• WSCecilia



    Viewing 15 replies - 46 through 60 (of 302 total)
    • in reply to: User Applies Filter – Recordcount? (Access XP) #982675

      Thanks, Hans.

      I think I just needed your special hand-holding. I thought that I had tried that before, and couldn’t get it to work. But now it works like a charm! The only line that was needed was the one in the OnCurrent of the subform,

      Me.Parent.txtRecordCount = Me.Recordset.RecordCount

      The only thing different here is the word “Parent” which probably did something magical.

      bravo coffeetime

      As always, a big THANK YOU!!!

    • in reply to: User Applies Filter – Recordcount? (Access XP) #982666

      According to our tech people, they’ve freed us from all of this. So sandbox mode shouldn’t be a problem. If, for some reason, they’re not telling us the whole truth, there’s nothing I can do about it.

      In the event that the second is truer, is there an event that I can use to update my recordcount? I can’t get a dcount expression to run from that textbox either, but I can use code on the form to have the recordcount display on load. The piece I’m missing is how to update the recordcount when the filter changes (ie. what event is triggered for filter changes).

    • in reply to: User Applies Filter – Recordcount? (Access XP) #982661


      Gosh, you’re speedy 😉

      I just attached an example. It’s ugly, but it shows what I’m trying to do. I want to filter the subform and have a recordcount on the main form that shows how many records above are displayed.

    • in reply to: User Applies Filter – Recordcount? (Access XP) #982658

      Hi Hans,

      So this solution was working fine for a few days, then suddenly it stopped working. I have NO clue about what changed (except that two weeks ago we upgraded to Office 2003). Now all I get is #Name?

      I have tried everything I can think of, but the only way I can get this to work is a one-time use of the recordcount with no filter applied. I can’t find any event that allows me to update the recordcount on the main form when the subform is filtered.

      Any ideas?


    • in reply to: Completely OT: Windows Media Player #978903

      Well, I found the key, it’s exactly there as you said….

      Since I am a disgruntled fed employee, I tried deleting the keys, but apparently they have it locked down. I couldn’t modify a thing. cop Actually, I’m surprised that I could even open the registry to view it! electric

      Thanks for your detective work, Mike! trophy At least I know what the issue is. surrender Now the bigger of issue of WHY they think they need to control us so badly is another issue altogether frown …. Maybe it’s time to find a new job. bash

      Thank you, everyone, who put effort into this endeavor!!! fanfare

    • in reply to: Completely OT: Windows Media Player #978835

      My player doesn’t seem to have that bar:

    • in reply to: Completely OT: Windows Media Player #978813

      Hi Sammy,

      Thanks for the try, but apparently your agency is much kinder than mine. I did (again) exactly the steps you suggested. “Show Menu Bar” is definitely selected, yet there is no menu bar. (In other words, whether I click Show Menu Bar or Hide Menu Bar, there is absolutely no difference.) So I don’t even get a menu bar to be able to get to the taskbar.

      Does that make sense?

    • in reply to: Completely OT: Windows Media Player #978329

      Hans, I was about 15 seconds away from asking you to marry me (because of all the help you’ve given me over the past few years), but after a comment like that….


      Anyway, thanks again for your help, and have a great day! innocent

    • in reply to: Completely OT: Windows Media Player #978325

      Thanks, Hans.

      I have no choice of Full Mode, Skin Mode, or Skin chooser like you have. All the rest *appears* to be the same.

      I wouldn’t put it past the gov’t to limit my options down to nothing. I am two seconds away from getting on my soapbox about the communist US gov’t, but unfortunately that won’t get me anywhere with the problem at hand.

    • in reply to: Completely OT: Windows Media Player #978319

      Hi Hans! How did I know it would be you to come to my rescue!

      No, there is no View–>Full Mode option. Under View, there is a greyed out Full Screen option, but Full Screen (even when available) doesn’t get me to full mode. There is a View–> Menu Bar Options under which there is a Hide Menu Bar and a Show Menu bar choice. Hiding or showing doesn’t appear to make any difference at all.

      1 doesn’t do anything. F1 pulls up help, which is no help.

      There is also a View–>Now Playing options, which has checkmarks for showing Title, Media Information, and Playlist (all separate choices). I have them all checked, but none of them appear. Unchecking them doesn’t change a thing.

      There are all these visualizations in the main (and only) screen, if only I could see the playlist there instead of silly graphics….

    • in reply to: Error opening form (MS Office 2003) #974323

      Funny feeling it’s a bug. The way I was able to get around it was to write code to delete and re-create the same docvariable. Of course it couldn’t delete it, and creating it didn’t really do anything, but now the variable is recognized. Strange.

      Thanks for your help, as always, Hans!

    • in reply to: Error opening form (MS Office 2003) #974151

      ThisDocument doesn’t help. It still thinks that that variable isn’t there. But it really is there!!!

      Grrrrrrrrr. confused

    • in reply to: Error opening form (MS Office 2003) #974141

      As always, Hans to my rescue!

      Just after I posted this, I realized that it was the initialize event that was actually causing the error (although it stops on the load line. grrrr). Here’s the code:

      Private Sub UserForm_Initialize()
      On Error GoTo HandleError

      Me.txtAcctNum.Text = ActiveDocument.Variables(“AcctNum”).Value

      Exit Sub
      Select Case Err.Number
      Case Else
      MsgBox Err.Number & ” ” & Err.Description
      End Select

      End Sub

      Keep in mind that I added the error handling a few minutes ago to verify that this was actually causing the error. But I still haven’t a clue what the problem is, as the variable “AcctNum” is still in the active document, and it still contains data. When I added the error handling to this, I was able to proceed, and the rest of my variables appear to be behaving, none of them give me an object deleted error. Deleting the variable and putting it back in does not help one bit.

      Sooo confusing!!!

    • in reply to: listbox menu options (Access 2002) #958196

      Thanks, Hans. Drank an extra cup of coffee and woke my brain up. Made a custom menu, set it to popup, moved my subs to a module and made them functions and good to go. Sometimes I just need someone to shake my brain.

    • in reply to: Locked Record? (Access XP) #958120

      Hi! Have you tried deleting the temporary file (.ldb) from the server? You’ll still have to wait for everyone to get out, but that usually clears everything up for me.

    Viewing 15 replies - 46 through 60 (of 302 total)