• WSdiegol



    Viewing 15 replies - 31 through 45 (of 890 total)
    • in reply to: Desktops v1.0 #1122889

      Looks very nice so far. Thanks!

    • in reply to: Piky Basket #1115073

      Alan, thank you for sharing this.

      I downloaded the program when you created the post but have since been unable to give it a try. Now that I have, it looks very neat.

    • in reply to: ‘Exploding’ file size (Excel 2003) #1114287

      Thank you, Rudi!

      I’m sure to be returning to your excellent post every now and then.

      Yet another possible (and very valuable) solution can be found in this starpost by Jan.

    • in reply to: Your favourite PDF programs #1112200

      Another one for the list. Found it today and worked fine.

      Gios PDF Splitter And Merger 1.12 free


      Gios PDF Splitter and Merger represents a handy tool that will help you merge PDF documents and split PDF files with ease.

      Gios PDF Splitter and Merger is a PDF free tool developed for quicker and more efficient access to information needed from your PDF files, reorganizing them in a way that makes them easier to manage and handle.

      The First Free PDF Split and Merge utility for Windows!

      The Microsoft .NET Framework version 1.1 is required.

      There seems to be a version 2.0 coming out soon.

    • in reply to: XBRL / XML viewer / reader #1112156

      Dear all,

      I finally found the correct taxonomy file: http://www.xbrl.es/informacion/ipp.html%5B/url%5D. I’m far from being sure of what exactly I’m doing, but I’ll have time to investigate in the future. What matters is that I can now visualize the XML file. I’m using Dragon View from Hans’ post.

      Once again, thank you all very much for bearing with me.

    • in reply to: XBRL / XML viewer / reader #1112146

      Hello again,

      Jerry, your explanation was very clear. I went back to the website to search whether there was a model XSLT or XSD file applicable to these XBLRs available for download. Unfortunately I couldn’t find one.

      Hans and Alan, I appreciate your input. I tried both applications but couldn’t work things out as yet.

      I’ve spent a fair amount of time investigating since I last posted and come up with this site and this Yahoo! Group. I’ll be posting back when I have some good news to share.

      Thank you all very much.

    • in reply to: XBRL / XML viewer / reader #1112048

      Thank you Bob and Joe.

      I think I wasn’t clear enough. I can open the document in notepad, but I don’t understand the tagged content. I thought that just as an HTML file can be interpreted by a proper client, an XML document could be displayed in a nice format with the correct program.

      If you go to; then select “Banca” in the “Filtro del Sector” combobox; click on the “Banco Galicia” item in the listbox below; select “2007 2do. semestre”; and finally select “Información financiera completa en fichero XLBR”, you’ll get the file I attached. As you see, this is meant to make financial information available to the public, so I thought it would be in a format easier to handle.

      A friend has just told me that XML is aimed at exchanging information in a way such that anyone can show or manipulate it as desired and that he doubts there’s the “viewer” I want. I have a faint hope he’s wrong…

    • in reply to: XBRL / XML viewer / reader #1112025

      Subject edited by HansV to correct XBLR to XBRL

      I downloaded an XBLR file (see attached), which I’ve just read is an extension of XML.

      If I open it with notepad it’s unintelligible. Is there a visor/reader for these file types?

      Thank you.

    • in reply to: Xobni #1110233


      I’ve used Xobni for a week and, not finding a real good use for it, uninstalled it yesterday. I just couldn’t post back in proper time. Thank you for your report!

    • in reply to: Deletion of Deleted Files #1103820

      I used to use PGP 7 back in my Win98 days and haven’t had to use it since until recently, but I installed the program in my WinXP box and there are problems with some PGP service. The program won’t run, so the above suggestions are very timely. cool

    • in reply to: Firewall Recommendation #1103819

      I’ve had some complicated days that prevented my posting earlier. I want to thank you for all your thoughtful recommendations.

      I solved my FW needs (temporally) about 10 days ago. This is what I did (what I remember):

      I tried the software in this order: Agnitum Outpost, Comodo, ZoneAlarm.

      To be honest, I don’t remember what made me remove A.O.

      As regards Comodo, it didn’t seem very user friendly at first at least. It was learning something I didn’t have time to check; what’s more, other less computer-savvy Windows users use my PC and they were frustrated to be constantly prompted by alerts. The fact that they were left without a decent help desk (that’s me) worsened things, and I decided to postpone it for when calmer waters come. I do remember that settings in Comodo were global for all users, ie, if I grant a certain program access to the Internet with my user, the setting will also apply for other users. I didn’t like this, because there’s the risk that another less informed user accepts something I wouldn’t (and maybe I won’t even notice this change if the user tells Comodo to remember the setting).

      So I provisionally came back to the simple ZA which I already know. I think I checked and ZA’s settings are global for all users too (not quite sure though), but I cannot keep investigating any more right now. I plan to switch to Comodo in 6 month’s time or so.

      Again, thank you!!!

    • in reply to: Firewall Recommendation #1102395

      Joe, thanks for your comments.

      I might have spoken out of ignorance, but what I intended to mean is that in my past experience, I survived 8+ years with only a software firewall and without a problem (no intruders and having control over which programs connect to the internet). I didn’t know the advantages of hardware FWs you mention.
      This said, I’m still unwilling to get a hardware FW. I’d rather use a software alone.

    • in reply to: Firewall Recommendation #1102249

      Hello, Joe.

      I’m not using Vista but XP — forgot to mention that.

      I appreciate the wealth of replies to this thread. I realized that my first post might have discouraged ZA users to comment on their experiences with ZA and / or how it’s better than other FW software. I’d be interested in reading your reasons too. Besides, that’d complete the thread for future FW wants reference.

      Thank you.

    • in reply to: Firewall Recommendation #1102247


      Because you get a hardware firewall free with all routers (wired or wireless) that I’m aware of

      [/indent]But I don’t have a router or am planning to buy one… I just don’t need it.

      and having a hardware firewall means that you have screened out perhaps 95-99% of all the attacks that would otherwise have to be dealt with by a software firewall. Indeed, I have heard it argued that if you have a hardware firewall you don’t really need to bother having a software firewall, just the usual antivirus and antispyware which is always required.

      [/indent]If the converse is true, then if I have a software firewall I don’t need a hardware firewall and can therefore save a few bucks. As my needs are very simple, I’m unwilling to shell out a cent when there are free alternatives.


    • in reply to: Firewall Recommendation #1102131

      Hello BATcher,[indent]

      Is it fair to assume that you already have a hardware firewall? If not, that’s the first thing I’d get before worrying about which software firewall…

      [/indent]No it’s not. Why would I want a piece of hardware? My home user needs are very simple, to the extent that I believe I could manage without a firewall at all (but again, I’m not very literate in firewalls).

      I do feel more comfortable using ZoneAlarm because it lets me control which programs connect to the internet. What I do not like about ZoneAlarm is that some of its system files tend to bloat, making ZA take forever to launch in my old machine (it was an old version I was using; the problem may well have been solved by now). I believe this should not happen in my new PC, but if there is a better alternative, why bother guessing?

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