• WScchambers@work



    Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 98 total)
    • Hm! I took your info and was able to use it succesfully in Word and Excel. I had to add the SWITCH WINDOW command to the toolbar and ribbon. Now it’s exactly what I was looking for. Thank you for helping to guide me there!

    • yes. i want to be able to have an instance of word for example that has multiple files in that session. then i want to be able to open another session of word that has different multiple files in that session. when looking at the toolbar, i want to see only those 2 buttons, not a separate button for every file that’s opened.

    • in reply to: Refreshing pivot charts #1279777

      Thank you for the update. I’m glad to know that this is a bug and will be fixed when I move from 03 to 07!

    • in reply to: Linked table not pulling all fields #1269701

      after inserting and deleting the field in front of the short desc field (which happens to be the last field in the sheet), i was able to link properly to the field. i had our staff run the exported data which populates the table (they have to do this daily) today and we’re back to square one. the table doesn’t recognize the field again. i dont’ want to have to insert another manual step unless i absoultely have to.

      i just don’t understand why it won’t recognize the last column of data automatically.

      thanks to all who are attempting to help!

    • in reply to: Linked table not pulling all fields #1269217

      I performed the test you suggested. everything work. what does this tell us?

    • in reply to: Need to eliminate duplicates that aren’t real #1267714

      YES!!!! thank you. just by talking with you i was able to refocus my review and found the duplicate in the “other unique table.” i also recreated my join to be based on several concatenated fields to create a stronger link. this definitely help set me straight!

    • in reply to: ODBC Connection Failure #1263454

      Wonderful. You’re absolutely correct. It wasn’t EXACTLY the same. I went back through it and found that I didn’t save the password to the data source. So everytime I attempted to refresh, it failed because the password wasn’t stored. Duh! Thanks for helping me level-set!

    • in reply to: IIF stmt does not allow query from Excel #1225936

      The problem is that StrReverse, StrRev, and InStrRev do not translate to Excel. So when I have those expressions in my query, excel doesn’t know how to read them. It fails in getting the data out. hhhhhmmmm. i’m really stumped on this one. i think i might just have to leave it without pulling out those fields and deliver it down to excel that way. then, within excel, i’ll write formulas there to pull out the “type” …..that is, unless someone else can think of anything. thanks all for trying!!!!

    • in reply to: IIF stmt does not allow query from Excel #1225616

      StrReverse and StrRev are my actual problem. those expressions aren’t recognized when i’m in excel pull in my data from access. I basically need create fields that would reflect the following for the [FULL NAME] fields shown below. The problem is that this is a free-form text field we are manipulating. I was trying to do a string reverse and take into account any typos or spaces that i know the team will mess up during setup. by doing a reverse, i thought if i put the “type” information first, i could possibly jury-rig it futher to take into account fat-fingering the data. since StrReverse doesn’t play well with excel, is there any other suggestions that you might have?

      the formula previously suggested: Mid([Full Name], InStrRev([Full Name], ” “) + 1) returned blanks. it’s right on the tip of the brain, but i just can’t get over the hump. thanks!


      John S. Doe VENDOR
      John S. Doe CLIENT
      John S. Doe EMPLOYEE
      John S. Doe 12/31/2011

    • in reply to: IIF stmt does not allow query from Excel #1225550

      I’ve found it. It’s the StrReverse formula that is not translating to Excel very well. Is there an alternative to the problem shown above? As always, thanks!

    • in reply to: IIF stmt does not allow query from Excel #1225524


      Thank you for catching that. I was so fixed on the IIF statement that I didn’t cross validate my remaining formulas. I found that it was linked to these 2:

      GRP_TRIM: Trim(StrReverse([Full Name]))

      GRP: StrReverse(Trim(Left([GRP_TRIM],InStr([GRP_TRIM],” “)-1)))

      I’m doing that because i have a field in [Full Name] where we have manipulated the data. we had nowhere else to put a “type” so we jury-rigged the name field to show it. any idea what to do here to give me a field that will reflect the type(grp) shown at the end of the name? thanks!!!!

      John S. Doe VENDOR
      John S. Doe CLIENT
      John S. Doe EMPLOYEE
      John S. Doe 12/31/2011

    • in reply to: IIF stmt does not allow query from Excel #1225503

      I use the import data function while in excel. Most of my users do not use access. All of my reports are created in excel. Therefore, I’m still stuck with the IIF statement not working. Do you have any other suggestions? Thanks again.

    • in reply to: xlColorIndexAutomatic (Excel 03) #1204705

      Cool. I knew I saw it SOMEWHERE. I just couldn’t remember. Thanks all!

    • in reply to: xlColorIndexAutomatic (Excel 03) #1204699

      This is perfect. Thank you. But another quick question, where can I go to get what the numbers are for each category? See I wouldn’t have know that 200 across would give me the gray color I want. Where could I test the color and identify the numbers I need to use? Thank you again!

    • in reply to: FINDSERIES (Excel 03) #1197753

      That was it! I had it in the workbook, not in a normal module. I put it in the wrong place. Thanks everyone!

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