• WSgrugeon



    Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 332 total)
    • in reply to: Department of odd couples: Man and goose #1447412

      Same issue – seems a bit rude excluding people on the basis of race (or country of residence)

    • in reply to: .xlsx file not opening in Outlook #1353450

      Sorry – been a bit busy.

      If the workbooks are checked that will Prevent​ you opening them. Try unchecking everything and see how you go.

    • in reply to: Macro to format Dates #1352986

      That won’t work.

      Consider dates such as 12/11/2012 & 11/12/2012.

      Presumably Howard has this sorted though as there have been no further replies from him.

      Quite right I should have said IF(DAY(B2)>13,B2,DATE(YEAR(B2),DAY(B2),MONTH(B2)) )

      Unless the OP tells us that he has solved it we have no way of knowing. He may be embarrassed to say that none of the suggestions made are appropriate.

      Anyhow, Howard, even if you have solved it a different way, it could be helpful to others to know how you did it.

    • in reply to: Macro to format Dates #1352981

      Try this formula
      then format the cell as date

    • in reply to: .xlsx file not opening in Outlook #1352979

      You need to do some more research.

      1. Can he save the file from the email?
      2. Can he open the saved file by double clicking it?
      3. Can he open the saved file by opening excel, and using File>Open?
      4. in File>Options>Trust Center>Trust Center Settings>File Block Settings what has ticks against it?
      (Note: ticked items are blocked!)

      There are other things that can be checked but those are the first ones.

    • in reply to: Windows 7 has slowed almost to stop even in safe mode #1352978

      Have you tried to find out what is happening on your computer. Almost certainly you have a program running in the background which is taking up CPU cycles. open Task manager (Right click a blank space in the toolbar to do this), then select the Processes tab, click on the word CPU at the top of a column – may need to be clicked twice)

      When you have it sorting most used first scroll to the top – if necessary. Then you will see what programs are running and what is taking the most cpu cycles. If the “Idle time” is not at the top most of the time then whatever is at the top most often is probably causing the problem. You may be able to disable it or remove it if it is malware.

      This is just a start to identifying the problem. Sometimes you need to use something like Sysinternals process explorer to get more info on what is happening.

      Let us know what results you get. A screen dump (alt PrtScn and paste into an image file, save, and attach to your response) might help to analyse your problem.

    • in reply to: Combo Graph Question #1351073

      I think you will need to do a separate chart. I could not find any useful way to combine the two sets of data into one chart.

    • in reply to: Excel formatting #1351070

      It depends on how you “Add lines”, If you right click the number to the left of the row and click insert, it will insert a complete row with the same formatting as the row above. It also provides you with a drop=down gizmo(in col A below the new row) which lets you select “Format as above”, “Format as below”. or “Clear formatting”. You can ignore the gizmo and it disappears when you do anything else on the sheet.

      If you select a part of the row, right click it and click Insert then “shift cells down” or “Entire row” the behaviour is similar except with the first option the gizmo is to the right and below the inserted cells.

      If however you select cells, right click, click insert, and click “shift cells right” it will insert new unformatted cells in the selected area. the shifted cells will retain their original formatting.

      You can turn the gizmo off. File/Options/Cut, Copy, and paste section/ Show insert options buttons.

      I cannot find any way to change the default insert option. On my set up it seems to default to “same as above”

    • in reply to: Default Font and Footnotes. #1348851

      I think you need to modify the Footnote style.

    • in reply to: Cell does not display formula results #1342393

      Could you copy your exact formula and paste it into a post so we can see if
      (A) it begins with =
      (B) it contains names which may be variables or ranges
      (C) if there is anything else weird about it

      Try to do this just by selecting the whole formula in the formula bar, Ctrl-C, Esc, click in the email post, Ctrl-V. Sorry to be so detailed but if you retype it in your post5 it may not be “Exactly” the same. For example, hidden characters would not show up.

    • in reply to: Cell does not display formula results #1342390

      Try changing the format in the cell and then changing it back again.

      find a cell which displays properly and copy it to the problem cell. Then retype (not paste) your formula.

    • in reply to: Outlook 2010 deletes e-mails automatically #1282496

      Possibly they are not deleted but just hidden. Try going to view/reset view. They may magically appear.

    • in reply to: Find 7 digit number in string of text #1230547

      Try this

      I have included “(” and “)” as not significant but you can take them out if I have guessed wrong.

      You need to select the cells to be tested and then run the sub.

      Option Explicit

      Sub colorPhonCells()
      Dim s As String
      Dim v As String
      Dim c As Range
      Dim n As Integer
      Dim j As Integer

      For Each c In Selection
      s = c.Text
      For j = 1 To Len(s)
      v = Mid(s, j, 1)
      Select Case v
      Case “0” To “9”
      n = n + 1
      If n > 8 Then c.Interior.Color = vbYellow
      Case “-“, ” “, “(“, “)”
      Case Else
      n = 0
      End Select
      Next j

      Next c
      End Sub

    • in reply to: Merge Spreadsheets #1230539

      Unless the property lists are identical I would probably use vlookup formulas to copy the info across, then copy and paste-values to lock it in.

    • in reply to: Calendar macro (Home, SR2) #1045406

      (Edited by HansV to make URL clickable – see Help 19)

      You could try this one


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