• WSDenGar



    Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 716 total)
    • in reply to: Brrrrr… #1196906

      Many of us “warm blooded” Kentuckians, especially ol’ buzzards like me don’t like this stuff. I know, you folks “up North” on both sides of the border will snicker, but even my ol’ knees have a problem bending when it gets this cold.

      From The Weather Channel:

      Edited: Just to check what I said, I looked at Toronto and Anchorage which both have “warmer” temps than Lexington!

      Brrrr . . . and then some . . . .

      Click the “stop complaining” link and download as a PowerPoint file: http://www.google.co…interein&aqi=g3

    • in reply to: look what's coming your way #1196798

      Handy if you live in the UK…
      UK weather radar web site

      Even worse according to a NASA pic: http://news.bbc.co.u…pth/8447023.stm

    • in reply to: Cable connection quiz #1196791

      I bet I missed the same two as you did, PLUS my third one was a “too quick” look and I blew the phone cable, calling it ethernet!

      I blew the phone cable as well by identifying it as ethernet!!!

    • in reply to: True Story #1193599

      Even though this is somewhat amusing, I feel sorry for the gentleman in question because, in reality, a lot of us will be there some day. This is exactly why this old guy gets his hearing tested every year now. So far not so bad, but my loss of hearing is like the sunrise tomorrow, I know its coming.

      Cheers and a Merry Christmas to all.

      Ron M


      I should have mentioned that the gentleman had a very thick German accent. Being of a German-Russian background and experiencing how my immigrant grandparents spoke, I think it was not a hearing problem but a dialect issue.


    • in reply to: World's oldest working computer . . . #1181074

      But what will they use it for when it’s in working order again?

      More paper tape for Viking33??

    • in reply to: It just had to happen #1180783

      AH, Minnesota in the summer time. Just flies by August 15 through 17th!

      Or: Almost Winter, Winter, Still Winter, and Road Construction

    • in reply to: Replacing laptop screen #1179419

      A friend’s daughter has ordered a replacement laptop screen for a Dell PP29L. I can’t seem to locate such a model on the Dell site, although the “PP29L” brings up lots of search hits. The question is though, whether it’s a simple matter to fit the replacement screen, or whether it needs a specialized hardware tech. Hints & links welcome.


      Several years ago I had to replace the screen on my son’s Dell laptop. I went to Ebay and found a new replacement. Installing it was relatively easy.

    • in reply to: Free security programs #1175284

      I wonder if that’s the same GIZMO as the fella who now is with Windows Secrets, Gizmo Richards. I was a subscriber to his newsletter when it was active. The Whois for that site says it’s one Ian Richards in Oz. Same guy?

      The FAQ states: “Is this site related to Windows Secrets?

      No, Gizmo and this website have no ownership in Windows Secrets newsletter or their website and have no say in their editorial policy and management. And vice versa.

      People get confused on this as the Windows Sectets website does contain many freeware articles and recommendations that were originally published in Gizmo’s old Support Alert newsletter. Windows Secrets obtained this material as a result of the merger of Support Alert with Windows Secrets newsletter in July 2008. Please note that some of this material has not been updated and may no longer reflect the view and opinions of Gizmo or this website.

      Additionally, as part of the newsletter merger, Gizmo agreed to write two new articles per month for Windows Secrets newsletter for a period of two years until July 2010. Despite being given the impressive title “Senior Editor”, Gizmo’s role at Windows Secrets is simply that of a writer.”

      Confusing. In any case, the quality of the links doesn’t seem up to par with the “Support Alert” newsletter.

    • in reply to: Windows Installer problem #1171516

      I wouldn’t disable Windows Installer except as a last resort.

      Have you tried Start | (All) Programs | Microsoft Office Tools | Microsoft Office Diagnostics?

      You might also try the Windows Installer CleanUp Utility.


      Curiously, Microsoft Office Diagnostics doesn’t appear in my Microsoft Office Tools. So I used the Installer Cleanup, which I knew about and should have used before. That did the job. (“Before,” I couldn’t find the license key–three hours of searching today through way too many discs gave me what I needed.) Thanks much.

    • in reply to: Update ► Revo Uninstaller 1.75 #1168921

      Does one have to uninstall a previous version before downloading and installing the new version? I may have missed it, but the Revo site page doesn’t seem to have any instructions.

    • in reply to: USA Independence Day #1167631

      In many time zones, it is now July 4 and the celebration of USA Independence 233 years ago.

      Happy Holiday to all (and have a nice cookout, if that’s what you’re into…)

      Here’s a truly original performance of the National Anthem. It’s played by a National Symphony violinist, who made the violin out of a baseball bat. Background information here.

    • in reply to: Secunia PSI 1.5 released #1166797

      There is a new version of Secunia PSI available.

      If you aren’t familiar with it, this free product monitors software on your PC and reports any missing security patches or known security vulnerabilities. It does a great job of monitoring all those third party products that most of us forget to update.

      Thanks for the update info. Those who update, though, might want to check the Secunia Forum under “New PSI Release.” There appears to be a variety of problems in downloading and installing the update–and some contradictory advice in solving some of the problems.

    • in reply to: Update ballon on tray #1166351

      Update balloon keeps coming back after update installed.

      Right click on the balloon (the yellow icon in the tray, I assume), uncheck the download which you’ve already installed, click cancel, and then click the box next to the “Do not inform me of this update again” (or words to that effect–I’m doing this from memory).

    • in reply to: Ccleaner update #1165669

      This topic started in February 2007. The link posted by Joe Perez always points to the download of the most recent version. Not surprisingly, the current version is different from that of two years ago.
      Chris Greaves caused the confusion by posting in a thread that had been inactive for more than 2 years.

      Certainly, confusion. Most of the responses were in 2007. I would think a new, current post relating to the topic is more appropriate.

    • in reply to: Ccleaner update #1165629

      All install flavors (standard, basic, slim) of version 1.37.456 may be obtained from CCleaner.com.

      I’m confused. When I go to the link provided, version 2.20.920–standard, basic, slim–is the download indicated, not 1.37.456.

    Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 716 total)