• WSgrugeon



    Viewing 15 replies - 286 through 300 (of 332 total)
    • in reply to: Word 2000 SR-1 Crashes on Opening #1777268

      You could delete Normal.dot and it will generate a new one. However if you do this you will lose any customizations you have made (changes to toolbars, etc)

      I would rename Normal.dot to normal.old and then let it generate the new one. If it loads OK that is the problem. If normal.dot is not the problem you can delete the new one and rename normal.old back to normal.dot. (You have to close Word first)

      Otherwise look at what is in your startup folder. There may be Add-ins put there by other programs. Try renaming these in the same way, one by one, and starting word in between without the /a switch. This will identify the problem file. If the problem file relates to an add-in such as PDF you may need to reinstall this.

      Like any engineering problem you need to do one change at a time and test. It is a slow process but you end up with a positive identification. There is nothing worse than thinking you have fixed a problem, having it recur, and not being able to remember what you did.

      Best of luck!

    • in reply to: Word 2000 SR-1 Crashes on Opening #1777231

      Try starting it using the /a switch

      Start/Run winword.exe /a

      This starts it with out all the settings you have put in Normal.dot and any addins etc.

      If this works look in the startup directory and see if there is anything in there which might be causing the problem.

      Another possibility is to delete all the files you don’t need from your Temp directory, particularly one called, I think something like Recover.doc. These are files left over from crashes and are automatically loaded when Word starts.

    • in reply to: REQ Macro Assistance #1777229

      My personal view:

      I would avoid having the files in separate tables. It would make it much easier to manipulate the data if they were in one table with an extra field “fldWeek” added.

      You will need to import each of your files into a holding table, use an update query to fill in fldWeek, and then an append query to add the records to the main table. You will then run each of these steps in turn from your code.

    • in reply to: Labels and a field named “Name” #512009

      I don’t bother with anything beyond fld for fields. But I am not working on massive projects, just little ones where I want a quick result. The naming conventions are definitely worth while, even if you just leave a project for a few weeks.

      I wish there was a way to modify all the things Access does automatically or with wizards so the conventions were respected. e.g. when you use the wizard to create a form it could automatically apply the convention.

      I am looking forward to trying the tool Helen has developed. It sounds great.

    • in reply to: Office Toolbar #511993

      The current values are used. For some settings (like the number of copies) there is a default (1). For others the last setting used is retained.

    • in reply to: Labels and a field named “Name” #511985

      I find it helpful to use fld as a tag for fields. if you don’t you trip yourself up when you try producing totals on a report. If you use fld then you immediately see why access cannot pick up the value of a control.

      However if you rigorously use a naming convention you would know anyway something without a prefix was a field. It’s just that the ability to drag fields onto a form to create controls is a bit seductive and I often forget to rename them.

    • in reply to: append queries and expressions used #511984

      If you are adding the date to existing records you need to use an update query. It works fine for me.

      An append query will try to append new records. Each record would have only today’s date in it. Access might have problems knowing how many such records you want

    • in reply to: Windows Shortcuts for Office Apps #511916

      Well, David. It looks as if the shortcuts in the start menu to Office programs are indeed a special type of animal. I can’t think why anyone would have bothered to make them so!

      However a shortcut you create in the Startup Menu has the normal characteristics.

      BTW the Microsoft patent shortcuts seem to be 3k in size whereas the standard ones are only 1k. Could it be the MS ones use fast start?

    • in reply to: Envelope Print Margins #511887

      The envelope size is set up on each machine (or user depending on if you are using roaming profiles). It is an option in the Envelopes and Labels window.

      The problem may be that the users who are having problems with it have never printed an envelope and therefore the envelope definition is set to some inappropriate size.

      If the envelope is always the same size you could try recording a macro to set this, however I suspect this may not work with different printer drivers. After recording the macro you should edit it. A careful examination at this time will show you what the macro is doing. Generally macros like this do much more than you need and you can delete a lot of the options they set.

    • in reply to: Windows Shortcuts for Office Apps #511882

      What shortcuts did you use?

    • in reply to: Automatically include file-path in header/footer #511514


      At least you can take credit for remembering it when it was needed.

    • in reply to: Field prompts #511512

      Display the Forms toolbar. This will allow you to put a dropdown form on the document. Right click to display properties. You then put in the items for the dropdown list, etc.

      Hi Steve

      You will then need to do some VBA code which is referenced in the field’s Run Macro on Exit box. The VBA code will call up the Citation and insert it in the appropriate place.

      There may be quite a lot more to do but this may give you a start.

    • in reply to: Word 2000 crashing on File New, File Save, File Sa #1776711

      The WOPR Lounge can solve all problems – even if it does so by metaphysical means!

    • in reply to: If Then with multiple strings?? #511377

      Generally I would not hardwire this in code. I would set up a table with County and Territory fields and use a relationship to link this to your address data.

      This allows you to make changes easily when needed and is simpler for people to understand.

    • in reply to: Reading other databases #511374

      1. What program were the .dat files created in.
      2. Could you attach the data dictionary for one of the files on the forum so we can look at it.
      3. Could you cut out a few lines of a data file and attach this. If they are Dos text files you may be able to open them in wordpad so you can cut out a bit.

      They may be space delimited or comma delimited files in which case you can open them directly in access or excel. Otherwise you may need to do some manipulation to get them into a useable form.

      Or – – does the program in which they were created have an export facility?

    Viewing 15 replies - 286 through 300 (of 332 total)