AskWoody LoungerTry the gateway solution on that computer. If you had a gateway on both NIC’s, that is definitely causing the problem.
AskWoody LoungerCharlotte is right, you can just force the text to uppercase. However, if you still want to check/force the Numlock key, let me know, you can do this safely with API Calls.
AskWoody LoungerWhat did you do to fix it?
AskWoody LoungerAbsolutely. Whether you have fixed IP Addresses or not, your machine still needs a method to ‘find’ things. On the internet you need a DNS server. On a LAN, you need either a WINS or a DNS server. Windows 2000 was setup to be more DNS dependant (so eventually WINS can be phased out…at least that is what I hear….i doubt it for a long time.)
A fixed IP address just means you aren’t getting information from a DHCP server. It in no way tells you where everything is. (You can do that with LMHost files…..)
AskWoody Loungerhttp://www.winguides.com/registry/display.php/1085/
That should be what you are looking for. Just an FYI, I go to the root of this site with http://www.regedit.com. It’s a handy URL to remember, because if you are looking for an oddball registry fix, this site will usually have it.
AskWoody LoungerOkay, I have no experience with MS SQL 7…or any other version of SQL server, however, the first thing I would look at, is the service…the actualy SQL Server service. What account is it using to run as? Try setting your network Admin account as the account, as a test to see if that fixes things.
There is also a hidden ‘channel’ that NT servers (and 2000 servers) use to communicate with each other. I think the program you use to check/reset that channel is NetDom. You may have to download it from Microsoft. If you can’t find anything about netdom, let me know, and I’ll go find the right command name.
AskWoody LoungerDo you have both a local DNS and WINS server. If I remember right NT 4 prefers a WINS server, but Windows 2000 prefers a DNS server. Thus if you don’t have a DNS server setup, a windows 2000 machine will try to find that first, to find out where things are, and when that fails, it too will then try for a WINS server. That is probably what is causing the delay.
AskWoody LoungerOkay, go into your PCMCIA’s connection properties. Then go into your TCP/IP Properties. DELETE the Gateway setting. Just leave it blank. I would write down what it is, but your gateway is usually your IP Address with the last quad being 1.
The reason you must do this, is that a gateway is what tells your computer where to go, when it needs a resource not on it’s subnet. (Your LAN would be your subnet.)
AskWoody LoungerAbsolutely. Here’s some code:
Private Declare Function CreateRoundRectRgn Lib “gdi32” (ByVal X1 As Long, ByVal Y1 As Long, ByVal X2 As Long, ByVal Y2 As Long, ByVal X3 As Long, ByVal Y3 As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function SetWindowRgn Lib “user32” (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal hRgn As Long, ByVal bRedraw As Boolean) As Long
Private Declare Function DeleteObject Lib “gdi32” (ByVal hObject As Long) As Long
Dim intFrameWidth As Long
Dim intFrameHeight As Long
Dim intEllipseSize As Long
Dim intBorderSize As LongPrivate Function SetFormRegion() As Long
Dim intInsetFrame As Long
intInsetFrame = CreateRoundRectRgn(intBorderSize, intBorderSize, intFrameWidth – intBorderSize, intFrameHeight – intBorderSize, intEllipseSize, intEllipseSize)
SetMiniCalendarRegion = intInsetFrame
End FunctionPrivate Function ShapeForm()
Dim x As Long
Dim dwReturn As Long
x = SetMiniCalendarRegion
SetMainWindowRegion x
DeleteObject x
DeleteObject dwReturn
End FunctionOkay, to use this, you’ll need to set the intFrameWidth, intFrameHeight, intEllipseSize and intBordersize. The reason I have those variables in place, is because the form I have ‘shaped’ by this code, is actually getting the upper left corner of the form. The ‘frame’ variables represent the size of the section I want displayed. The Border variable determines how far form the top and left I want to be moved in. That let’s me ‘hide’ the control box, while still having it there (because you can use the Send Message API to allow the form to be movable still). The last variable is the intEllipseSize. That tells the API how ’rounded’ you want the corners.
This code is straight out of a Beta Release of my MiniCalendar that I sent out tonight. It’s seperated like it is to accomodate that form. (It has expanding menus, that expand from the form, which is not actually ‘expanding’ the form, but instead is coming out as a small square ‘attached’ to the form. I’d post it here, but it’s about 200k zipped (I have some images on it). If you want to become a beta tester, let me know, and I’ll send it to you.
The API I used here just gives you rounded forms. You can get as fancy as you want. There are several ‘region’ API’s. For instance, there is a region API that let’s you build a region based on the shape of a bitmap. You can also create ‘seperate’ regions (there are simple api’s for rectangle and elliptical ‘regions’), then combine the regions. The combining can overlap two regions, showing the combined area, the unmatched area, or only the matched area. (Actually there are 5 options I think).
I hope this gives you something to point you in the direction you want.
WARNING….Window API’s can get tricky, I highly suggest you do a little research to understand exactly how windows work within Windows. It get’s tricky sometimes, especially with Access. (Access forms are a pain in my behind, because they don’t work like normal window forms. In a VB form, or a dialog box, each control has an hWnd, because they represent a window of their own. Access actually creates a ‘window’ for the active control, everything else appears to actually be ‘painted’ onto the form’s window.).
I am attaching a screen shot of my ‘MiniCalendar’ (Well, a new version that’s in beta testing right now….). It has it’s about menu expanded.
AskWoody LoungerJanuary 31, 2003 at 11:12 am in reply to: writing a user defined aggregate function (Access2000) #649506As Andy and John have pointed out, you wouldn’t need a function to do this. However, your question was how to do this with a function.
You can definitely write VBA functions and use them in your querries. If a normal query can produce the same results, and thus you would want to use the query version because it will run faster. (Not that code is slow, it just runs slower when the Jet Engine has to run your code each time it needs a value, versus using it’s own capabilities.)
There is a exception to that rule, though…at least I have an exception for it. When you run a query, you cannot ‘step’ through each record as it is pulled up, versus when you have your query run a user defined function, you can put a break in your code, to step through the function, effectively stepping through your query’s data pull.
There are times where using a user defined function is the only option. For instance, I wrote a query a few weeks ago for an Email spamming utility. The utility doesn’t remove the email box, it only filtered the message, and replaces the message with a default message. So I wrote a VB routine that people can ‘turn on’ for their account, which deletes messages that contain only that message every 15 minutes. Since not everyone has that feature turned on, and I wanted a report showing the total number of ‘filtered’ emails, along with total numbers deleted, I needed to count the number of quarantined messages in a folder, thus I had to do some file counting. Not something you can do with SQL, so I wrote a function to count the files, and added it to the query.
If you still want to go the Function route, can you post the table structure or SQL that pulls the ‘group by’ data?
AskWoody LoungerI forgot to mention that the changes would only take affect on new windows opened after the setting was changed. If you think about it though, it makes sense that it would work that way though. What’s odd, is that not all software is affected. For instance, I checked Word and VB 6.0 and they had the underlines regardless of the setting. The fact that VB 6 had the underlines was especially odd, since .exe’s made with it ARE affected.
AskWoody LoungerCan you post the code?
AskWoody LoungerHey, if it works, it works!
AskWoody LoungerHow are you referring to the objects/controls on the form? If you are using Me at all, that’s your problem. You’ll need to refer to the form directly, like Forms(“frmMyForm”).MyControl , etc.
AskWoody LoungerHave fun. I spent some time on learning that stuff…but now I’m extremely happy I did….
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