• WSDeborah



    Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 180 total)
    • in reply to: Need Help- Access 03 SP3 forms are blank screens #1219477

      How did you establish that the function is causing the blank screen? Is that function being used in a query, or in a VBA procedure? In either case, open a VBA procedure and look for any missing references by choosing Tools / References in the VBA editor. By chance are you using the Microsoft Calendar ActiveX control, or another vendors calendar control. If that is missing on the XP system, that might explain it.

      Wendell, there is a query that extracts based off the date that was selected.
      The calendar is VBA code…not the active x. Once the user clicks on a date, a sub form appears with the classes offered for that day. The use can click on the class and then register for it (if it worked). Once the users clicks, it stores the year in a field, month and day in a field.
      They are used as linking fields for the subform.

      The query uses the [forms]![calendarmain]![calendersub]![year] to extract only that year and so forth for month and day.

      Again, it works in 2003 on a machine running XP at work. It does not work on my computer at home…2003 running XP as well or at the school that I designed it for…they are using 2003 and XP.

      I will need to check the references…later when I get home.

      Thanks for the information, it will at least get me pointed in a direction to try and correct this.

    • in reply to: Need Help- Access 03 SP3 forms are blank screens #1219450

      I am having similar issues.
      My forms capture a date from a calendar and then passes that date to another form that shows only the information for that date.
      It works in 97 and 2000.
      When I covert to 2003, I have a blank screen.
      I am not sure it it access, I think the issue is something in my version of windows.
      I have a query that separates the dates…I use Left, Mid and Right to extract the dates.
      That query works in windows 2000 but does not on my XP or VIsta machines.

      How can a function mmonth: (IIf(Left([dateoffered],1)=0,Mid([dateoffered],2,1),Left([dateoffered],2))) work in one and not in the other???

    • in reply to: Number of characters in a cell #1212113

      Thanks for all the suggestions.

      I have basically told her the same. My best advice is to split the content up into multiple cells.

      It is funny that you have the ability to type in 32000 characters and only see 1024 on the spreadsheet.

    • in reply to: Linking Merged Cells from worksheet to worksheet #1207713

      Since you have merged the cells – you only need to note the beginning cell and not through the ending merged.

      Such as =(‘ABC(WEEKLY)’!M1) not =(‘ABC(WEEKLY)’!M1:U1)

      Once you merge…n1, o1, p1 etc…do not exist.

    • in reply to: Access 2003 Runtime – Reports? #1207226

      Can you explain more?

      Are you adding options to a toolbar that will allow me to send it to a .snp or .pdf format?

    • in reply to: Forms – tab control #1172918

      BTW…I am moving fields around not pulling in new fields. I know when I pull in new fields, the tab control turn dark and then I release my mouse and it drops in nicely.

    • in reply to: word wrap #1171447

      Never mind…I messed up.
      A typical stressful day….keeps the brain from working.

    • in reply to: Vlookup from a dropdown box #1167937


    • in reply to: Vlookup from a dropdown box #1167930

      Option B…control from the form toolbar.

    • in reply to: 3 rows of data into 1…. #1167288

      Yes, I think this is exactly what I need.
      I will study the database and see what I need to do on my end to get the same results.

      I do appreciate your help. I know it is difficult to follow the questions and statements without truly understanding where we are coming from. We see it clearly…typing it out is not so clear. I worked a helpdesk for years…LOL

      Thanks, you are my hero!

    • in reply to: 3 rows of data into 1…. #1167284

      The extra payments will come in an additional row of data.

      I have created 3 queries and then created another that combines them all together.
      This works only if there is 1 charge, 1 payment and 1 adjusted.

      Is there no way to look at the account # and date of service and if they are equal then create one record???

    • in reply to: 3 rows of data into 1…. #1167282

      Please do not ignore any dates.
      The 12/25 was a prime example of what should be there.
      A charge record, a payment record and an adjusted date record.
      I need to see all the data.
      I need to be able to look at one row….and see a charge, payment and adjusted amount. This is the correct. If I see a row with only a payment and adjusted then I know they charged to the wrong accout or applied monies to the wrong account…etc.

      Thanks for looking one last time.

    • in reply to: 3 rows of data into 1…. #1167278

      look at this attachment.
      I sorted by dates of service.
      Noticed that some do not have a charge amt or diag code.

      this is the problem…..I have to find these mistakes as well as make sure the charge was correct when there is one.

    • in reply to: 3 rows of data into 1…. #1167275

      Different dates of service……

      But ALL rows have the same CPT code. Does that mean there were FIVE payments of $156.20, and FIVE adjustment amounts of $92.80?

    • in reply to: 3 rows of data into 1…. #1167274

      I will need all data.

      I need to know based off of dates of service, was there a charge, if a charge, was there a payment from the insurance and was there an adjusted amount.

      I am thinking the office charged the wrong CPT code but applied the payment to the account.

    Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 180 total)