• WSbfxtrfcmgr



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    • in reply to: Login Lockup #1368556

      I ended up going with NovaBACKUP; not cheap, but I liked the UI (both simple and deeper – you choose). Took about 30 min, but that included an incremental Documents only backup as well. I had been using Easeus, but had some issue so I did the switch.

      Thanks to all who chimed in! This is the ONLY place to go when you need a hand; way better than any support money can buy.

    • in reply to: Login Lockup #1368447


      First, thanks for the suggestions.

      I left the locked-up login running last night (I can be cranky like that), and, of course, found everything locked up this morning. No screen saver on, no desk top, nothing but a blank screen – had to force a power down. Tried to reboot anyway with Shift | F8 and got Safe Mode (surprise!).

      I didn’t really see much wrong there, so I just re-downloaded and burned Win 8 to do a re-install. When I booted again (just for kicks, and before re-installing) I got the Windows startup tune and then the login. What!? I actually logged in with my fingerprint reader and Metro showed up!! It’s actually working!!

      My only issue now (and a bit worrisome) is that a Win 8 backup failed after 2 hours of running so I don’t have a current backup. Is “Image” the same thing? Should I try that (I have a 2T external drive).

    • in reply to: Login Lockup #1368409

      Thanks Bill, I right now I can’t do much of anything but will try in the morning.

    • in reply to: Hyperlink Parameters #1352074

      Haha, worked without it. But I changed it anyway.
      BTW (in case anyone’s watching) that’s “#” and not ‘#’

      Thanks again RG!

    • in reply to: Hyperlink Parameters #1352069


      Your first solution wasn’t exactly what I was going for, but wow what an improvement :bananas:
      Now I can actually open the document (as opposed to the mere folder). Thanks RG (you da best), very cool.

    • in reply to: Lost Windows Installer #1333048

      Hahahaha, waaaay over my head :confused:

    • in reply to: Lost Windows Installer #1333036

      Thanks, once again, Jerry but Method 4 did not work and Method 5 (as far as I can tell) does not reveal any downloads that can be used with SP-2. I tried several anyway on the MS site, but got messages on version incompatibility. Just a thought, but can I revert back to SP-1, re-install Installer, and then update to SP-2 again? Not sure how to do that, but would that be a valid consideration?

    • in reply to: Lost Windows Installer #1332871


      Thanks man, but I can’t get past the first step; “Windows Installer” is not present in the list of services.

    • in reply to: Lost Windows Installer #1332870

      Thanks Clint, I actually tried that (among other things) but the problem persists.

    • in reply to: Command Button Wizard #1308487

      Geez . . . .
      That did it Patt :clapping:

      Dare I ask why (and why the wizard didn’t work either)? In any case, thanks so much for this solution!!

    • in reply to: Command Button Wizard #1308461

      Ooops, yes, that’s “data” and not “file” type mismatch John. The Data Type is AutoNumber Long Integer (it is the record ID number). The Lookup Wizard was used for three combo boxes when the table was built (all text format). Here’s the code:

      Private Sub Provider_DblClick(Cancel As Integer)
      On Error GoTo ErrHandler
          Dim stDocName As String
          Dim stLinkCriteria As String
          stDocName = “Frm_Event_EOB”
          stLinkCriteria = “[ID]=” & “‘” & Me![ID] & “‘”
          DoCmd.OpenForm stDocName, , , stLinkCriteria
          Exit Sub
          MsgBox Err.Description
          Resume ExitErrHandler
      End Sub


    • in reply to: Automatic check for folder content? #1306208

      Awesome, simple​, and it works too! Thanks RG! :cheers:

    • in reply to: Automatic check for folder content? #1306172


      I thought maybe I broke something when I added a .gif image to the folder, and the Access form did not reveal that there was anything in there.

      I then realized that the code only looks to see if there is a .pdf file present (which was all I had considered in the beginning). Is there a “simple” way to look for any kind of file there, or must they all be defined? (i.e. pdf). Surely there would be far too many types to define, so if not then, I will have to convert any images to pdf. That’s not an immense chore, but one I would have to remember to do.

      I love this new functionality in the db, and it really makes life so much better even as it is, but I couldn’t help but see if there was a way to improve it even more. I am deeply grateful for all your help thus far and even satisfied as is.

    • in reply to: Automatic check for folder content? #1302717

      Perfect John! I did end up using RG’s solution in this case, but I just tried yours for another “popup” form in the same db and it’s perfect. Thanks for the help and taking the time to nurse me along. All testimony to the uniqueness of this Lounge and the awesome people who selflessly help the “saber-toothed squirrels” of the world. Thanks again! :cheers:

    • in reply to: Automatic check for folder content? #1302714


      Awesome RG! That’s more than I was asking for and just what I need!

      Thanks for the hand-holding man I really appreciate it. Now I will create a text box with conditional formatting to appear any time the check box (hidden) is checked. Very cool man, very cool!

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