• WSDrew



    Viewing 15 replies - 721 through 735 (of 790 total)
    • in reply to: Basic If..Then Question (Access 2K) #648675

      Quick question. What type of data is going into these boxes. You may have the format set differently between the two.

      Just a thought.

    • in reply to: Form On Time Event acting strange (A2K SR1) #648671

      How are you determining that it is incrementing it wrong? Are you stepping through the code, or simply watching a counter? Timer events WILL back up. Which means that if a piece of code takes 3 or 4 cycles of a timer to complete, the timer event will fire 3 or 4 times right in a row. A good example of this is setting the timer interval to 1000, and just having it set a label’s caption to Now(). That makes a simple clock. However, if you watch that clock as you use other objects in your database, you’ll notice that it is going to skip a bit here and there. Setting the timer event to 100 fixes most situations except for long code runs…. (You need a doevents for that, but you must be careful that other events don’t fire that will ‘hurt’ the function with DoEvents in it.)


    • in reply to: Disk Mirroring #648597

      Right, I wasn’t talking about a hardware RAID controller. With a dynamic disk you can mirror (which you can do to the OS drive), you can also span. With dynamic disks, you don’t have partitions, you have volumes. With partitions, you can only make 4, a primary and 3 extended. With volumes, you can make as many as you like. You can also ‘resize’ a volume, which you can’t do with a partition (well, I think Partition Magic lets you, but it’s not an OS function). A spanned drive is simple a volume that you can have overflow onto multiple drives. Then there is striped. A striped drive is sort of like a mirror, however, instead of duplicating the data on two drives, you split the data between the two drives. With a striped drive, if you have a 4 meg file, 2 megs will be on one drive, and 2 megs on the other. Thus when it is reading the file, you are reading it twice as fast. The last option is to setup a RAID. You can do this strictly with Windows 2000’s dynamic disks, no controller necessary. To make a RAID, you have to have 3 drives. It is like a striped drive set, but the third drive is a parity drive. So you get the speed of a stripe, but the redunancy of a mirror.

      What I was saying about a dynamic disk RAID, is that you can’t set it up on the OS drive. You can however set it up for your data drives. (In fact, you can have a mirrored set and RAID set on a total of 3 drives. Take two 30 gig drives, and a 20 gig drive. Put the OS on 10 gigs of one of the 30’s, then mirror it on the other 30. Then you can make a RAID with the remaining 20 gigs on both 30s along with the 20 gig drive. With a RAID you lose 1/3 (I think if you add more disks the ratio goes down…so you save more disk space), so with 3 20 gig sections, you get a 40 gig raid drive.

      They take a little while to initialize, but you can physically remove one of the drives, and everything will keep going.

      To get a RAID on the OS partition/volume, you would need a RAID controller.

    • in reply to: Subforms? (Access 97) #648372

      Okay a few things. Off of the original question, I recommend using AutoNumber ID’s for actual record keys. Using human generated ‘keys’ can cause problems in the future.

      As for your question, I would go about this one of two ways. One way would be to create a bound form that has a recordset behind it filtered by manager. Have that form be locked to just show the User info you want to show for each user (No editing…just showing who is who), then have a subform linked by the UserID, for the call info for that user.

      An unbound method would be to have the list of users show up in a listbox. Then have unbound fields that fill or save based upon the selection in the listbox.

    • in reply to: Disk Mirroring #648350

      Actually I think a mirror is a Raid 0 configuration. I think. I don’t think you can do a RAID on the OS drive (where you have 3 drive tolerance) anyways.

    • in reply to: Subforms? (Access 97) #648347

      What is the manager updating. Could you post your table structure, and a little more detail on what the managers are going to ‘edit’.

    • in reply to: Determining properties (VB 6.0) #648173

      Do a search on PlanetSourceCode.com, in the VB section for Properties Property. It is an add-in for VB that I wrote. What it does, is go through the code for each class you select, and then it builds a properties property. You can then ‘loop’ through the properties in your classes with a For Next statement. You are able to retrieve/set the properties value, and retrieve the properties name.

      I also have this add-in on my site http://www.wolfwares.com, but it is down right now, though it should be up anytime soon.

    • in reply to: combo box as a locator (Access XP) #648172

      Okay, what you need to do is change your combobox’s ‘bound’ column to your ID field. Then filter your form based on the ID, not the name.

    • in reply to: Disk Mirroring #647947

      Sorry I didn’t see your post earlier. Just checking out the various sections on the lounge.

      Yes, Windows 2000 has the capability to create mirrors, raids, striped drives and spanned drives.

      This is all done by using dynamic disks. It’s very easy to setup a disk as ‘dynamic’, just right click on it within disk management, and you’ll have the option to upgrade to dynamic, or downgrade back to basic. A few ‘warnings’ about dynamic disks though. First of all, dynamic disks won’t pop from machine to machine very well. Some hard drives can ‘fail’ as dynamic disks, but work just fine as a basic disk. (We had problems with a lot of our IDE IBM 20 and 30 gig drives).

      Also, just FYI, Mirror’s are handy, but I recommend that your have your OS running on a set of mirrored drives, and your data running on a RAID. If you don’t have enough drives to do that (you need at least 5 (2 for the mirror, and 3 for the RAID). I don’t think you can setup a RAID on the OS (not using the OSes RAID capabilities) drive.

    • in reply to: ‘Run as Service’ utility for XP (Home) #647942

      Software has to be designed to run as a service. You could write a VB service, it’s not too difficult with the NTsrvc.ocx. You can then have that VB service run the requested .exe. The problem is that a service cannot interact with the desktop, so if you program needs ‘input’, then it will hang if no one is logged in.

    • in reply to: Navigation ‘Lists’ #647939

      That’s not really acting like a collection then, because you are getting ID’s instead of the actual objects stored.

      Oh well, probably won’t use it anyhow, since I write most of my ASP stuff with VB .dlls anyways.

      You’re not crazy, whatever works as your style is just your style. If you ever follow some of the more heated ‘threads’ I get involved in here and there, I am using defending an independant method of programming/thinking, versus the ‘established’ and ‘approved’ methods.

    • Atomic? Both Normal Form and Atomic can be taken in opposite directions from their meaning.

      Not trying to be argumentative, because I see where both of you are coming from.

      I’m such a rebel jollyroger. evilgrin

      By the way, all these posts on my choice of words, and nothing on the sample database?

    • in reply to: Create folder (VBA – Excel XP) #647706

      Just a warning about the FileSystemObject. It is part of the scripting model, and some network administrators disable it, so if your code is going to be used at locations you don’t have control over, it is a better idea to use the code Bryan posted (carbonnb).

    • in reply to: Placing an icon in the system tray (2002 SP1) #647649

      My MiniCalendar allows you to ‘drop’ the MiniCalendar to the system tray. (It also can hide Access, so in effect you have no visible signs of Access on your desktop, other then the system tray.). I must admit I used code from the Access Web to do it (http://www.mvps.org/Access). I think I revamped the code that actually sends it to the system try, but in order for that whole process to work, you need to have an AddressOf function, which VBA does not have. THere is a module on the Access web (and in my db) that replicates the ability. My MiniCalendar is on the Access Web (http://mvps.org/access/forms/frm0050.htm), but it is an older version. (Hold the shift key when opening it, then open the frmDateForm Form. Click the Cycle Mode button. When the MiniCalendar is in ‘cycle mode’, you get a computer screen icon with a moon in it. Clicking that will put the MiniCalendar into the System tray.

      The version on the Access Web is old. I can send you the latest current version by email if you want. (My site is down due to DSL issues.). I am also working on another new version, which is a complete revamp. Ironically I just started yesterday.

    • in reply to: Navigation ‘Lists’ #647643

      The documentation I have (5.6) doesn’t show a For Each example, it shows For Next loops only. Is it in the documentation? You can’t do a For Each with an Array, and the docs say that it’s like an array. Haven’t used it myself, so I don’t know.

      Actually, I prefer to use VB ActiveX .dll’s, and then refer to those in ASP. Since the .dll’s are compiled, it runs faster (at least for math stuff), and it’s easy to debug too, since you can use VB to debug your .dll’s if you run the pages through your own IIS server. Since I use VB for most of the programming, I can use everything you can do in VB.

    Viewing 15 replies - 721 through 735 (of 790 total)