• WSBrooke



    Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 543 total)
    • in reply to: utility to print all code #1089152

      Another option might be to ask chrisgreaves if he has a tool that can do this or look on his website – I know he was working on something along these lines a long time ago…

    • in reply to: utility to print all code #1089061

      I’ve used Prettycode in a previous life (but only in excel) and it could do all modules in a workbook but I’m fairly sure it couldn’t do all modules in all workbooks open – and I’m certain you had to have the file open (but apart from that, it’s well worth the money!)

    • in reply to: Moving (tabbing) between documents (Excel 2003) #1088329

      Try Alt and Tab or Control and Tab – one of those should do what you want.

    • in reply to: remove table/query aliases (2003) #1086731

      Brilliant – thanks for that. ( I won’t be re-editing the SQL – It was already making my eyes glaze over!!!) cheers

    • These are error checking indicators – to turn them off go to Tools | Options | Error Checking and deselect “Enable Background error checking”.

    • in reply to: SendObject Length Limitation (A2003) #989259

      again, clutching at straws…

      You say you’re passing the SendTo in as a string. Have you tried passing it in as an array? Below is an outline of how I do it, but I’ve never gone for large distribution lists so don’t really know if this will help – we tend to set up mailgroups for each automated report. In the example below, the mailgroups could contain upto 30 people each. Would that work for you?

      Sub SendDailies_SAPFGI()
      Dim strSubject As String
      Dim strDistList As Variant
      Dim strBody As Variant

      strSubject = “SAPFGIReport”
      strBody = Array(“Today’s FGI report as at 08:00 GMT” , PATH_TEXTFILES & “SAPFGIReport.txt” , “regards” , “Brooke”)

      Call SendLotusNotesEmail(strDistList, strSubject, , strBody)
      End Sub

      the main sub – with most code stripped out, is as below:

      Sub SendLotusNotesEmail (varDistList As Variant, strSubject As String, Optional varCopyList As Variant, Optional varBody As Variant, Optional strPriority As String = “N”, Optional strImportance As String = “2”)

      ‘declare notes objects
      ‘declare standard variables
      ‘set up document
      ‘assign standard document values

      ‘assign passed document values
      doc.Subject = strSubject ‘give it a subject
      doc.SendTo = varDistList ‘set the SendTo field to the distribution list
      doc.CopyTo = varCopyList

      ‘build body of email here if you want to

      ‘get rid of the thing
      Call doc.SEND(False, doc.SendTo)
      Call doc.Save(False, False)

      ‘kill all notes references
      End Sub


    • in reply to: Automated E-Mails with Lotus Notes (Access 2002) #989254

      I was going to apologise about the time-delay in replying, but I’m not sure that’s necessary? grin

      I was hoping that you could do it by amending the code:

      Call doc.Save(False, False)
      Call doc.SEND(False, doc.SendTo)


      Call doc.Save(False, False)
      Call doc.Activate

      However, .Activate is not a method of the NotesDocument Class: doc.Save does, however, put the document in the draft folder, so you could navigate to that and open it manually…

      My mind is fuzzy when it comes to notes, but I’m sure I remember seeing code that does activate/open a document in the User interface, but I can’t find how to do it using NotesDocuments or NotesItems. It may be possible to get at the draft by the NotesUIView class so that you can then activate it using one of the other NotesUI classes. I’ll keep looking for you, but I’m afraid I can’t promise anything. Hopefully the manually opening the draft will tide you over.

    • in reply to: NAME Error (2003) #959946

      Agreed. I find it curious that different people get different numbers, but I guess it is just that – a curiosity. FWIW, iseven and yield produce the same behaviour, but I doubt I’ll be investigating any further.

    • in reply to: NAME Error (2003) #959668

      are you suggesting i don’t have it permanently running? grin I checked with the version i had, and have just checked with the most recent version on your website – all add-ins disabled, I get no names in the workbook and =isodd(25) returns #value, but =isodd still returns -154468285. curious

    • in reply to: NAME Error (2003) #959655

      Does anybody know why,if i type “=isodd” (no brackets – I was playing and hit the enter key too soon) in a cell, I get the result “-154468285”? another addin using this as a defined name perhaps (I do have hyperion essbase installed, which does do some odd things on occasion,) or some other explanation?

    • in reply to: Combined AND and OR statement (Excel XP) #959632

      It is possible – you’ve just got your brackets muddled. The following works for me:


    • in reply to: VBA formating borders (Excel 2000) #959629

      try changing the line “For c = 1 To c = 20” to “For c = 1 To 20” – any better?

    • blush thanks for the catch…

    • Here’s some quick and dirty code I cobbled together some time ago – there are probably tidier ways of doing this. I’m not sure, but the original source would probably have been either here, j-walk or chip (but all errors are mine entirely!) This works on the active workbook only.

      Sub ListFuncsAndProcs()
      Dim aComp
      Dim WkBkComps
      Set WkBkComps = ActiveWorkbook.VBProject.VBComponents
      Dim RowVal As Integer, colval As Integer
      Application.DisplayAlerts = False
      On Error Resume Next 
      Sheets("list of funcs and procs").Delete
      On Error GoTo 0 
      Application.DisplayAlerts = True
      Sheets.Add.Name = "list of funcs and procs"
      ActiveWindow.Zoom = 50
      colval = 1
      Cells(1, colval).Value = ".Name"
      Cells(2, colval).Value = ".Type"
      Cells(3, colval).Value = ".codemodule"
      Cells(4, colval).Value = ".count of lines"
      colval = 2
      Dim intCol As Integer
      On Error Resume Next 
          For Each aComp In WkBkComps
              Cells(1, colval).Value = aComp.Name
              Cells(2, colval).Value = aComp.Type
              Cells(3, colval).Value = aComp.CodeModule
              intCol = aComp.CodeModule.CountOfLines
              Cells(4, colval).Value = intCol
      Dim x
      RowVal = 5
      Dim strtemp
                  For x = 1 To intCol
                  strtemp = aComp.CodeModule.Lines(x, 1)
      If Left(strtemp, 8) = "Function" Then
      Cells(RowVal, colval).Value = strtemp: RowVal = RowVal + 1: End If
      If Left(strtemp, 16) = "Private Function" Then
      Cells(RowVal, colval).Value = strtemp: RowVal = RowVal + 1: End If
      If Left(strtemp, 15) = "Public Function" Then
      Cells(RowVal, colval).Value = strtemp: RowVal = RowVal + 1: End If
      If Left(strtemp, 3) = "Sub" Then
      Cells(RowVal, colval).Value = strtemp: RowVal = RowVal + 1: End If
      If Left(strtemp, 11) = "Private Sub" Then
      Cells(RowVal, colval).Value = strtemp: RowVal = RowVal + 1: End If
      If Left(strtemp, 10) = "Public Sub" Then
      Cells(RowVal, colval).Value = strtemp: RowVal = RowVal + 1: End If
              colval = colval + 1
      End Sub
    • in reply to: import from web (2000 rs 1) #952684

      yes, I experience the same – “this query returned no data…” – same excel as you – 2002 sp3

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