AskWoody LoungerFound it. The non-standard setting was for a ‘secure’ port. This was with a different email client where the port had to be changed directly. Checking T-bird, the same change can be implemented by checking ‘Use secure connection (SSL)’ in the Server Settings. But don’t just check this-check with your ISP. If they have any special requirements such as this then they should tell you about them, even if they’re not familiar enough with T-bird to tell you exactly how to set them.
AskWoody LoungerTools, Account Settings, Server Settings for the account with the problem.
Also check advice from your ISP-they might require non-standard settings (don’t remember offhand but had a customer with a corporate shop that did so).
AskWoody LoungerI’ve only installed NSW2K4 on one machine & that was only a 90-day trial, then I uninstalled it & installed NSW2K3 Pro for which I already had a license. So I can’t comment very specifically about conflicts with NSW2K4, but overall I’ve found it rare for an anti-virus product to have a conflict with any other software except for another anti-virus product. (And even then they work fine as long as only one of them is running at a time.)
On the few occasions when an anti-virus product has had a conflict with another product I’ve found that the conflict has always been documented on the anti-virus manufacturer’s Web site. I did find a report of a conflict with Roxio CD Creator but the suggested solution, per Symantec, is to download & install an update for CD Creator, not to uninstall it. Unfortunately, it sounds to me like your support tech was grasping at straws.
AskWoody LoungerI’ve only installed NSW2K4 on one machine & that was only a 90-day trial, then I uninstalled it & installed NSW2K3 Pro for which I already had a license. So I can’t comment very specifically about conflicts with NSW2K4, but overall I’ve found it rare for an anti-virus product to have a conflict with any other software except for another anti-virus product. (And even then they work fine as long as only one of them is running at a time.)
On the few occasions when an anti-virus product has had a conflict with another product I’ve found that the conflict has always been documented on the anti-virus manufacturer’s Web site. I did find a report of a conflict with Roxio CD Creator but the suggested solution, per Symantec, is to download & install an update for CD Creator, not to uninstall it. Unfortunately, it sounds to me like your support tech was grasping at straws.
AskWoody LoungerThere are far too many techs that ass-u-me Windows is installed on drive C. It shouldn’t be a problem as long as you (the OP) just substitutes the correct drive/path for whatever the tech tells her to type. Just don’t try to correct the tech-everybody knows that techs working over the phone on a strange computer know more about it than the computer’s owner who’s sitting at the keyboard. If you don’t believe that, just ask them! (The techs, that is.)
AskWoody LoungerThere are far too many techs that ass-u-me Windows is installed on drive C. It shouldn’t be a problem as long as you (the OP) just substitutes the correct drive/path for whatever the tech tells her to type. Just don’t try to correct the tech-everybody knows that techs working over the phone on a strange computer know more about it than the computer’s owner who’s sitting at the keyboard. If you don’t believe that, just ask them! (The techs, that is.)
AskWoody LoungerSpecific terms that come to mind are ‘Economode’ and Draft quality. There may be others.
AskWoody LoungerSpecific terms that come to mind are ‘Economode’ and Draft quality. There may be others.
AskWoody LoungerTry enclosing the long filenames in quotes, e.g. CALL “MyBatchFile”.
AskWoody LoungerTry enclosing the long filenames in quotes, e.g. CALL “MyBatchFile”.
AskWoody LoungerMany of your arguments against online publications seem to me to be an indictment of the industry rather than of the technology.
I read many online publications while away from my PC. I’ll admit that I have yet to see a magazine that publishes in a format that I can read on my Palm Pilot, but I’ve found many books that do so.
Speaking of cluttered, I’ve dropped most of my print magazine subscriptions because I can’t find the articles thru the ads. I’ve even had some where it’s almost impossible to find the table of contents.
I share your dislike of poorly formatted web pages. Not just publications, but help & support websites, too. (I swear, 4 out of every 5 websites I print out for reference end up with the bottom menu/contact info/footer on a separate page which I immediately throw away.)
I’m not sure about ‘thumbing thru’ an online publication. I look for the table of contents & pick out which stories I want to read from there-and that actually works better in online publications than print. I suppose that’s just a matter of personal style. I wonder if anyone’s working on supporting the ‘thumb thru’ style?
Your final point about it not being cost effective is one that I don’t understand. Is there a difference in time between ‘hunching over’ a printed publication vs. ‘hunching over’ a terminal? Do you pay for time on the terminal? (By the way, if you truly need to ‘hunch over’ your terminal then I’d look into getting a different terminal.)
As I noted earlier, I don’t read a lot of publications while seated at my desk. Generally I download them to my Palm Pilot & then read that either while seated on my couch beside my wife or while commuting (if I’m not driving). When I do read a publication at my desk I’ve never noticed a difference whether it’s online or printed so I’m not sure why one format would be more cost effective than the other-for me, at least.
AskWoody LoungerMany of your arguments against online publications seem to me to be an indictment of the industry rather than of the technology.
I read many online publications while away from my PC. I’ll admit that I have yet to see a magazine that publishes in a format that I can read on my Palm Pilot, but I’ve found many books that do so.
Speaking of cluttered, I’ve dropped most of my print magazine subscriptions because I can’t find the articles thru the ads. I’ve even had some where it’s almost impossible to find the table of contents.
I share your dislike of poorly formatted web pages. Not just publications, but help & support websites, too. (I swear, 4 out of every 5 websites I print out for reference end up with the bottom menu/contact info/footer on a separate page which I immediately throw away.)
I’m not sure about ‘thumbing thru’ an online publication. I look for the table of contents & pick out which stories I want to read from there-and that actually works better in online publications than print. I suppose that’s just a matter of personal style. I wonder if anyone’s working on supporting the ‘thumb thru’ style?
Your final point about it not being cost effective is one that I don’t understand. Is there a difference in time between ‘hunching over’ a printed publication vs. ‘hunching over’ a terminal? Do you pay for time on the terminal? (By the way, if you truly need to ‘hunch over’ your terminal then I’d look into getting a different terminal.)
As I noted earlier, I don’t read a lot of publications while seated at my desk. Generally I download them to my Palm Pilot & then read that either while seated on my couch beside my wife or while commuting (if I’m not driving). When I do read a publication at my desk I’ve never noticed a difference whether it’s online or printed so I’m not sure why one format would be more cost effective than the other-for me, at least.
AskWoody LoungerI know nothing about ZKS but I’d be cautious about your assumption that because software is being offered to a bank’s customers that it’s been thoroughly tested for security.
I have a business account at a bank which offers online access. I like online access & have it with a number of personal accounts, so I signed up for it. Turned out that I couldn’t access it-one of the menus didn’t pop up. When I contacted the bank I was told that it works just fine in Internet Explorer…
Obviously not designed with security in mind, was it?
AskWoody LoungerI know nothing about ZKS but I’d be cautious about your assumption that because software is being offered to a bank’s customers that it’s been thoroughly tested for security.
I have a business account at a bank which offers online access. I like online access & have it with a number of personal accounts, so I signed up for it. Turned out that I couldn’t access it-one of the menus didn’t pop up. When I contacted the bank I was told that it works just fine in Internet Explorer…
Obviously not designed with security in mind, was it?
AskWoody Lounger%1 is a variable that is replaced at execution by the file pathname. /n is a switch that, if I remember correctly, starts Word without creating a new blank document. It sounds to me like the command line ending in %1 is the correct one.
I ran into a similar problem with the Thunderbird email client-clicking on a mailto link while T-bird was closed worked properly (opened a Compose window). Click on the link while T-bird was open & it didn’t work. Ended up uninstalling & reinstalling T-bird. Checked the entries before & after & couldn’t see any difference-but now it works & it didn’t before.
My guess is that there’s another entry, somewhere, that got changed during the reinstall-but I don’t know what it is.
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