. Otherwise you will get differences and maintaining will be a nightmare. Set up a table with two fields: DeptID (Autonumber Primary Key) and Department Name. Then include DeptID as a long with a forced one to many relationship in other relevant tables. In your forms you can use this field in your query or filter, when you want to see just one dept.

    • in reply to: OpenForm (2000) #631605

      What code have you in the frmOrderDetail? Particularly in its Open event?

    • in reply to: Settings – O2K to Office XP (WinXP Pro/Office XP) #631305

      Right click the toolbar area, Customise, Toolbars, select the toolbar you want to get rid of from the list (select it, not the checkbox) and click delete.

      To hide the toolbars, use the same process but uncheck the box instead of deleting. Unless the toolbars are being shown by an autoexec macro they will stay hidden.

    • in reply to: close forms (2k or 97 ) #631298

      OK. Now I understand what we are trying to achieve. The way I deal with this is usually to open a form at startup which has the stuff I described above to prevent it closing or to bring up a message box “Did you really want to exit the application?”. Until the Yes of the messagebox is clicked the application cannot be closed (other than through task manager or pulling out the plug!)

    • in reply to: Report loses page setup (2000 Sr 1) #630966

      It is probably a windows issue. The printer name or path is specified differently on the different computers and Access therefore cannot recognise it. This could occur if it is a local printer on your PC but a network printer for the others. Or because it is on an automatically allocated network port. For each machine this would depend on the order all printers are set up.

    • in reply to: close forms (2k or 97 ) #630964

      Sorry, I had not read your post carefully enough. A report does not have an unload event and therefore closing cannot be cancelled.

      If you could let us know why you want to prevent the form being closed by the x (close box) we could possibly suggest another way of dealing with the problem.

    • in reply to: close forms (2k or 97 ) #630701

      Create a public variable called boolFormCloseable
      In the open event of the form set it to false
      In the unload event put

      If boolFormCloseable = false then
      End if

      In the code for the close method you want used put

      boolFormCloseable = true

      before the code to close the form.

    • in reply to: Aligning Text to Bottom in Report Datafield (2002) #629187

      You could only do this in code by setting the TopMargin property. It would be tricky to work out what to set it to though.

    • in reply to: borders on every line ‘inside’ a multiline textbox (2k) #628220

      How about scanning in an image of the form and using that in the form picture property and then placing transparent bordeless text boxes on top of it.

    Viewing 15 replies - 31 through 45 (of 332 total)