• WSd5j9



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    • in reply to: Ubuntu, lessons learned #1214049

      Hi~~Cluttermagnet – All,
      I too, had problems with “upgrading” to 9.10…..It left my laptop – V2630US HP compaq presario unbootable !!! The hated grub error 17!!
      I found NO help on the forums…So much for upgrading!!
      It worked fine on my dell desktop…I did have an old CD of 8.10 and decided to install it, hoping it would ””overlay”” the corrupted 9.10.
      It did not….left the corrupted version and made space for 8.10….NOW-I have a messed up disk! I’m barely a step above a noob, so I don’t feel comfortable deleting all the extra ext partitions. In grub, 9.10 is listed sda2 un-bootable? in gparted from a CD or my ISO, it doesn’t tell me where the 9.10,is, just various ext partitions???
      I hate to mess up my windows XP system, since I need it for work…
      If I knew how to copy/paste in Ubuntu, I’d do that—so you could see the grub menu and what gparted displays….?
      BTW, how do you know for sure if an ISO is OK for installation? I can use it as a live CD, surf, go anywhere and it sees what a CD should…mem tested OK…cksum OK – I think?
      I ‘m never sure which partition the CD is seeing? By installing it could it wipe out my XP or will grub KNOW where to put 9.10??
      Thanks for suggestions.
      John in Dallas.

      Follow this guide, but make sure you get the number right for partitions (sda1, sda1, etc.)


    • in reply to: Ubuntu, lessons learned #1211131

      Sorry, not sure what to tell you except to try to find help in the #ubuntu IRC channel on Freenode.

    • in reply to: Ubuntu, lessons learned #1208975

      I simply installed Ubuntu and then the package ‘ubuntu-restricted-extras’ in the software center, and now it runs/plays all my files and installed flash and java. I still run windows on my desktop, but for my laptop I pretty much only run Ubuntu because I use it mostly for surfing the web and Skype.

    • in reply to: Can I make my C: partition bigger by taking spac #1192541

      Easeus Partition Manager is what I’d use. Defrag the D: drive first, then shrink it with with Easeus. Add the now-unpartitioned space to your C: partition, reboot, and that’s it.

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