• WSCecilia



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    • in reply to: IncludePicture with DocVariable #1274213

      After hours of searching and lots of frustration, I stumbled upon someone else who encountered this quirk of Word 2003.


      From the Tools menu, select Options and then on the General tab, click on
      Web Options and then select the Files tab and uncheck the option to Update
      links on save.

      Turning this off solved my problem.

    • in reply to: Image Control, changing image source #1267921

      Thanks, Gary…that’s a nice “outside the box” solution. I’ll try it, but I think I have too many images (so far I’m up to 12, and possibly a few more than that), it’ll probably slow things down considerably.

    • in reply to: Listbox (or combobox) with 2 columns in Word 2003 #1267912

      Is this a control in the body of the document or in a UserForm? You have multiple choices for each, so let us know what you’ve tried.

      A Form control. I figured it out, actually 😉 (but I have another question ready)

      If I set the combo box to 2 columns, then when adding stuff to it, the first column refers to the list itself, the 2nd column refers to the column of the combo box you want to add it to.

      So my code looks roughly like this:

      Do Until rst.EOF
      cboAgencies.List(i, 0) = rst!Agency
      cboAgencies.List(i, 1) = rst!ID
      i = i + 1

      (I know the ID usually comes first, but it displays a bit prettier this way.)

      Then I can pick up the ID by using cboBox.value and looking it up in Access. Whew.

    • in reply to: When is a query updateable? #1210137

      What a great reference, Wendell! Thanks! I found the following “checklist” on that page:

      Query Fields That Cannot Be Updated

      Any field that is the result of a calculation
      Any field in a total or crosstab query
      Any field in a query that includes a total or crosstab query as one of the
      AutoNumber fields
      A primary key participating in a relationship unless Cascade Update is
      Any field in a Unique Values query
      Any field in a UNION query

      It turned out that my tblMyTable didn’t have a designated Primary key, so I fixed that situation. But the rest doesn’t apply..I’m merely updating new blank fields, 62 of them out of the 700-odd records in the table, and the primary key is definitely unique and is the basis of the join. Nothing I can do if there’s no primary key in the DB2 table, but I hope that there is one (and believe that there is one, too, and it should be the same one as in tblMyTable).

      I’m a little unclear about the Cascade Update relationship thing, trying to figure that out now, but I doubt that’s the problem, either. Grrr, how frustrating.

      Edit: I gave up and did it in code.

    • in reply to: Can't build an event on a checkbox? #1209993

      Thank goodness! That was it! The db isn’t that old, so not sure why, but at least I’m not going crazy… 😉

      Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!

    • in reply to: Acrobat & MS Access #1206641

      Guess I’m just slow this morning…Monday morning and the demands pouring in pre-8am guarantees me an “off” day. :-S

      Thanks for the help!!! 🙂

    • in reply to: Acrobat & MS Access #1206639

      Ugggh, silly me. Apparently you have to shell the full path to Acrobat. But if anyone can answer my searching questions while I’m puttering around here…?

    • in reply to: Subform appearance #1152736

      If you set Enabled to No and Locked to Yes, the controls will look normal (not grayed out).

      Ooops, I haven’t done this stuff in quite some time. I thought it enabled=no used to make it grayed out, but maybe they took that away? My bad.

    • in reply to: Subform appearance #1152727

      You could set the Enabled property of all text boxes etc. to No.

      Alternatively, create a new text box, make it the first in the tab order so that it will have the focus initially, and set its Height and Width to 0. This makes it effectively invisible.

      If I set the enabled property to No, then the data doesn’t look like data, it looks like whited out data. Not quite what I’m looking for.

      The alternative is what I usually do, I just thought that maybe there was a more appropriate solution rather than trying to fake out the form. It doesn’t make sense that if there is no tab stop that there has to be one OR ELSE!

      Thanks, Hans

    • in reply to: ! vs . (can anyone tell me the difference?) (any version) #1130231

      Thanks to both of you! Yeah, I guess I tend to use . because of the intellisense thing. Since it seems to make no (overall) difference, I’ll stick with the .

    • in reply to: Changing the value of a textbox (MS Excel 2003) #1126279

      Hi Hans! That’s exactly what I was trying to do! (except poorly)

      Thank you!!!

      PS. I love that you’re advertising Woody’s Lounge in code these days

    • in reply to: Which control was clicked? (Access 2003) #1100918

      Thanks, Hans. I was afraid of that.

    • in reply to: Excel Automation: the active area (Access & Excel 2003 SP2) #1099953

      Actually, it was the whole “InchestoPoints” thing that threw me, it wasn’t necessary at all :-/

      Thanks again! You are da man!!!

    • in reply to: Excel Automation: the active area (Access & Excel 2003 SP2) #1099939

      PS. For example, another thing I’d like to do is set the margins of the excel spreadsheet so it’s ready to print…

      What I’ve been doing is writing macros in excel and trying to get them to work in Access, but this particular one won’t work…and it would be nice to be able to see what other sorts of properties I can manipulate from Access to Excel.

    • in reply to: Excel Automation: the active area (Access & Excel 2003 SP2) #1099936

      Hans, that worked BEAUTIFULLY!

      Can you possibly point me to a reference that would have this sort of information? I have a gazillion books here, but none of them have the phrase “CurrentRange” in them. I was searching for “ActiveRange” not knowing what I was looking for…it’s sooo confusing!

      Thank you sooooo much! trophy

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