• WSBrian-Martin



    Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 48 total)
    • in reply to: W10 – cannot get it to accept my product code #1555194

      Another composite reply and again thanks for the suggestions.

      “Do you have either the COA or Win7 media?”
      W7 was from Toshiba and so was an OEM. I have the Toshiba media, and have used it to re-install and that is what I started the upgrade from.
      There is a sticker on the base of the laptop but is so worn I cannot read anything from it.

      “being able to run Insider 10 on a particular machine does not imply you can upgrade to W10 on that machine”. When I looked at System within W7 it showed I had SP1 and it was activated. No errors were reported during the Insider install or the current attempt to upgrade.

      “When I noticed mine starting to fade, although I can still read it, I made a note of it should it be needed at a future date.” Unfortunately when I spotted it had faded it was too late to read it. I must admit I lacked the foresight to see it may be needed in the future.
      “.. got an error when I entered that serial number but on checking mine, they are 6 characters so perhaps you should have another look at yours and try again.” On the code I will need to return to my W7 image to investigate.

      Fascist nation
      “I’d just wait and let the automated process do the download and eventually let you know everything is waiting for your approval to install.” That has to be my fall back position but I am keen to make the transfer to W10 as soon as possible.

      Rick Corbett
      If I have to return to my W7 image I will give your suggestion a try. The comments in that url are very positive about the process.


    • in reply to: W10 – cannot get it to accept my product code #1554929

      A composite reply and thanks for your comments so far.

      “Were you trying to do a clean install or an upgrade install?” As GetWX app stated I could not upgrade yet I tried the iso approach. As I was overwriting W7 with W10 I assumed that I was doing an upgrade.

      “It appears from your description that you tried to enter the product key during Windows 10 installation and it failed. Have you tried since the installation was complete?”
      I input the product code when prompted as part of the install.
      I input the code when W10 had been installed and got 0x80041024 error. When I “googled” the error code I got an MS site that suggested trying ShowKeyPlus. I did, it failed with error 0x803f7001 – I have still to pursue that.

      “The product key that Belarc etc. gives is the Toshiba generic key and will differ from what is on the COA sticker key.” Thanks for that. I now realise that my hope of using two apps to find and confirm the product key was unworkable.
      “What reason did Toshiba give for your machine not being Win 10 compatible ?” I found the Toshiba site, input the key information and got
      “PSLY0E : The part number you entered is not a recognised device supporting upgrade to Windows 10. Please double check your part number and re-enter.”
      I tried the url you provided. In all the solutions was – “Enter the 25 digit product key number from the top of this tutorial for the edition of Windows 10 you have installed.”
      I could not see any keys at the top of the tutorial so I must be misunderstanding something.
      My installed version is Windows 10 Home


    • in reply to: Microsoft finally agrees to provide info on Win10 updates #1536231

      If MS accepts the need to provide more guidance on what a W10 update will do I might be content. It is disappointing to see, in W7, for KB3075249, KB3080149, KB3068708, etc all had, on the update page,
      “Install this update to resolve issues in Windows”
      Only by using the linked url was it possible to see what it actually did. The MS comment was potentially misleading.

    • Coochin
      Thanks for your comment on the absence of W7. I now understand what has happened.
      I successfully restored using a Macrium image.

    • BruceR
      To make sure I am on the right track.
      Open the DVD within W7, find the setup.exe and double click it to get underway?

    • in reply to: No W10 icon #1520476


      Thanks for your ideas. The updates you referred to have been made. I ran the diagnostic tool again and got a message that I needed to install KB2952664. I had. So I uninstalled it. Rebooted. Installed it again. Rebooted. Ran the diagnostic tool again and got the same message.

      So I will keep an eye on the first url I referred to in case more ideas/updated tool is published.

      I was not aware of slmgr /dli I ran it and got a window whose final line was
      License Status: Licensed
      so I seem to have a valid licence.

      For any reader who is unsure what to do
      open command prompt and type in
      slmgr /dli
      hit enter and the window appears.


    • SF99

      Yiou are correct that remastersys has been discontinued but see http://sourceforge.net/projects/os4systemimage/files/Remastersys%203.0.4-2/ where you can downlod the latest version. remastersys can be found in the Mint Repositiory and that is the easiest way to install it.


    • I have used remastersys for several years to make an image – in my case from Mint 12 to Mint 16. I first used it on Ubuntu but have not used Ubuntu recently.

      remastersys can be found in the Synaptic. You will need both packages. NB. I believe the development of the package has changed recetly. remastersys writes the image to home/remastersys

      In my case I have little data in my home. It takes about 16 minutes to make the image and about five minutes to copy to a usb and then test the image. It takes about 15 minutes to restore the image.


    • in reply to: Cannot delete account in Thunderbird #1391026

      I have just installed Thunderbird and had a few problems making it work – it is how my ISP implements smtp.

      My problem seems to be similar to yours – an account cannot be removed.

      On first occassion I “messed up” then decided to uninstall and re-install. The errorneous email address was still present. I removed Thunderbit and browsed for Thunderbird-related files that were still present. There was one in C/users/my_account/AppData/Local and one in Roaming (NB. I am using Windows 7). I removed both and re-installed and was able to set up smtp as advised and Thunderbird is now working.


    • in reply to: Ccleaner and “hot fix uninstaller” tick box #1328394


      I was using 3.16.1666 and I note the url pointing to a possible error.

      I updated to 3.17 and the hot fix uninstaller is still present.


      Thanks for your comments on it being a problem from 2006.

      I do not really have problem with space. Looking at Ccleaner in detail followed from AVG taking around 40 minutes to run a scan – only operating systems applications were running. I removed
      Temporary Internet files (46,596 totalling 396,853KB)
      System – Temporary files (8,207 totalling 795,491KB)
      Windows log files (439 totalling 47,648KB)
      Firefox/Mozilla – Internet cache (18,410 totalling 818,677KB)
      and a few others.
      To cut a long story short there were 75406 files totaling 2,324,743KB (it really was 2.324GB).

      I have run three AVG scans since those removals and the average time is 20 minutes 42 seconds.

      I will take your precautionary approach of backing up the folders up, before removal, in case it all goes wrong.


    • in reply to: Web of Trust #1291477

      Dr Who

      Thanks for the comment on Hosts manager. I provide advice to senior citizens in Bath, England. One has recently commented on the problems when the grandson messes up the PC having visited very questionable web sites. Hosts manager seems a useful first step to help manage the problem. I will experiment first.

      I would welcome any guidance/cautions/caveats/etc from those with experience of Host manager


    • in reply to: Prevent drive-by downloads? #1273293

      I would like to endorse kehander’s comment and suggest adding the NoScript extension to his list. I have not seen a pop up/scripting problem for three/four years.

      With NoScript you need to positively allow a web site. Many sites notify you that scripting is required. You then decide if you want to allow it.


    • Joe

      Thanks for the reply. I will do the update and that will stop Secunia advising the update is required.

      Incidentally Windows Update have never offered the patch.


    • in reply to: How big of partition should I leave for Windows 7? #1271172

      satrow – post 6

      I am interested in “you could create your own install for W7, mine uses about 4G”. Can you point me in the direction of how to do it please? Currently I make an image in case I need to re-install.


    • in reply to: Installing Ubuntu 10.10 64bit on usb WD hd #1270169

      I have also found wubi to be successful. I followed the wizard and allowed Ubuntu to be installed within the C drive. The default size suggested by the installer is 17GB but I only used 8GB as all data is on the D partition. The 8GB was also the defauilt size when I experimented, successfully, with Ubuntu inside Virtualbox.
      The D partition holds the data and is accessible from Windows 7 and Ubuntu Lucid.


    Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 48 total)