• WSdouglasgblake



    Viewing 15 replies - 31 through 45 (of 89 total)
    • in reply to: computer now needs unlocking (Win Xp Pro sp1) #633718

      The only UNLOCK mechanism I know is the one I use when I leave work every night. I type CTL-ALT-DEL and the dialogue that pops up allows me to LOCK the computer WITHOUT shutting it down. Anyone wishing to use the computer after that has to log in (including me). The log in is almost immediate, especially if its me.

      This works on NT, 2000 and XP if logged in to a domain. I dont know about workgroups or XPHome.

    • in reply to: New Disk upgrade on XP Pro (XP Pro) #626626

      Yes, I have an MSDN licence that allows several computers to have the software loaded. I gave the example to illustrate how little information must be used by the activation software before it decides a re-activation is needed.

    • in reply to: New Disk upgrade on XP Pro (XP Pro) #626360

      I don’t know that there is too much about the disc that the activation checking cares about. I built 2 complete systems by first building one, then ghosting the hard disk (same size and make) and putting the drive in the second system. No requests to reactivate were made for a system with a different processor, motherboard and hard disc!!!! And by the way, GHOST worked fine.

    • in reply to: Support for Dual CPUs (Win XP Pro) #610935

      You have to be very careful when considering a 2 processor system. Yes XP supports it, but that does not necessarily mean that XP uses it. In my experience, programs need to be specially compiled to use 2 processors and that is why, with the added overhead of the 2 CPUs talking to each other, the compiler is actually running slower than on a single processor.

    • in reply to: Changing out Hard Drive (XP Pro) #1799788

      When I got 2 new computers at the beginning of the year, I built one and completely installed everything I needed on the hard drive. I then built the other and used Norton Ghost to replcate the disc for the other. Absolutely no problems. Ghost will happily copy to a larger disc and enquire how you want it partitioned. The latest version works with XP and NTFS.

    • in reply to: Taskbar Icons (XP) #595659

      Yes it was (is) in Win2k Dave. I use it every day with an In-Circuit-Emulator on USB.

      (Come on England!!!!)

    • in reply to: Migrating to a new HDD (Win XP Home) #592354

      I have used ghost succesfully to clone a hard disk. For XP you need the latest version. It can happily clone to a larger disk asking you on the way to set the partition sizes.

    • in reply to: computer turns on by itself (WIN XP PRO) #592352

      When my computer started to behave like this it turned out to be a faulty socket on the processor. I was using a SLOT to SOCKET converter for a Celeron processor. A proper PIII and the problem went away.

    • in reply to: Free FORUM Software? #590107

      Thanks guys.

      I’ve picked up on an open source package called phpbb at http://www.phpbb.com[/url%5D. Seems very sophisticated so I’m going for that one for now. If it falls apart I’ll bear your suggestions in mind.

    • in reply to: Hover buttons (Front page 2000) #578570

      I looked at the page this morning and all seemed well to me. the Buttons seem to function as expected using IE6

    • in reply to: Internet Connection #574624

      Right mouse click on My Computer. Choose Manage.
      Goto Services and Applications -> Services

    • in reply to: Rate me #572970

      I’m not sure this is what the lounge is for, however..

      Green text on a black background is a poor choice iIMHO. I have to squint to read the reviews.

    • in reply to: Displaying a Folder’s File Information #571063

      Jeff, I believe what you want is the Status Bar under View> Staus Bar

    • in reply to: Windows XP Printer problems #570540

      I have recently installed a new HP printer (& more importantly, Driver) that has the option to print full size or adjust print size if the margins of the document don’t suit the margins of the printer. This may be the cause of the shrink in your font size.

    • in reply to: Browsing CD Contents from Explorer #565254

      Hi Mark,
      My son has an admin account, since he uses it most, and yes the highlight moves straight back to the C drive. I am not sure if his account has always had this failing because he tends not to browse the CDs, just install allowing an auto startup to occur.

    Viewing 15 replies - 31 through 45 (of 89 total)