• WSDrew



    Viewing 10 replies - 781 through 790 (of 790 total)
    • in reply to: calender (2k) #635855

      (Edited by charlotte on 02-Dec-02 18:36. to activate link)

      I have a form based Calendar. I call it the MiniCalendar. It’s available on my site.


    • in reply to: Security – Who is logged in? (Access 97) #631512

      How do you know it works, if you didn’t see what it does?

    • in reply to: Security – Who is logged in? (Access 97) #631255

      You cannot use just the .ldb file in Access 97, because the .ldb file does not ‘delete’ inactive users. (It will reuse an unused spot, but it doesn’t remove them). InActive users do not get removed until everyone is out of the database, then the .ldb file is removed.

      I wrote a sample 97 db (which works in Access 2000 too, can’t test it in XP, since I don’t have Access XP/2002). This sample database has two class modules, and a form. The form shows how to use the class modules. The form gives you two list boxes, which display .ldb users, and actual users. You can download this db from my site http://www.wolfwares.com[/url%5D in the Access Section. Edited by Wendell to activate link 12-Nov-02 21:28 MST

      Drew (The list shows Access user name and computer name)

    • in reply to: Newbie Dumb Question (2002) #631269

      I wrote a VBA tutorial that I have gotten a lot of good feedback on. Give it a whirl. It’s on my site (http://www.wolfwares.com) in the General section.

      One thing though, it is written with Access 97 in mind, but I would hazard to guess that 99% of it will work right along with XP.


    • in reply to: Acc97/XL97 Automation (97 SR-2) #631261

      This doesn’t answer your specific question, but I was wondering if you are only pushing data to Excel, or if you were tweaking Excel specific stuff also (like formulas or formatting)? If you are only pushing data out, I highly recommend using ADO to push the data into an Excel file. It is much faster then automation.


    • in reply to: macro question (A97) #614432

      It sounds like someone’s attempt at verifying the append queries worked. Did the person who wrote the macro have the ability to watch it run on the server? If so, that’s probably the case.


    • in reply to: Class Properties Property (VB 6.0) #614431

      Well the Add-in adds a class to your project. That class is used to ‘represent’ the individual properties of each property (let allowed, get allowed, variable type, number of arguments, etc.). That class also has an Enum, which I use to retrieve a property of a property. (ie, MyClass.Properties(“MyProperty”,intLetAllowed) That intLetAllowed is displayed in a dropdown, because of the Enum. I am unable to get that to work in Access 97. Even though Enum shows as a keyword, it just doesn’t work. However, the rest of it should work just fine, you would just have to remove the enum. Oh, one other thing (going from memory, I wrote this months ago…before I signed up to post here.), when retrieving values from a property, I use a select case, which essentially says:

      Case i, “MyProperty”

      That’s doing a comparison between a number or a string. VB6 has no problems with it. Access 97’s VBA (5) doesn’t like it. At least it was the other item that kicked up an error.

    • in reply to: Front End / Back End – When to Use? (Any) #614160

      Quite simply, the time to use a BE/FE arrangement is when you are going to have multiple users. Any multi-user situation, unless the users are going to use the same machine. I guess the best way to judge that, is if you need to have tables in your DB available through a network. If that’s the case, you should put the tables on the network in a BE, and everything else locally, in the FE. (Some people do put their FE’s on a network resource, but if you can avoid that, DO SO!)

    • in reply to: Default Existing Project Folder (VB 6.0) #612128

      Okay, let’s call a truce in here. I have enough email coming in from the List about that, to keep me busy for a while!

      P.S.– Don’t expect ‘characters’ in my post…seems too much like AOL to me. I’ll stick with your typical emoticons!

    • in reply to: VBA Tutoring? (Word97/2000) #611688

      Just a BIG heads up. I just recently posted it to my site. However, I wrote it close to 2 years ago. Apparently my English has vastly improved since then because I reread it a few days ago, and found a LOT of grammatical errors, and even a few ‘technical errors’. Though the technical errors aren’t that big of a deal, since they could be considered an easier way of understanding something.

      Any who, when I get the chance, I’ll edit/update that doc.

    Viewing 10 replies - 781 through 790 (of 790 total)