• WSBat17



    Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 368 total)
    • in reply to: Can’t Uninstall AOL–ANY VERSION (WinXP Home) #727739

      Have you trieyed using the set Access and defaults tool in the start bar set it to custom and tell the defualt browser to be internet explorer and change the other settings that are in there to your likeing this should solve the problem, also if its a Dell pc it should have a system restore that would have made a chek point when she installed AOL there should be one before it if you use that you will lose any work done since that check point but it will definatly solve the problem

    • in reply to: Can’t Uninstall AOL–ANY VERSION (WinXP Home) #727740

      Have you trieyed using the set Access and defaults tool in the start bar set it to custom and tell the defualt browser to be internet explorer and change the other settings that are in there to your likeing this should solve the problem, also if its a Dell pc it should have a system restore that would have made a chek point when she installed AOL there should be one before it if you use that you will lose any work done since that check point but it will definatly solve the problem

    • in reply to: Drive Image after partitioning #724280

      I think that I will have to give it ago, just get nervous when I play with things like that LOL
      Presumably if worst comes worst I could just reformat the Harddrive back to 1 Partition and then recover the image.

      I am probably just looking for an excuse to keep him off my machine! 🙂


    • in reply to: Drive Image after partitioning #724281

      I think that I will have to give it ago, just get nervous when I play with things like that LOL
      Presumably if worst comes worst I could just reformat the Harddrive back to 1 Partition and then recover the image.

      I am probably just looking for an excuse to keep him off my machine! 🙂


    • in reply to: Copycat–Clipboard For More Than One Computer #702789

      Not quite sure why I would want to copy to Clipboard in other PC’s! And I am sure I would get peeved if somebody replaced what I had already put in MY clipboard!!


    • in reply to: Where is the Macro? (office 2000) #702448

      (Edited by Bat17 on 15-Aug-03 07:37. )

      Edited. now I have seen your workbook see post 284733

      When you are in the VBA Editor make sure that you have the Project Explorer visble (Ctrl+R).
      Use the explorer tree to navigate to your file and expand the “Modules” folder. you should now be able to see any modules attached to the Workbook. Select the module and you should now be able to remove it using the File>Remove menu option.



    • in reply to: What is up with these drop down buttons? (office 2k) #702449

      I think that the problem is because you are using large fonts for the second sheets then only using a 55% zoom to view the sheet, these things are relative!

      As for the macro, it is not code in a module but you have a skeleton Sub in your sheet (Aug17) delete this and that should clear the macro warning.



    • in reply to: Changing Dates to Text (Excel 2000) #702317

      Check out the Text() function in help. I think that it is what you are after.


    • in reply to: Offset() in Graph (XL2K) #702234

      I am replacing a workbook that has grown up piecemeal over the years, I basically have 10 different report pages with graphs that are repeated about 8 times for different production line. It is rather messy and inefficient so I am resetting it ready for next year. I think that I will probably go your way and use one master set of sheets with

    • in reply to: Offset() in Graph (XL2K) #702213

      Thanks Hans.

      I think that you are right about it being tedious! It will probably be easier for me to maintain if I just recreate the table for the graph on the same sheet as the graph and use offset to populate that.


    • in reply to: USING MACRO (A97) #702212

      If you just want to open a specific Access database from the toolbar then create a macro using the RunApp command. You will need to give the path to your Access file as well as the path for the Data base in the Command Line box. for example:-
      “C:Program FilesMicrosoft OfficeOfficeMSACCESS.EXE” “C:reportsReport1.mdb”



    • in reply to: Transfer record set to Excel (A97, XL2K) #701955

      Many Thanks Hans. My code will now get remarkably shorter!


    • in reply to: Change Number to Autonumber (2000/SR1) #701949

      In Access 97 you can make a copy of your data table, delete all of the records from the original then change the data type of your ID field to Autonumber and use an Append query to replace the data from your copied table. I think that this works OK in A2K as well but I strongly recommend that you test it out on a copy of the DB first!!!



    • in reply to: Access Report in Powerpoint (2000/SR1) #701323

      In a similar case to this when having to generate monthly reports in PowerPoint, we used MSQuery to get the data into Excel and then linked the Excel tables/graphs into PowerPoint. This worked quite well. We also used code in PowerPoint to break the links to Excel so that the presentation could be opened without it asking about the links.



    • in reply to: Access Expression (Access 97) #698732

      In a case like this wouldn’t it be a good idea to store the date so that if the calculation method does change it will not try to alter an already agreed expiration date?


    Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 368 total)