• WSDrew



    Viewing 15 replies - 691 through 705 (of 790 total)
    • in reply to: Is it possible to daisychain routers? #650964

      The reason you were having problems, is that a router is not just a plain switch or hub. A hub or switch is used to connect computers together on a subnet. A subnet is a LAN. If you look at your TCP/IP settings, you’ll see a Subnet Mask. That ‘mask’, along with your IP Address determines all of the possible IP Addresses on your local subnet. (ie, an IP address of with a subnet of means that the IP Addresses on your subnet are any IP Address with the first three quads of 192.168.0. If your subnet was then your subnet is any IP Address with the first three quads of 192.168.0 and 192.168.1. The Subnet Mask is a binary check. Whatever bits are on for the subnet mask, have to be ‘matched’ on another IP address, to include it in the subnet. (thus 255 means all bits must match, 0 means all bits can be different….254 (last bit is off, so the last bit can be different), etc.).

      You can daisy chain switches and hubs together, so that you can increase the size of your subnet. However, to have one subnet talk to another, you need a router. A router is designed to link subnets together. Why? Because when you are using switches and hubs, your computer knows what is on it’s subnet. (Computer Browser). It has no need of a router, to communicate with anything on it’s subnet, because it knows the way already. (The Gateway setting on your TCP/IP settings is the ‘address’ of your subnet’s router). When you request a resource that is NOT on your subnet, THEN you need a router (and a gateway setting pointing to that router). You are then sending your ‘request’ to the router, which determines if what you are looking for is directly on the other side (in the subnet it is linking your subnet with), or if it needs to pass it on to the routers it can ‘see’.

      Thus, in what you described, you were putting a router into a router. That means that you now have 2 ‘subnets’, which are not necessarily going to see each other. Also, you can’t have 2 subnets with the same IP range directly talking to each other. (wouldn’t you be confused to try to find if both sides had that IP address?) You may be able to link the LAN ports together, leaving the second WAN port unused.

      I hope this wasn’t too confusing.

    • in reply to: Function vs sub (office 2000 on windows 2000) #650942

      Okay, first of all, when your code tells you there is an invalid property, it should be highlighting what it doesn’t ‘like’.

      Next, just a cursory glance at your code, and two spots stick out. You have two objects that have spaces in their name. Desk TAR Label and Pricing Detail SUPSHIP. Spaces are BAD, when naming an object. In fact, the reason they are bad, is because your code won’t like dealing with the spaces sometimes. This may be one of them.

    • in reply to: Web Setup #650597

      The trick is finding the IIS server GUI. grin.

      Click Start, then goto Programs, then goto Windows NT 4.0 Option Pack, then Microsoft Internet Information Server, then click Internet Service Manager. Once that opens up, you can then select the web you want to work with, go to properties, and click the Home Directory tab. That is where you can change this setting.

    • in reply to: Gaining Administrator Level Access #650592

      If the tool from the Resource kit works, go for it. The other two options are to use the RunAs (It may accept command line arguments, never bothered to check), or the more pain in the @55 method is to create and use a security token within your programming. Complete pain, and I personally have never completely finished the process of doing such, I have only used portions of it for various tasks.

    • in reply to: Screenjudder (Access 97 SR2) #650581

      Okey dokey! I’ll keep my fingers crossed for you, that it’s just an endless loop!

    • in reply to: Select from a combo box or drop down list (2000) #650531

      See, I was wondering if that is where you were trying to go. Your reply confirms it. You really need TWO combo boxes. The first one is what you currently have. Build a second one that lists the ‘Departments’ by account. Use the same ‘query’ technique. Essentially, build a query that lists the Department ID and Department Name. Add the Account ID field (but uncheck the ‘Show’ checkbox. Use the technique described before to set the criteria for the Account ID to be ‘retrieved’ from the first combo box. (Unchecking the ‘Show’ just ‘unclutters’ the results, while maintaining a criteria field!).

      Then, put a second combo box on that form, and set it’s RowSource to the query you just made. Set it up EXACTLY like the first (2 columns, widths, etc.). Now here is the ‘code’ part, but it’s pretty easy. Go into the Properties for the first combobox. Go to the Event tab, and then Right Click on the ‘On Click’ event (anywhere there is white space across from ‘On Click’.). Select ‘Build’, and then select Code Builder and press OK.

      You should now see something like this:

      Private Sub Combo0_Click()

      End Sub

      But Combo0 will be the name of your first combobox. What we want to do, is refresh the second combo box, when the first combobox is clicked. (For comboboxes, the OnClick event is fired whenever a combobox is changed.) So here’s what to put in for your code:


      So you’re code page will have this in it:

      Private Sub Combo0_Click()
      End Sub

      Where Combo0 should be the name of the first combo box, and cmbMyCombo is the name of the second combo box. TYPE the code in, because you will find that the VBE will help you out. When you type the Dot after Me, you’ll get a dropdown of all the properties, controls and procedures that your form has, so you only need to type a few letters of your second combobox’s name. When you hit the . again, after the name, you’ll find that typing r, will bring up Requery right away (since it is the first property or procedure starting with R).

      Now, test your combo boxes. When the first one is changed, you should get the appropriate Departments displayed in the second one. (It will be blank…or should be, when the first one is changed…this is advantageous…I’ll explain in a bit).

      Then Go back into your original Query, and add the Department ID field. Use the same process to have the DepartmentID ‘key’ off of the second combobox. HOWEVER, put below that criteria line, ‘Is Null (and a copy of what’s above it…..)’ (so it would be ‘Is Null [Forms]![Form1]![cmbMyCombo]’ (without quotes, and with the right name of course).

      That way, if they don’t select anything in the second combo box, it will display all departments. If they do select a department, then it will display only that department.

      I hope that makes sense. Again, if you need a sample, I’ll be glad to send one to you.

      By the way, fellow Texan, I have a VBA tutorial on my website (http://www.wolfwares.com) in the General section. It’s free, and about 60 pages long. But I’ve gotten a lot of good feedback to it’s usefulness for beginning developers.

    • in reply to: Screenjudder (Access 97 SR2) #650521

      I almost got yelled at for that tutorial, because I posted it as a few large emails on the AccessD Email list. I sure wish I had it when I started using ASP. (Even more so, the VBA tutorial I wrote when I was teaching myself VB/VBA! grin).

    • in reply to: Screenjudder (Access 97 SR2) #650502

      The problem I experienced (and I’ll have to admit…I caused it…..hey, when you’re writing code at 2 in the morning…you tend to forget a few details….like stopping an endless loop! evilgrin), was all code, no macros. But you can have a Macro ‘run’ another macro, or there could be two macro’s feeding off of each other….it’s still one event firing another…and so on.

      Just have them remove one of the AfterUpdate events, to see if that prevents the ‘flicker’. If it does, problem identified (not necessarily solved….). If it’s a macro, they should just be able to ‘cut’ the macro name from the event, try the form, then paste it back in…without affecting anything.

    • in reply to: stop the execution of a function (Access 2000) #650496

      Simple, after you beep and alert the user. Open the form that let’s them select the ‘Office’, in Dialog mode. (Dialog mode will stop your calling code from running, until the dialog form/window is either closed, or hidden).

    • in reply to: Screenjudder (Access 97 SR2) #650486

      I’ve seen an effect like what you are describing, and it was completely caused by Access. What caused it was an ‘endless’ loop. For instance, on the AfterUpdate Event of Control1, it changes the value of Control2. Control2 has an AfterUpdate Event that changes Control1. Now, situations like these can happen from time to time, you just have to put a little ‘checking’ into the process, so that when the last leg of the loop finishes, the first leg knows everything is done, and stops. What is really wierd, when I have seen this occurance, I don’t get an overflow error, or any error for that matter, and the process just stops….all on it’s own. You can tell when it’s done too, cause the screen stops gittering. It’s basically like Access says to itself ‘this is pointless’, and just stops the code (you can keep using other stuff, and the code isn’t interrupted in anyway).

    • in reply to: Select from a combo box or drop down list (2000) #650476

      First of all, Howdee to a fella Texan….Dallas no less!

      Okay. From all the posts in this thread, it sounds like you just want to have a querries criteria based on the value of a combobox. This combobox has 2 columns, a number and a name. The number is hidden, the name is not. What the user sees is the Name, but the combo box ‘value’ is the number.

      Okay, first let’s check your combo box. To begin with, your Bound Column (Data Tab of the Combo Box properties) should say 1. Under the format tab, Column Count should be 2. Column Widths should be 0″;1.5″ (that 1.5″ can be whatever size you want your dropdown to showup as….). And the List Width should be 1.5″ (just a sum of the ColumnWidths….so if you change the 1.5, change this to the same).

      Now, that should set everything right on the combo box.

      Go into your query. Drag the field you want to have the ‘criteria’ for. (Keep the form with the combo box open). Right click in the Criteria box, and select Build. Now, in the bottom left ‘pane’ of the Expression Builder, you should see a ‘folder’ with a Plus in it, which says Forms. Double click that. It should expand to two folders, one of which says Loaded Forms, double click that. Select the form with the combo box, from the list that expands from that. In the middle pane now, you should have a list of all the objects on your form. Find the Combo box, and double click it. Click Okay (to close the Expression builder, and now your query should run, showing data based on the ‘hidden’ ID of the combo box.

      Let me know if you want a sample db on this. (I haven’t used the expression builder in a while, so I actually just built an example as I was writing this…….)

    • in reply to: Menu Bar Access Keys…Interesting Note (VB and IE) #650083

      Same results for me.

    • in reply to: Win2K dual ethernet problems #650080

      Ack No. Leave the gateway in on the NIC that is supposed to see the internet. The gateway is the IP Address for the router on your subnet. It is never used unless you need to access an IP address not on your local subnet(s). Since the internet is it’s own ‘subnet’ (in a manner of speaking), you need to have at least one gateway setup to point to a router that can see the internet.

    • in reply to: Win2K dual ethernet problems #650059

      Removing the gateway on your company’s LAN shouldn’t affect whether you can use their LAN or not, unless their LAN has multiple subnets.

    • in reply to: Network restrictions #650054

      Does this problem occur for all accounts, or just that specific one? ( I know you can setup ‘times’ at which an account can be used or not, on a domain).

    Viewing 15 replies - 691 through 705 (of 790 total)