• WSDrew



    Viewing 15 replies - 31 through 45 (of 790 total)
    • in reply to: Carbon Dioxide #885949

      Got it. DIOXIDE is upside down too, just like Carbon is, but DIOXIDE is the same upside down or not. DUH! Don’t know why I didn’t catch that. It wouldn’t work if you used carbon dioxide, instead of CARBON DIOXIDE.

    • in reply to: Carbon Dioxide #885770

      I would guess that: Red light refracts differently then blue light, different part of the spectrum, different angle? Not sure….

    • in reply to: Carbon Dioxide #885771

      I would guess that: Red light refracts differently then blue light, different part of the spectrum, different angle? Not sure….

    • in reply to: Front Page (2002) #879404

      It’s really a matter of the web server. You can set an IIS server up to ‘include’ htm or asp files. I have our company’s website up like that. It includes htm or ASP, and processes both htm and asp extensions as asp.

    • in reply to: Front Page (2002) #879405

      It’s really a matter of the web server. You can set an IIS server up to ‘include’ htm or asp files. I have our company’s website up like that. It includes htm or ASP, and processes both htm and asp extensions as asp.

    • in reply to: Front Page (2002) #879152

      LOL, it does, it’s called an include file.

    • in reply to: Front Page (2002) #879153

      LOL, it does, it’s called an include file.

    • in reply to: Front Page (2002) #879150

      Why not put the menu in an include file? Put the include tag on every page, then just make changes to the include file. All the other pages will pick up the changes when displayed.

    • in reply to: Front Page (2002) #879151

      Why not put the menu in an include file? Put the include tag on every page, then just make changes to the include file. All the other pages will pick up the changes when displayed.

    • in reply to: Conundrum! #875795

      Yep, it was to slow down the typers. The original typewriter layout had the letters in alphabetical order. But people began to type to fast, so fast, that it would constantly jam up the letter ‘arms’ as they flew out to hit the ink ribbon and paper. So instead of reengineering the typewriter, the inventory just scrambled the letters, to slow down the typists! grin

    • in reply to: Conundrum! #875796

      Yep, it was to slow down the typers. The original typewriter layout had the letters in alphabetical order. But people began to type to fast, so fast, that it would constantly jam up the letter ‘arms’ as they flew out to hit the ink ribbon and paper. So instead of reengineering the typewriter, the inventory just scrambled the letters, to slow down the typists! grin

    • in reply to: Conundrum! #874770

      Ah, but why did the inventor of that invention arrange the letters as you see them today?

    • in reply to: Conundrum! #874771

      Ah, but why did the inventor of that invention arrange the letters as you see them today?

    • in reply to: Question Your Answers #874744

      The best I can come up with is CADCDDBC Can’t seem to get higher then that!

    • in reply to: Question Your Answers #874743

      The best I can come up with is CADCDDBC Can’t seem to get higher then that!

    Viewing 15 replies - 31 through 45 (of 790 total)