• WSGfamily



    Viewing 15 replies - 16 through 30 (of 371 total)
    • in reply to: Moving photos from phone to computer #1266343

      I have a samsung galaxy s phone and want to move the photos from it to my PC.
      I read something about undocking the sd card but still don’t know how to move the photos to the PC.
      Any help is much appreciated!

      I have a different Samsung phone (not as smart as yours), and the camera can be set to either save the photos to the Phone memory or to the SD card memory.

      You’ll probably find that when you attach the USB cable, only the SD card memory is available to view on your PC. If this is the case, you need to move (or copy) the photos to the memory card first. There should be a ‘Files’ icon on the phone to let you do this.

    • in reply to: Finding “Information” on the Internet #1260105

      Surely there has to be a way of cutting through all the marketing and actually squeezing some information out of the internet, or should I just give up and get a subscription to some consumer review magazine?

      Googling for
      XYZ nightmare
      can be a useful tool in finding about problems that people have had with product or vendor XYZ.

      But bear in mind that some users shouldn’t be allowed to use anything other than plastic spoons, so read everything with a sceptical eye.

    • in reply to: Windows IE provided by Yahoo??? #1257168

      Thanks Jscher2000 for your reply.

      I did a google search for an answer and found that if I went to Microsoft a re-downloaded IE8 it would un-install the original and reinstall IE8 from microsoft.
      When I restarted my PC and checked to see if the yahoo provider was still there, it was gone.

      Still would like to know how, as you said, “it creeps in there”.

      Still some strange things out there.

      If installing something that comes with the Yahoo toolbar it’ll update the registry with a key that outputs that little message (unless you stop it!).
      You can search the Registry for the text “Provided by Yahoo” and remove it from there if you choose.

      Usual caveats about backup etc apply.

    • in reply to: Looking for easy video-editing software #1257051

      First of all I want to apologize for not replying sooner but, I was “Out of town” and FAR away from an internet connection. This is my first trip back to main base and internet access.
      Windows Movie Maker !!! Never even thought of it, I’ll have to give it a try.
      Thanks for the suggestion.
      I’ll let you know how it works out.


      Just a warning that you may not be able to do the initial menu using Movie Maker

    • in reply to: left arrow during data entry – Excel #1256612

      It’s a simple thing; when I’m entering data in Excel, I often want to use the left arrow to go back and correct something. However, the left arrow moves me to the previous cell. How can I prevent that happening?


    • in reply to: Looking for easy video-editing software #1255224

      I’ve got a bunch of old family VCR tapes that I’d like to transfer to DVD. I’ve had no problems getting them transferred to my HDD using an ION-Audio VCR2PC. BUT …. the software with the VCR2PC is the pits. It flat doesn’t work with Win7 x64. So, I’m looking for something to easily edit those video files to cut out the Ooopses, join 3 or 4 of the files into one big movie, add a initial menu, and finally burn it all to a DVD. I’ve tried the trial versions of Pinnacle Studio, Sony Vegas Studio, and Corel Digital Studio. These are all way, way, way too complicated for what I want to do.
      Any suggestions ???

      Have you tried Windows Movie Maker? – it’s a free download from Microsoft as part of their Windows Live package.

    • in reply to: Spotting when a cell changes . . . #1254344

      Thank you.

      I think I’m in a dead-end here – time to get innovative and think about it differently. Your idea gave me some more – I am going to re-write the whole funtionality !

      You could run a macro to snapshot the monitored cells to a hidden sheet – then use the code in column C to compare cells in B with the hidden values .

      Run the snapshot on opening the worksheet and have button to run the macro on demand.

    • in reply to: WLM SNOOPING? #1254318

      thanks, will check out mail washer. don’t have any spam problem. but signing up to windows live require accepting web beacons in my emails and persistent cookies.

      No more than any other mail client that renders html as far as I’m aware.

    • in reply to: WLM SNOOPING? #1254268

      thanks, the more i read about WLM, the more i am concerned about privacy invasion. i think it will be my second choice after thunderbird.

      I use Mailwasher to preview all my emails – only the ones I want to keep are then allowed onto my PC.

    • in reply to: Per Head Rate #1253296

      Divide the number of crimes by the number of people.

      If there were 10 crimes and 1 person, there would be 10 crimes/person, as there would be with 100 crimes and 10 people.

      So you have 260/6278 crimes per person.

      Which you can express as 0.041 crimes per person, or roughly one twentyfourth (1/24) crime per person.

    • in reply to: Windows Movie Maker #1253159

      I’m having a problem using the Windows movie maker. I have a home video and am able to import and play it. The problem is that in one part, which is eight minutes in length, the movie maker will only capture the first one minute and thirty five seconds of that same section for copying purposes. The rest of the dvd copies fine, it’s just that one section. This may or may not be a factor, but that one section was the only part of that DVD that I recorded off a VHS tape onto the DVD. ( I have a unit where the VHS and DVD are all in one unit.) The rest of the DVD was recorded off my camcorder. Does anyone have any suggestions as to how I can make movie maker do a copy of the entire section?

      DVD recorders respect the copy protection signals embedded in commercial VHS tapes. Unfortunately I don’t have any experience or advice of how to get around it.

    • in reply to: Win7 sound recorder not working #1252542

      I am trying to use the sound recorder in my Windows 7, 64 bit machine. The problem I am having is that I get no sound. when I replay the file. I am making a recording as the file indicates the size, I just can’t make it play. The file indicates a padlock on it and I suspect I need to remove that somehow. For what it’s worth it is saved as a “wma” file, and I’m using windows media player to try and play it. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

      Can you inspect the file in a program like Audacity to check that it actually has ‘amplitude’ and not just a long period of silence?

    • in reply to: Copy and paste not working on Internet #1250600

      Hi Andrew,

      Thanks for responding. I am using IE 8. I am able to use Ctrl C and Ctrl V to compy and paste into Word Pad and Sticky Notes. So I am convinced that the problem is Word 2010 specific.
      I tried your suggestion of waiting a few moments before pasting into Word 2010. That did not eliminate the problem.

      Are you able to do a Paste Special rather than a straight Paste? I always find it annoying that Word (2003 in my case) tries to paste from web pages as HTML rather than as plain text. Sometimes the paste causes Word to lock up.

      Very annoying.

    • in reply to: Is this a registry problem? #1248683

      Gfamily, thanks foer your suggestion. I went to the Ashampoo site, but couldn’t find the free version you mentioned (only a free trial download). Otherwise, their programs look pretty good. But since Sonic is working again, and I also have Nero, I would only try Ashampoo if I can find a truly free version.

      Thanks again to both of you.

      Sorry about that, I posted from work where we are still using IE6 (wouldyabelieveit!).For some reason, the popup to enter hyperlinks is half off the screen, so it’s not really practical.

      Home now, so here is a link to the free Ashampoo suite (version 6.xx)

    • in reply to: Is this a registry problem? #1248572

      Running Win XP Pro SP2 on an HP d4100e desktop.

      I’ve got Sonic DVD writing software (Sonic DigitalMedia Plus v7) that came installed on on the computer when I purchased it. I’ve also got Paint Shop Pro 9, that I installed on the computer some years ago. I’ve been using both programs with no problem.

      The issue I’m recently experiencing is as follows:

      When I start the Sonic program, I get a dialog window that says “Please wait while Windows configures Jasc Paint Shop Pro 9” This “configuration” window never completes (stays open), and immediately generates an error message that says “Internal Error 2718. {F843C6A3-224D-4615-94F8-3C461BD9AEA0}” (these are both Paint Shop Pro messages). A screen shot of the messages is attached (I hope).
      Meanwhile, the Sonic application opens properly on top of these messages, and works fine.
      Also, when I open Paint Shop Pro, I get no error messages, and it works fine.

      In an effort to resolve the problem, I uninstalled PSP (yes, I even purged any mention of it from the registry. But I still get the PSP configuration and error messages when I start Sonic.

      I would like to uninstall and re-install Sonic, but since it came installed on the machine when I bought it, I have no installation disks available, so no way to re-install it. HP has an update for this program on their driver site for this computer , (file sp26721.exe), that looks big enough to be a complete installation program, but I’m not sure enough to delete the current version from my hard drive. I did run the update on the current version, but it didn’t resolve the problem.

      I’m thinking that if I could completely remove and reinstall the Sonic program ( and PSP), that should clean up any registry issues.

      I’m looking for any help or suggestions that you could provide.


      There is free version of Ashampoo that might be just as good as your version of Sonic. Download it and give it a try. You may be able to replace the Sonic completelty.

    Viewing 15 replies - 16 through 30 (of 371 total)