• WSDenGar



    Viewing 15 replies - 16 through 30 (of 716 total)
    • in reply to: SUMo #1164869

      I just updated SUMO to the latest release (I keep it around as a secondary source of updates but don’t use it often).

      You can decline and the program will then present its standard TOS screen (which you must accept). However, I don’t know for certain that the RelevantKnowledge software wasn’t snuck onto my PC. So beware.

      Yuk! Thanks.

    • in reply to: Why you can't forget about dinnertime… #1163924

      . . . meal time was a highlight of my day! I waited for that cart to bring my food, three times a day.

      I have to admit that “institutional food” is sometimes (often times?) under-rated. When my mother was in an Altzheimer’s nursing unit, I was pleasantly surprised by the amount and taste of what she was served. And just today, when I asked my son, who’s deployed in Kandahar, Afghanistan, how the food was, he said it was either too spicey or too bland, even though he has a wide range of choices. Guess my next care package will include some spices for the bland food.

    • in reply to: Why you can't forget about dinnertime… #1163870

      in our household:

      Just be glad you don’t have to eat any of this!

    • in reply to: SUMo #1161837

      I don’t use it myself, but see Best Free Software Update Monitor | Gizmo’s Freeware for a review of some update notifiers, including SUMo.

      Thanks, Hans.

    • in reply to: Outpost Firewall FREE #1160873

      To Dennis and Jeff:

      Would either or both of you be so kind as to post what some or all of the “Comodo issues” might be, for the benefit of ME and anyone else who uses Comodo presently, please?

      If there’s something lurking, that hasn’t bitten me yet, I’d like to do some investigating before (or if) I throw Comodo over the starboard rail!

      Two issues in particular: Very slow in initializing, cpu usage spiked and slowed down the whole bootup process;
      checking the “treat this installation as an update” (or words to that effect) most of the time didn’t work–alert windows for different parts of the same update kept popping up.

    • in reply to: Outpost Firewall FREE #1160643

      “The best software firewall in the world, and that’s no joke.”

      Looks good, but how does it match up against Comodo, also free?

      Thanks. I’ve had some “issues” with Comodo, so I’ll try Outlook.

    • in reply to: Outpost Firewall FREE #1160281

      “The best software firewall in the world, and that’s no joke.”

      Looks good, but how does it match up against Comodo, also free?

    • in reply to: How to kill a program in Running Processes #1158467

      Revo Uninstaller, free, highly rated by CNET and others, works well to remove all software and traces. I started using the program several months ago and have had no problems.

      “With its advanced and fast algorithm, Revo Uninstaller analyzes an application’s data before uninstall and scans after you uninstall an application. After the program’s regular uninstaller runs, you can remove additional unnecessary files, folders and registry keys that are usually left over on your computer. Even if you have a broken installation, Revo Uninstaller scans for an application’s data on your hard disk drives and in the Windows registry and shows all found files, folders and registry keys so you can delete them.

      With its unique “Hunter mode”, Revo Uninstaller offers you some simple, easy to use, but effective and powerful methods for uninstalling software. You can use it to manage your installed and/or running software programs.”

    • in reply to: Name of real good Disk Checker needed #1152619

      According to Chkdsk:

      /F: Fixes errors on the volume. The volume must be locked. If Chkdsk cannot lock the volume, it offers to check it the next time the computer starts.

      /R: Locates bad sectors and recovers readable information (implies /f ). If Chkdsk cannot lock the volume, it offers to check it the next time the computer starts.

      /V: On FAT. Displays the full path and name of every file on the volume. On NTFS. Displays cleanup messages, if any.

      Many thanks.

    • in reply to: Name of real good Disk Checker needed #1152612

      To add to what John says, I always use
      CHKDSK C: /F /V /R

      What do “/F /V /R” check?

    • in reply to: Wait for Windows 7? #1151930

      I think that debate has been had at interminable length over the last couple of years – you surely are not saying that you haven’t read any of the computer press over that period?
      This week’s Windows Secrets newsletter (as written in by Woody) has an article on how to ’down’-grade from Vista to XP in ‘seven easy steps’ – a bit extreme, but indicative!

      Woody’s article and others like it were exactly what prompted my concern.

    • in reply to: Trigger Finger #1149997

      I had trigger finger, and it was truly painful. My first attempt to relieve the problem was to go to a plastic surgeon who gave me a shot of cortisone. Quick, simple, what a relief. Unfortunately, a year or so later, it returned. This time I didn’t have the shot–flexed my hand quite often, soaked it in warm water, applied a cream of some sort intended for arthiritis. Problem went away after several weeks, and hasn’t returned.

      By the way, take two aspirin and call me in the morning.

    • in reply to: tenori #1149793

      ” . . . makes you want to believe the wallet-torturing £749 price tag is somehow justifiable.”

      Yup, just loose change.

    • in reply to: Windows Explorer right-click menu (any) #1148546

      Whew! Not simple, that’s for sure. nope

    • in reply to: Fast food of the world #1147230

      Geeze, folks. I was just trying to link to some “food for thought.” pun If you want more goodies, check out Bizaare Foods, an USA Travel Channel program.

    Viewing 15 replies - 16 through 30 (of 716 total)