• WSbookbox



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    • in reply to: How to Count number of items in a sum formula (97) #789602

      Thank you Hans. That is great and not too complicated. Having run in panic from all those modules in Visual Basic when trying to edit Macros, it is nice that Longre allready did that part for people like me But thanks for the further instructions it is always good to learn something new. Am going to see how badly it is possible to screw up Xl by removing Longre’s and trying to use yours.

      This is a great board as I said in my previous post. Just way too tech for me. But the other boards couldn’t come up with an answer. So I asked at my “Ace in the hole” backup board and sure enough not one but several answers.

    • in reply to: How to Count number of items in a sum formula (97) #789603

      Thank you Hans. That is great and not too complicated. Having run in panic from all those modules in Visual Basic when trying to edit Macros, it is nice that Longre allready did that part for people like me But thanks for the further instructions it is always good to learn something new. Am going to see how badly it is possible to screw up Xl by removing Longre’s and trying to use yours.

      This is a great board as I said in my previous post. Just way too tech for me. But the other boards couldn’t come up with an answer. So I asked at my “Ace in the hole” backup board and sure enough not one but several answers.

    • in reply to: How to Count number of items in a sum formula (97) #789240

      Thank you gentlemen. You hit it right on. I knew someone here would have an answer. But now I remember why I quit coming in here. I do not understand two words out of ten of what you posted. I have no idea how to create a user-defined function in a standard module. Is that like a macro? Or what an option explicit is or how or where to create that.

      Fortunately I was able to decipher Laurent Longre’s download (even tho I do not speak French). And type in the string. Both provided by Hans worked after the doing the download.

      So again thanks for the link. This is a great board even if it is too advanced for this redhead.

    • in reply to: How to Count number of items in a sum formula (97) #789241

      Thank you gentlemen. You hit it right on. I knew someone here would have an answer. But now I remember why I quit coming in here. I do not understand two words out of ten of what you posted. I have no idea how to create a user-defined function in a standard module. Is that like a macro? Or what an option explicit is or how or where to create that.

      Fortunately I was able to decipher Laurent Longre’s download (even tho I do not speak French). And type in the string. Both provided by Hans worked after the doing the download.

      So again thanks for the link. This is a great board even if it is too advanced for this redhead.

    • in reply to: Long Shutdown Time (Window XP Professional) #680088

      Check your firewall. My computer took 7 minutes to shut down. When I reloaded ZA the slow shut down disappeared.

    • in reply to: howdo I reinstall Access (OfficePro97 in XPPro) #679567

      Tnks Hans that’s the kind of info I was looking for.

    • in reply to: Automatic total field (OffPro97Access XPPRo) #674661

      I don’t think I changed any settings. But I will check the Nulls. I know I went through this when I first set em up. But I can not remember how I finally solved it.

      Requery?? I haven’t written a query for these. Just a formula in a text box.

      Today it would let me click on one screen and then the rest would be OK. I hate it when the darn thing isn’t consistnt.

      Tnx for the suggestions.

    • in reply to: Commands and Macros not available (ACCESS WIN97PRO ) #666682

      For the further edification of anyone having this problem in the future It came back as soon as I opened TinySpell. Too bad because TinySpell is great for checking spelling on the fly in places like this. Guess I will just have to remember to turn it on when I go on line.

      Thanks again

    • in reply to: Commands and Macros not available (ACCESS WIN97PRO ) #666575

      I don’t believe this. Booted this morning opened the DB and the problem has disappeared. Will be back if it comes back. Thanks

    • in reply to: Commands and Macros not available (ACCESS WIN97PRO ) #666527

      The command or action “PostAppend” (edit) PasteAppend isn’t available now.

      You may be in a read-only database or an unconverted database from an earlier version of bookbox.

      The type of object the action applies to isn’t currently selected or isn’t in the active view.

      Use only those commands and macro actions that are currently available for this database.

      What the !@#$% does that mean? Everything worked fine when I went home last night. Boot up today and Access has gone on strike. I can add a new entry. I can copy the old entry and paste it into the new entry. But I can’t run an event procedure which I have been using for 2 years because it uses PasteAppend. I have gone back through four backups and they all act the same way. So It is not a setting that has been changed in the current database. It appears to be something Access has decided on its own. I have run repair It is not read only in properties and it is allowing other edits. It should not be unconverted as it was never in any other form and the Convert choice is grayed out.

      How can an object not be in the active view? How can commands and macros not be available for this database? How can I get them back?

      Also a date field set to display date and time is acting strange. It will not take the date from the ^; shortcut key but will accept it if I type it in. However it will take the time from the ^: Doesn’t give me any message just acts like I haven’t type the key,

      The gremlins sure had fun in here last night.

    • in reply to: Commands and Macros not available (ACCESS WIN97PRO ) #666562

      ok Paste Append believe it or not I did proof read that thing.

      I am my system administrator and you are my support group.

      SR2 no idea about the Jet Service pack although I remember having to down load that sometime in the past. Under XPPRO.

      I loaded an OE spell checker. Don’t see why it would mess with an internal Access expression but I will try uninstalling it.

      Trouble is if it has created a “broken reference” will I have to reinstall Access? Can I do that without reinstalling all of Office Pro?

    • in reply to: xp call home (xppro sp1) #665694

      Thanks for all the responses. I think (which is dangerous) that the main problem might have been something to do with my UPS although the battery was testing OK. I found an entry in the “adminstrative tools|event viewer” that coincided time wise with the failures and it said UPS. So I reloaded that and so far no crashes. But I have also stripped out everything except OFFPro.

      Guess I will let XP call home in the future.

    • in reply to: Barclock for NT #645365

      Tnx all looked to easy to be true and too complicated for me to make work. After much googling and judicious tweaking I got BarClock to work for me in XP.

    • in reply to: Barclock for NT #643499

      Edited by WyllyWylly to add URL code and preformatted text markup. See the Quick Guide.[/i][/size] smile

      I found this script to make the clock show up on the title bar. Does anything in it look suspicious? Does it look like it will work with XP? And what do I do with the script to make it work? Where do I put it?

      Yes I have tried several regular clock programs. My favorite being Patrick Breen

    • in reply to: Ginger sauce please? #642605

      Tnx all — One of my searchers actually found the Benihana recipe for me.

      Ron M–great site. I just seem to collect recipes even when I don’t use them. This site will save me time looking.

      Jescher–the long one sounds interesting but I was looking for something between the store bottles and a six month aging process.

      Samantha–really will have to try that one.

      Again tnx all — sorry it took so long to get back to you — new computer is taking some getting used to.

    Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 122 total)