• WSDrew



    Viewing 15 replies - 46 through 60 (of 790 total)
    • in reply to: Slow-opening Report (2000) #874684

      Honestly can’t tell, I must admit I’m not exactly sure what the query or report is doing, I think it’s because it’s a different language, throwing off my thought pattern! grin

    • in reply to: Slow-opening Report (2000) #874685

      Honestly can’t tell, I must admit I’m not exactly sure what the query or report is doing, I think it’s because it’s a different language, throwing off my thought pattern! grin

    • in reply to: Order in Menus and Toolbars #874293

      The ‘links’ are in Documents And SettingsWhateverAccountApplication DataMicrosoftInternet ExplorerQuick Launch. That’s in Windows Explorer, not the registry. But for the life of me, I don’t know how it’s remembering the sort order, because my links aren’t sorted by anything I can see in those shortcut properties. Didn’t find anything in the registry either, not saying it’s not there, just did a search for Quick, and didn’t find anything.


    • in reply to: Order in Menus and Toolbars #874294

      The ‘links’ are in Documents And SettingsWhateverAccountApplication DataMicrosoftInternet ExplorerQuick Launch. That’s in Windows Explorer, not the registry. But for the life of me, I don’t know how it’s remembering the sort order, because my links aren’t sorted by anything I can see in those shortcut properties. Didn’t find anything in the registry either, not saying it’s not there, just did a search for Quick, and didn’t find anything.


    • in reply to: recover failed drive? #874283

      If this was a dynamic disk just because, I would recommend Restorer 2000 Pro. It’ll read any NTFS drive, EXCEPT striped drives (so stripes and RAID 5 (which are striped mirrors) are not ‘viewable’ by Restorer 2000 Pro).

      Thing is, you are going to pay somewhere around $50 (I think) for that recovery software, versus the $7 you didn’t spend.

      Restorer 2000 Pro does have a demo version, so you can see if it finds the file or not. (I downloaded it years ago, when I goofed, and wiped out a partition of a co-workers machine, which had 6 gigs…yes gigs of actual real data (not OS or Program files). Whooops! The demo version found everything (I think it even lets you recover small files, don’t remember), but within a few minutes I had bought the thing on my own credit card, and have used it many many times to recover files. Money well spent!

      There is another approach, free, but VERY VERY tricky. If you have the Windows 2000 Resource Kit, you can open DiskProbe, which will let you read/write to individual sectors on your disk. The reason your partitions are gone, is because you wrote over the boot sector, but dynamic disks keep that information at the end of the disk too. Do some searching on the KB and Google, and you’ll probably find some step by step (with a little guess work tossed in) procedure that MAY and I use that term VERY loosely allow you to ‘restore’ the volume back to life. Personally, I’d still go with Restorer 2000 Pro, because it’s a good investment when you use NTFS partitions.

      Good Luck sailing

    • in reply to: Order in Menus and Toolbars #874279

      I’ve got good news and bad news for you.

      Good news is, I found where it stores it. Just went off of a hunch (and have played around in the registry WAY too often). It’s in HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerMenuOrder In that key, there should be Favorites and Start Menu keys.

      Bad News. The Order value in the various sub keys looks half english, half greek, grin. So good luck trying to play around with them!

    • in reply to: Order in Menus and Toolbars #874280

      I’ve got good news and bad news for you.

      Good news is, I found where it stores it. Just went off of a hunch (and have played around in the registry WAY too often). It’s in HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerMenuOrder In that key, there should be Favorites and Start Menu keys.

      Bad News. The Order value in the various sub keys looks half english, half greek, grin. So good luck trying to play around with them!

    • in reply to: Need a network guru – MCP or Soln Prov in Tacoma #874273

      Does it count if I live in Dallas, but used to live in Tacoma? I’ll gladly let you fly me back there for a few days! grin

    • in reply to: Need a network guru – MCP or Soln Prov in Tacoma #874274

      Does it count if I live in Dallas, but used to live in Tacoma? I’ll gladly let you fly me back there for a few days! grin

    • in reply to: Registering Dlls programatically (VB6) #874269

      Here’s a little VB project from a while back. The specific code you want is in Module1.bas. (You’ll need to comment out the messages in there). Of all the little VB utilities I have written, I use this the most, since a lot of my development time is spent in ASP with VB .dll’s, I get to reregister new .dll’s on various IIS servers WAY too frequently! grin

    • in reply to: Registering Dlls programatically (VB6) #874270

      Here’s a little VB project from a while back. The specific code you want is in Module1.bas. (You’ll need to comment out the messages in there). Of all the little VB utilities I have written, I use this the most, since a lot of my development time is spent in ASP with VB .dll’s, I get to reregister new .dll’s on various IIS servers WAY too frequently! grin

    • in reply to: ‘Not’ Query (Acc2000) #874234

      Another train of thought is to use a Left Join, and look for null values. This would also allow you to increase the number of items you want to ‘ignore’, because there is a limit of how many ANDs you can use in a query. I am attaching a sample database (Access 97) which has tblPRT and tblDescriptions. There is one query, with the following SQL:

      FROM tblPRT LEFT JOIN tblDescriptions ON tblPRT.ITM_DES=tblDescriptions.Description
      WHERE Description Is Null

      That SQL is telling JET to pull all records from tblPRT where the matching description in tblDescriptions.Description is Null (or, in english, there is no matching record in tblDescriptions). To add or remove values that you want to ignore, simply add or remove records from tblDescriptions.

      Just another way of looking at things.

    • in reply to: ‘Not’ Query (Acc2000) #874235

      Another train of thought is to use a Left Join, and look for null values. This would also allow you to increase the number of items you want to ‘ignore’, because there is a limit of how many ANDs you can use in a query. I am attaching a sample database (Access 97) which has tblPRT and tblDescriptions. There is one query, with the following SQL:

      FROM tblPRT LEFT JOIN tblDescriptions ON tblPRT.ITM_DES=tblDescriptions.Description
      WHERE Description Is Null

      That SQL is telling JET to pull all records from tblPRT where the matching description in tblDescriptions.Description is Null (or, in english, there is no matching record in tblDescriptions). To add or remove values that you want to ignore, simply add or remove records from tblDescriptions.

      Just another way of looking at things.

    • in reply to: Slow-opening Report (2000) #874222

      Wow, every field in that report is a DLookup statement. That is going to run very very very slow. You should bind your report to a query, which pulls the values for you.

    • in reply to: Slow-opening Report (2000) #874223

      Wow, every field in that report is a DLookup statement. That is going to run very very very slow. You should bind your report to a query, which pulls the values for you.

    Viewing 15 replies - 46 through 60 (of 790 total)