• WSCecilia



    Viewing 15 replies - 271 through 285 (of 302 total)
    • in reply to: Why can’t I copy the current database? (Access 97 SR2) #583178

      Thanks, but that defeats the object of doing everything from within the admin panel. He wanted them to click a button and have the file copied, done.

    • in reply to: Why can’t I copy the current database? (Access 97 SR2) #583152

      Hi Charlotte–

      Why am I trying to do it? Because my boss told me to 😉

      Basically, this db updates a db for another program. That’s the user side. Then there’s an admin side, which has options for distributing the database, one of which is to email it to the users. My boss decided that the other option would be that an admin would want to put the db onto a floppy and run around to everyone’s pc to update it. Therefore, we would need a save button that copies the program to a floppy.

      Sometime yesterday I told him that the cost/benefit of such a button wasn’t there. So I included instructions on how to open Win Explorer and copy it to a floppy. Yes, he does require that level of detail 😉

      But overall, it just doesn’t make sense to me that I can attach the current db but I can’t copy it. Oh, well, I guess not everything has to make sense 😉


      Cecilia 🙂

    • in reply to: Can only make certain combo box selections (97) #583026

      I’m not sure what you’re doing with the results of the combo box, but if you’re displaying records based on the choice, you can always write code that combines the two (ie. cboMyCombo.Column(1) & cboMyCombo.Column(2)) and combines them in the destination for comparison.

      I know, clear as mud. But it would help to know what step you’re doing next.

    • in reply to: Can only make certain combo box selections (97) #583018

      You’re welcome 🙂

    • in reply to: Can only make certain combo box selections (97) #583011

      You’ll have to check how many columns you are using in the combo and which column is bound. Since you have so many columns in the query behind the combo, my guess is that you’ve made RetailerNumber the bound column rather than the combination of RetailerStoreNumber. When the user selects from the combo, only RetailerNumber is passed and it’s just selecting the first record that relates to RetailerNumber, which is Store 0001.

      Also, is your calculated column also available in the records that you want to go to? You might have to create a single unique key that is available in both and use that to refer to the next step (you didn’t say what you’re doing with the combo data once a selection is made).

      Let me know how you make out.

      Cecilia 🙂

    • in reply to: Can only make certain combo box selections (97) #582996

      Is it that you physically can’t select other stores from the combo, or when you select a store it always does the next process as if you’ve chosen the first store?

    • in reply to: Can only make certain combo box selections (97) #582987

      Can you post the query? Or something else that will give more information?

    • in reply to: Form Field Formatting Challenge (%) (Word 97) #574168

      Oooh! Working on Sunday???? brainwash

      Basically, I started with not wanting the page to jump. If I don’t have a bookmark for the area I want re-calculated, the whole document will run the macro (even if it’s just to find out that nothing should happen) and the whole thing will appear to jump. It still jumps with this solution, just not nearly as much as it did before.

      The code just grew as I realized that every time you fill out a field, it becomes re-calcuable. I still have some more cases to take care of, but I’ve sent it out to be reviewed first, to make sure this is the approach we want. I’m sure they’ll provide me with a list of things I didn’t handle in the code 😉

      Setting the range without selecting it sounds like a fine idea. That’ll probably also help with the jumping issues. Ahhh, it’s Monday and I still can’t wrap my mind around these things! 😉

      Thanks for your help!

      Cecilia smile

    • in reply to: Form Field Formatting Challenge (%) (Word 97) #574021

      I think this does what you’re referring to, but if you can find a way to make it better, I’d sure appreciate it!

      Cecilia smile

      Sub calcPercent()
      Dim afield As FormField
      Dim strValue As String
      Dim strTemp As String
      Dim blnNegative As Boolean
      Dim rng As Range
      blnNegative = False
      Set rng = Selection.Range
      For Each afield In rng.FormFields
          If Left$(afield.Name, 3) = "per" Then
              strValue = afield.Result
              If strValue  "" Then
                  If Right$(strValue, 1) = "%" Then
                      strValue = Left$(strValue, Len(strValue) - 1)
                  End If
                  If Left$(strValue, 1) = "-" Then
                      blnNegative = True
                      strValue = Mid$(strValue, 2)
                  End If
                  If Left$(strValue, 1) = "(" Then
                      blnNegative = True
                      strValue = Mid$(strValue, 2, Len(strValue) - 1)
                  End If
                  If InStr(strValue, ".") = 0 Then
                      strValue = strValue & ".00"
                      strTemp = Mid$(strValue, InStr(strValue, ".") + 1)
                      strValue = Left$(strValue, InStr(strValue, "."))
                      If strValue = "." Then strValue = "0" & strValue
                      If Len(strTemp) < 2 Then
                          strTemp = strTemp + "00"
                      End If
                      strTemp = Left$(strTemp, 2)
                      strValue = strValue & strTemp
                  End If
                  If blnNegative = True Then
                      strValue = "(" & strValue & ")"
                  End If
                  strValue = strValue & "%"
                  afield.Result = strValue
              End If
          End If
      Next afield
      End Sub
    • in reply to: Form Field Formatting Challenge (%) (Word 97) #573671

      Yeah, I saw that answer, but unfortunately I can’t use it, as some ofthe fields are optional. I wish there were some way to access each individual field, but what I ended up doing was each time one of those fields was accessed, I ran code to change the answer to what I want. Unfortunately, since Selection wouldn’t work, I had to do it with ActiveDocument, so the whole process takes much longer than it should. Uggggh.

    • in reply to: Database Container on Startup (Access 97 on Win 98) #570602

      Actually, that’s what I did–I scrapped the startup thing and gave the Admins a password protected hidden entrance. Not exactly what I was hoping for, but it functions for what I need.

      Thanks 😉

    • in reply to: Database Container on Startup (Access 97 on Win 98) #570419

      Hee hee! Yeah, that’s evident. At least for some of the properties (If I open the db as a User, it lets me see the toolbar 100% of the time, whereas it should be at least 50% of the time). But this default changing properties for the next time is not what I want it to do. Oh, well.

    • in reply to: Database Container on Startup (Access 97 on Win 98) #570402

      Hi Wendell–

      Actually, this is exactly what I was trying to do. I locked down the db and then if the user was an Admin, opened it up. Worked great in theory, but not in practice. No matter what I did, the toolbar showed up as a User (even though it was turned off in the startup options) and either did or didn’t show up as an Admin. To get the thing off my plate, I ended up doing something else altogether. But just to update you on that particular situation, I did read about doing it from the Startup dialog (ie. in a form), but that didn’t work either.

      I’m just going to write it off as a MS “feature” and move on. I’m happier with the new design anyway.

      Thanks for asking, & happy Valentine’s!

      Cecilia smile

    • in reply to: Dateadd (Access 2000) #568693

      Okay, you can’t do that to do your homework. And especially since the answer is available to you right in the help menu.

    • in reply to: Dateadd (Access 2000) #568659

      From Access Help:
      DateAdd(interval, number, date)

      Therefore, this adds 10 days to today:
      mydate = DateAdd(“d”, 10, Date)

      I’m assuming that it’s the same between 2000 and 97….

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