• WSBat17



    Viewing 8 replies - 361 through 368 (of 368 total)
    • in reply to: Autosum ignoring empty cells (97 SR-2) #567389

      Highlight the block of cells you wish to sum and click on the Autosum icon. this will then add an sum() to the end of your block.


    • in reply to: Charts Referencing Zero’s (1) #567385

      I think that you need to set the value to NA() rather than “”


    • in reply to: .RTF to Excel (Excel 2k and Word 2k) #567331

      The Word document is a RTF file with a single table in it. It is a propper table not just a formatted list of texrt, with a Header row and aprrox 1500 rows of data.
      It is generated as a report from a “Bought in” database that has no other output options.
      I currently use the following code but is is unreliable. headthrob

      Set WordApp = CreateObject(“word.application”)
      ‘ Use WordApp to access Words objects
      With WordApp
      .Documents.Open FileName:=strReportPath
      End With

      SendKeys “^v”, True
      ‘ sends ctr-V to paste, as ActiveSheet.Paste pasted differently to pasting by hand
      With WordApp
      End With
      Set WordApp = Nothing ‘ clear the reference.

      It will work most of the time, but will occasionally paste the document back onitself instead of in Excell!

      Not sure about using HTML but I will have a look, I am sure there is no output in that format from the DB but it might be more reliable to automate Word to do it than the copy/paste routine



    • in reply to: .RTF to Excel (Excel 2k and Word 2k) #567206

      I can copy and paste OK doing things by hand but I am setting up an automatic system, Click a button in Excel to import the data sort it and report.
      It is the copy/paste in code that is causing the problem.
      I was hoping that there would be a way of importing/linking to the table directly to avoid the copy/paste bit smile


    • in reply to: Workday Hours (A97) #566918

      I think this code should help you with your query.
      You may need to hack the date format depending where you live ( It works in the UK smile )

      Function funCompleteTime(dateIn As Date) As Date
      Const intHourStart As Integer = 7
      Const intHourEnd As Integer = 18
      Const intTargetTime As Integer = 8

      Dim dblRemainingTime As Double
      Dim intAddDays As Integer
      Dim dateCheck As Date
      Dim fDone As Boolean

      If Hour(dateIn) > intHourEnd – intTargetTime Then
      intAddDays = 1
      Do Until fDone = True
      dateCheck = dateIn + intAddDays
      If WeekDay(dateCheck) = vbSaturday Then
      intAddDays = intAddDays + 1
      ElseIf WeekDay(dateCheck) = vbSunday Then
      intAddDays = intAddDays + 1
      ElseIf DLookup(“[dateHoliday]”, “tblHolidayList”, “[dateHoliday] = #” & Format(dateCheck, “dd/mm/yyyy”) & “#”) Then
      intAddDays = intAddDays + 1
      fDone = True
      End If
      dblRemainingTime = intTargetTime – (intHourEnd – ((dateIn – Int(dateIn)) * 24))
      funCompleteTime = Int(dateIn) + intAddDays + (intHourStart + dblRemainingTime) / 24
      funCompleteTime = dateIn + intTargetTime / 24
      End If
      End Function


    • in reply to: Linking different tables (97) #566811

      Just tried it on my (A97)
      Works fine if you import the link, not try to link to the link smile


    • in reply to: NotInList event / add new record in a subform (97/SR-2) #566068

      and as a P.S. you can always save a macro as a module to get the code smile


    • in reply to: ComboBoxes on Form to filter a Report (Access 97) #565708

      Unless you want to store the details for printing out later, it is not so much a case of storing the value as having the query checking the values when it is run.
      In the criteria field of the Query grid use the builder to get the value from the combo box on the form, some thing like



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