• WSflane



    Viewing 9 replies - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)
    • in reply to: Front Page (2002) #883666

      Ureka. The include page hint finally hit the spot. I don’t know what I was doing wrong before, but a clean sheet and fresh try certainly worked with the four new pages I tried.
      The Firefox problem is on the back burner.
      As I recall, the “Gold” version of the menu builder had a couple of undesirable visual characteristics when I looked at it a couple of years ago. That’s why I chose the version included in the web site.
      Anyhow, to coin a phrase. Very many thanks for the include page heads up.

    • in reply to: Front Page (2002) #881746

      Well that’s a horse’s rear end. Looks like I’m up for an entire web redesign. Any suggestions for a drop down menu option that would retain the banner and menu principles in Firefox?

    • in reply to: Front Page (2002) #881745

      Well that’s a horse’s rear end. Looks like I’m up for an entire web redesign. Any suggestions for a drop down menu option that would retain the banner and menu principles in Firefox?

    • in reply to: Front Page (2002) #881362

      Dear Jsher and Drew,
      I dunno. Every time I try, the best I can manage with an include file is an immediate menu insert that stays there after I save that page. I don’t seem to be able to make to seek an updated menu. Is there some trick I’m missing?
      I must admit the include file gives me better results than the shared border, which had space problems in that I have to drop teh border to accommodate all the drop menus that would otherwise just temporarily flow over existing text, like the include file.

    • in reply to: Front Page (2002) #881363

      Dear Jsher and Drew,
      I dunno. Every time I try, the best I can manage with an include file is an immediate menu insert that stays there after I save that page. I don’t seem to be able to make to seek an updated menu. Is there some trick I’m missing?
      I must admit the include file gives me better results than the shared border, which had space problems in that I have to drop teh border to accommodate all the drop menus that would otherwise just temporarily flow over existing text, like the include file.

    • in reply to: Front Page (2002) #879002

      I found the border file, and I can insert an image, but no matter where I tickle the html, I get no response for the inserted drop-down menu javascript. Is there is an or similar preamble required?

    • in reply to: Front Page (2002) #879003

      I found the border file, and I can insert an image, but no matter where I tickle the html, I get no response for the inserted drop-down menu javascript. Is there is an or similar preamble required?

    • in reply to: Front Page (2002) #878213

      I responded once to this message, but I’m not sure it got through. Please bear with unnecessary repetition.
      First, very many thanks for the swift response.
      I have the same menus and banner on each page.
      I tried “inline frame” but the white space required for the large drop down menu to deploy, in horizontal or vertical mode, is too big.
      I was unable to put anything other than an image file in my “shared borders”. It would not look at the html file that sets up the menu on my present pages.
      I’m still trying to find a solution.

    • in reply to: Front Page (2002) #878214

      I responded once to this message, but I’m not sure it got through. Please bear with unnecessary repetition.
      First, very many thanks for the swift response.
      I have the same menus and banner on each page.
      I tried “inline frame” but the white space required for the large drop down menu to deploy, in horizontal or vertical mode, is too big.
      I was unable to put anything other than an image file in my “shared borders”. It would not look at the html file that sets up the menu on my present pages.
      I’m still trying to find a solution.

    Viewing 9 replies - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)