• WSBart



    Viewing 15 replies - 31 through 45 (of 190 total)
    • in reply to: Disable close button (97) #553270

      Hi, Peggy

      Thanks for the reply.
      A nice workaround, preventing closing the form and thereby preventing access to be closed.

      I still am interested in a way to disable the close button of the main MS Access MDI form.

      If someone knows how to do it, please let me know.

    • in reply to: Can’t add record?? (Access 97) #553193

      Take a look at the advanced tab of the options window (menu tools).
      Default record locking should be Edited record and default open mode should be shared.
      Check this on the computer of the user who has the problems.

    • in reply to: Nz Function (Access 2000) #1789737

      The Nz function normally is used in queries (to prevent null values coming up in the results) and in reports (same reason).
      Maybe you can consider using the iif() function to check for empty strings: iif(strYourField = “”,”empty string”, “non empty string”)


    • in reply to: Read USER.DAT #548503

      Hey guys!


      It did the job!


    • in reply to: Problem w/the French! (97) #545422


      I have the same problem with the dutch language. I solved it by not using True / False, I use -1 for true and 0 for false.
      In cases I have to resolve a boolean I use IIf(blnTest, -1, 0)


    • in reply to: Select paper tray (97) #545421


      That did the job.


    • in reply to: Problem w/the French! (97) #545277

      Charlotte is right.
      I also have problems on localisation with the dutch language.
      Most of the problems are related to booleans. One of the stupid things the boys in girls of Microsoft did on localisation is translating some of the VBA keywords. They translated (not everywhere!) the keywords TRUE and FALSE.
      When you assignt the value of a boolean to a dynamic query, it will place the french equivalent of true or false. SQL can not handle this and in a lot of cases these kind of things explains the kind of problems you describe.


    • in reply to: Dates in Access (Access 2000) #544823

      DateAdd(“d”, vbFriday – WeekDay(Date), Date)
      should do the job.

    • in reply to: Access relationships window (97) #541565

      You mentioned importing the table from another DB.
      When you are importing tables you have the possibility of NOT importing the relations between the tables.
      I think that happened, resulting in importing the tables in your database without any relationships between them.
      An yes, Access gives relationships in queries based on names (can be rather anoying also!).

    • in reply to: W98SE Printer screen freeses #538688

      No luck,

      I checked the hard disk, I run defrag. Still a hangup after starting the printer panel. I even tried to do it after killing every proces except explorer and systray after a cold start. Same result.
      It is the only odd behaviour I noticed until now. Everything else seems to work fine.

      Is it possible the registry is damaged? Can that cause behaviour like this?

    • in reply to: W98SE Printer screen freeses #538491

      I rebooted several times, but the panel still freezes the computer, therefore it is not possible to delete the printers.
      I have a peer to peer network, an Epson 660 local (on the parallel port) and a HP4plus on the hub.
      I am using the HP JetAdmin software to print to HP4plus. Printing is not a problem, both printers work fine. The HP works also fine when printing from other PC’s on the network.
      Virus scanner is running fine and up to date.
      I have a feeling is has to be something concerning Windows, but I haven’t found it (yet).

    • in reply to: Right margin on HP Laserjet 4100N #538402

      Unfortunately too much. The printer is configured as network printer and runs on a spool file on a print server. The printer itself is connected through netdirect. I discovered the printserver also has wrong settings for this printer so I put the IT department on it to set that right.

      Don’t they test anything anymore? aflame crybaby

    • in reply to: Report with multiple criteria (Office 97 SR2) #538309

      Dates should be specified as #mm/dd/yyyy#, try change your line to this:
      criteria = “companyid=2965 and TransactionDate >=#” & StartDateED & “# and <=#" & FinishDate & "#"
      assuming StartDateED and FinishDate are strings containing dates like 11/14/2001.

    • in reply to: Report Keyboard Navigation (Access 97) #538284

      You can press F5. The cursor will be positioned at the page number and you can type the page number you want to jump to. Pressing enter will jump to the requested page.

    • in reply to: Right margin on HP Laserjet 4100N #538281


      It is not the non printable area, that is about 3 mm (left and right, top and bottom some more). The size in mm is normal in europe, we use A4 instead of letter.
      Paper size is correct, I tried to let the printer think the paper was 6 mm wider, that solved the problem of the lost characters. But that is not a nice solution……
      It looks it is the driver, if I use an older driver (for a HP4000N) then characters wil be printed up to 4 mm from the right border of the paper.
      I reported the problem to HP. Hope they come with a fix for the driver.

    Viewing 15 replies - 31 through 45 (of 190 total)