• WSDoug.S



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    • in reply to: Settings #2668220

      Don’t forget “god mode” as Master Control Panel

      1 user thanked author for this post.
    • in reply to: MS-DEFCON 3: A slightly bumpy November #2606191

      and is there an unblock copilot.reg to un-do the block later when desired?

    • in reply to: Why File Explorer keeps me on Windows #2589456

      File Explorer search window does a good job and I use it often as it is handy. But I really like “Everything” search program; free and chock full of capabilities to find anything anywhere easily, and only a context menu click  or taskbar click away.

      2 users thanked author for this post.
    • in reply to: What should you do about Windows 11? #2570878

      I had exactly the question.

    • I’ve been using PicPick (free version) for years and activate it via ‘print screen’ keyboard shortcut. Works great and has many options when it opens.

      Also can use taskbar right click for option choices.

      I’d recommend anyone to try it. (Happy user, no affiliation to company)


      1 user thanked author for this post.
    • in reply to: Win10 22H2 update problem #2542245

      Yes, tried all of that several times, no effect/change.

      Using any Ethernet cable, in any combination, kills uploads.

      Now using WiFi only is a solid solution (workaround).

      My laptop, wired to same router with same win10 22H2 update, installed the same day (but likely different patches), works fine wired and/or WiFi. So it’s not the router or cables, it’s my desktop PC but H/W tests show nothing wrong/broken.

      I’m hoping a future Win10 update ‘magically’ resolves the problem.

    • in reply to: Win10 22H2 update problem #2542244

      Yup, but new cable in different sockets at router and PC made no difference.

    • in reply to: Who are you? #2537598

      I agree with prev. posts. I liked the survey and would appreciate an annual review.  Interesting info for ref. in using this venue.

      2 users thanked author for this post.
    • I have a Canon 11×17 inkjet and Canon MF color laser printer.


      Both fit different needs.

      Ink jet has much better and more accurate color and large size print. Despite liquid ink; I shut it down for 6 mo. every year (travel), bag it in plastic bag, and has never clogged in 2+ years.

      Laser is faster, easier, no mess. But colors not great.

    • Check your local Library. May have paper copy to read. Many have electronic access for Library card holder and can access CR on line for free; check Library’s “research” area.

    • in reply to: Master your printer – not the other way around #2341828

      I have this printer: Brother HL-L2350DW B&W laser

      working very well, but

      wi-fi router occasionally has to be re-booted (Comcast down for a while) and when wifi restarts, printer wifi connects OK, but

      desktop PC still wifi prints OK, but laptop instantly shows print error when wifi printing

      (both print OK all the time using USB cable; but I must move laptop to other room to connect USB cable)

      Troubleshooting laptop fixes nothing. I know its connected via wifi because I can adjust printer settings from laptop via wifi  (USB cable disconnected)….it just won’t print.

      Troubleshooter checks spooler and says its OK (or fixes it) and no other problems.

      What should I look for to fix wifi laptop printing; Re-install driver?  (what a pain)


    • in reply to: What do you want? #2329770

      My early days were coding on punched cards using Fortran.

      1 user thanked author for this post.
    • in reply to: Easing into a new year of Windows updating #1485565

      Apparently MS issued a fix in a newer release and no longer a problem.

    • in reply to: Easing into a new year of Windows updating #1485400

      .Net strikes again. . . . . .

      Painter users with .Net 4.5.2 installed

      If you have Painter 2015 and/or Painter Essential 5 with a tablet hooked up and you install .Net 4.5.2 , the Painter 2015 and/or Painter Essential 5 appear as if they will not launch. If the Tablet is disconnected then the application will launch.

      If you are using a tablet where you cannot un-hook the tablet, such as Surface Pro 3, you will need to uninstall .Net 4.5.2 and go back to the previous version of .Net

      Microsoft is aware of the issue and we continue to work with them to resolve. At this time we do not recommend Painter users to update .Net to version 4.5.2

      Doug.S (from another forum)

    • in reply to: Two apps for more powerful desktop searches #1474454

      I use Everything all the time and in addition to others you mentioned I also use UltraSearch sometimes

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