• WSgrugeon



    Viewing 15 replies - 316 through 330 (of 332 total)
    • in reply to: Export a Range as text #510827

      Try using Print to file using a generic printer.

    • in reply to: Styles Problem #510822

      Docs created by the users may be based on their individual Normal.dot templates. The Firm.dot may only be used for toolbars, macros etc which do not have to be in individual docs.

      If so, rather than a drop-down styles toolbar you will need to create something which would run a macro when a style was selected. The macro would copy the style from firm.dot to the current document. It would then apply that style to the current para.

      I do not think you can make a drop down list that looks quite like the one you use for styles. You may need to consider a drop-down menu or a dialogue box with radio buttons.

    • in reply to: Access2K hangs #510818

      Does the form have any code which runs when it closes? If so could this code require some component which is not on theis particular PC?

    • in reply to: Track changes to a db #510815

      Your network login script may put a variable such as “username” in as an environment variable and you could use this. To find out go to the command prompt (Yes! good old DOS) and type SET.

    • in reply to: Office Toolbar #510799

      Thanks Keely. You said what I would have said.

      I would add that if you do not want to set all the printer settings to standard settings when you print using the button you just edit the macro and delete all the settings you want to leave as they are. For example if you do not want FileName:=”” you can delete it.

      I tend to leave only the line:

      ActivePrinter = “FILE2lgs01”

      This just switches the printer.

      Now the fun bit – how do we get the macro on the shortcut bar. I have not done a generic solution but one possibility if you were using it to print word documents only would be to create a shortcut to word which automatically ran the macro.

      This would look something like “C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeOfficeWINWORD.EXE /mPrinter1” (I have not tried this and do not have the time at the moment to do so) You may need to add “%1” to get it to load the selected document.

      Someone may have a better solution using scripting. I have never used it.

      Another solution you might consider is to add the printers to your “send to” list on your right click. To do this you open Start/Settings/Printers and right click and drag the item into Profiles/Yourname/Send To. (Different setups will have the “Send to” directory in other places, but it is there somewhere) When you release the right button you can select Shortcut.

      Hey! You could put the shortcuts into the Office Toolbar directory and it will work the same way. I think.

      There are many ways to kill a cat

    • in reply to: printing problems #1776129

      Possibilities. To change to landscape she may be using printer properties. If so they will stay changed. If she uses page setup that only affects the particular document.

      Or – her setting in the template she is using may be being altered. She should start by opening a new blank document, go to page setup make sure it is set how she wants it and then click the default button then close Word. There is no need to save the document. There may be a message about saving Normal.dot. If so click OK.

      That should fix it for new documents based on normal.dot.

      New documents based on other templates will carry whatever the setting in the particular template is. The procedure is the same except you create a new document based on the particular template to fix that template.

    • in reply to: Compare 2 columns? #510693

      Select the second column
      Format/Conditional Formatting
      set it to Value is not equal to address of first cell in first column (no $s)
      Click the format button select the Patterns tab and yellow or something
      click ok

      Example. If the first column is A1 to A24 and the second is B1 to B24 the conditional formatting box should say
      Cell Value is | Not equal to| =A1

    • in reply to: Word time trip #510685

      You could check that you do not have files hidden. This is the default. Double click My Computer click view/options and select the View tab then make sure Show all files is selected.

      If you had to change it, after clicking OK etc. try Karen’s tip again.

      Also try finding parts of the file name in case it got the name changed a bit.

    • in reply to: Office Toolbar #510676

      I would create a macro by recording to change printers to printer B and print. then another macro to change back to printer A and print. Put each of these macros on your toolbar as Printer B and as Printer A.

      Let me know if you need more information on how to do this

    • in reply to: Annoying Empty Login dialogue box #1776060

      You may have already done this, but if not:
      open Control Panel/Passwords
      Click the User profiles tab and
      select “All users of this computer use the same preferences and desktop settings.”

      The logon may appear once after you change this
      clear it and click enter
      Then I think after that it should go away.

    • in reply to: Program Menu order #1776059

      Or – – click on an item, Hold down the mouse button, and drag it to where you want it.

    • in reply to: Blank screen during presentation #1775960

      1. If you are using a laptop you can change the output so the projector gets nothing (Something like function/f5 depending on the laptop). The projector may display “no sync” or something.

      2. Open the slide sorter, select the slide, and then start the slide show. (Disadvantage is it goes back to the slide sorter when the show finishes but you can always put in a black slide after the last one).

    • in reply to: Explorer opens C drive branch auto #1775956

      Hold down Shift and double click My Computer.

    • in reply to: Big problem for me #1775942

      Edited by grugeon on 01/01/14 23:36.

      The printing problems could be caused by a known bug. There is a knowledge base article about it at http://support.microsoft.com/support/kb/ar…N-AU&SD=gn&FR=0 [/url]although this is only supposed to apply to Access.

      Try setting your printer spooling to EMF.

    • in reply to: Repagination = 7000 pages plus! #1775941

      You could have a graphic which is too large to fit on a page. Possibly it is enclosed by paragraphs which are marked ‘keep with next’ or ‘keep lines together’. Word looks at the current page and the stuff won’t fit, so it pushes it onto the next page. It still won’t fit so it pushes it onto the next page … Soon you have 7000 pages with nothing on them.

    Viewing 15 replies - 316 through 330 (of 332 total)