• WSBCKessinger



    Viewing 8 replies - 211 through 218 (of 218 total)
    • in reply to: Printing #517895

      Hi: Thanks for the replies. FYI. I found article Q143280 on the MS Knowledge base site that looks like what I want to accomplish. Also the Report Sample Database has the same solution.

    • in reply to: Table Conversion #514652

      Hi Rory: The Old main table has 68 fields; the first 8 are unique; the next 60 are in sets of 3. The first set of 3 will always contain data, the remaining 19 sets may or may not contain data. I envision a new main table with a primary key and the eight fields, a new sub-table with a primary key, a foreign key from the main table, and the 3 fields of info. Each record in the main table may have from 1 to 20 records in the sub-table. Right now I am looking a 50-60K records in the sub-table and yes I will have multiple records in the sub-table with the same foreign key. No problem. I have begun the series of multiple extracts and will soon be working on the append query. This procedure, though tedious, seems to be working to my satisfaction. Thanks for the replies.

    • in reply to: Table Conversion #514641

      Brian: Thanks for the response. I was probably a little more vague than I should have been in the original post. The 3 fields repeated 20 times are treated as an array, which means that 1 set of three will contain data, the remaining 19 sets of three may or may not contain data. This is my dilemma. How to assign the foreign key to a variable # of records. Looks like a series of Make Table Queries and Append Table Queries.

    • in reply to: Tab control on a form #513946

      Put this code in the OnExit event of the last control on first tab. Will automatically tab to first control on 2d tab. Tab pages are numbered 0,1,2,….

      Private Sub B_150_Exit(Cancel As Integer)
      Dim tbc As Control
      Dim pge As Page
      Dim ctl As Control

      Set tbc = Me!TabCtl0
      tbc.Value = 1
      Set pge = tbc.Pages(tbc.Value)
      End Sub

    • in reply to: Database Password #513322

      Will have to give that a go; good thing this is not critical.

    • in reply to: Database Password #513311

      Doug: Thanks for the reply. I’m not sure if the db is corrupted or not. Probably is. JetComp.exe couldn’t fix it. Can’t open it any other way to try to repair.

    • in reply to: Conversion #512297

      Rory: That did the trick for most of the records. I can manually fix those. Thanks again and pardon my brain cramp.

    • in reply to: Using Nulls #512273

      Checking for nulls is not bad. As a matter of fact, it is recommended. IsEmpty is used to check to see if a variable has been initialized.(see IsEmpty Function in Access Help).

    Viewing 8 replies - 211 through 218 (of 218 total)