• WSdmedici



    Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 43 total)
    • in reply to: Add GAL entry to PAB? (2k SR1) #653948

      What do you show under TOOLS -> SERVICES ?

      Do you have a valid Outlook Address Book entry ? Maybe you can remove, then re-add it ?

      Or under Tools – Services – Addressing Tab – what do you have under “Keep Personal Addresses in” ?

    • in reply to: File Not Found Error #653946

      I’ve seen this problem occur with other database applications which require the application to be reinstalled when diferent users login on that machine.

      If you fiddle with the security settings for the applicable application registry keys, perhaps this may steer you towards a solution?

      We never got it to work for multiple users on the same machine, but perhaps you could export some registry keys for the application (HKEY_Current_UserSoftwarexxxxx) for a working user, and then run/process these REG files for the next logged in user to see if it helps any?

      Good luck

    • in reply to: IE Favorites Slow #653047

      On a similar note, I find that copying the FAVORITES folder to a network drive takes considerably longer than you would think for such a small directory.

      I found it is related to the Virus Scanning software in use on both the desktop and the server… double-scanning…. for potentially damaging URLs

      Maybe the slow access to the Favorites is due to your VSCAN software?

    • in reply to: Followup font (2000 sr1) #653042

      This may work.

      View -> Current View-> Customize Current View -> Automatic Formatting Button, then choose OVERDUE EMAIL, and adjust the font there.

    • in reply to: Contact Nicknames (Outlook 2000) #653039

      One thing you can do to create a “nickname” by creating an uniquely named Personal Distribution List in your list of Contacts, and add the 1 person to this list. And then move CONTACTS to be the first address book viewed when sending mail (under Tools -> Services -> Addressing Tab) so it resolves this name first.

      This works nice, except when you go to another computer and try using your “shortcut” name (which this computer doesn’t have Contacts listed first), and you misaddress an email to someone with the same name within your company…. Doh….

    • in reply to: Terminal Services between network clients? #653024

      Microsoft NetMeeting is free with Windows, and using the Remote Desktop Sharing option is an easy way to instruct the users to share their computers for remote troubleshooting. It also allows for decent security in that RDS is only allowed to those in the Administrator group.

    • in reply to: File Not Found Error #653018

      Does it help to reinstall the application with the currently logged in user?

      And each of the users are using Access 2000 to open the database files, correct (and not previous version of Access which don’t play well)

      Lastly, are we sure that the files are not contained within an encrypted folder directory with EFS enabled? File/Folder properties, Advanced, Advanced Attributes, “Uncheck encrypt contents to secure data”

    • Thanks Mary.

      I searched Microsoft’s Knowledge Base, and it didn’t mention anything about the limited number of holiday years in Outlook 2002.

      We are going to have to figure out an easier way to update this company wide before the end of the year. I saw the note about posting a public form, so that might be the way to go, unless someone knows of an easier way to do this?

      Thanks again

    • in reply to: Critical Updates Hangs (IE6 (5.5 also)) #582153

      I’ve hung a few times with that message…

      Clearing the Temporary Internet Files and History, then revisiting the page sometimes has helped

    • in reply to: Disappearing e-mail (2000 SR1a) #577320

      I have seen this happen when the VIEW is either set to view only “READ messages” or only “UNREAD Messages”.

      Click on the folder you are having the problem with and choose VIEW -> CURRENT VIEW, and what is checked? Is it Messages or something else?

    • in reply to: Ordinary users cannot write to CD-R #577317

      If you install as Admin, can a user in the Power Users group use the CDR device?

      Giving them Power User access might be a less risky workaround for now.

    • in reply to: File -> New – Looks strange? (Excel 2000) #575925

      Thanks All.

      The excel.exe /regserver did not fix this

      What I found is that we need to reinstall through ADD/REMOVE PROGRAMS, select MS Office and choose “CHANGE”, and when presented with Maintenance Options, choose “Add/Remove Features”, and when presented with which Office components you wish to change, you choose EXCEL, and then SPREADSHEET TEMPLATES, and choose to RUN ALL FROM COMPUTER.

      This procedure still requires the OFFICE CD, and only copies a few files. If only I could figure out which files this updates, I could probably correct this without having to burn several copies of the CD

      Oh well….

    • in reply to: File -> New – Looks strange? (Excel 2000) #575635

      The “squashed” view appears that way if you click on LIST and DETAILS as well as LARGE ICONS. If you click on Details, the filenames even squash out of sight… and disappear.

      This is a strange one… but hoped someone could tell me of a NORMAL.DOT file deletion to maybe recreate some Excel standard settings like you can do in Word

    • in reply to: File -> New – Looks strange? (Excel 2000) #575634

      System fonts are all at the defaults and using Windows Default for the Scheme.

      Changing the resolution does NOT help.

      The only program this “bug” appears in is Excel. Word, PowerPoint, Access, Outlook, IE, all work fine.

      If we reinstall Office, the problem goes away. I am looking for an easier fix


    • in reply to: Remote Desktop, VPN, ??? #575625

      Couldn’t you also try the freely available Microsoft Netmeeting, and use the Remote Desktop Sharing feature to accomplish what you need?

    Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 43 total)