• WSBart



    Viewing 10 replies - 181 through 190 (of 190 total)
    • in reply to: data selection #510856

      Take a look at the SQL of your query.
      Make sure that it looks like:

      SELECT DISTINCT field1, field2 etc.

      Using DISTINT will filter all duplicate rows out of your results.


    • in reply to: Track changes to a db #510843


      Access does not have any tracking possibilities. If you want to track the changes made by users there is only one way to do it right.
      Define an extra table and store all information you want to track in that table. This means a lot of work (you have to program additional lines at every point you want to track changes) and a performance loss of your application.
      Do not forget to include functionality to delete the extra data in the tracking table once in a while and compress your db regularly.
      If you want to thank anyone, thank mister Gates for omitting an essential thing like this in his wonderfull MS Access!

      Software Developer

    • in reply to: Access Modules #510840

      I agree completely with Charlotte.

      Program a public function in a public module. You can call that function directly from the afterupdate event in the properties window of any control you want. You call it like this: =fnMyFunctionName()
      Note the ‘=’ sign!

    • in reply to: Working with dates #510706

      Use a query like this:

      SELECT tblTest.ID, tblTest.fldDate
      FROM tblTest
      WHERE (((DateDiff(“y”,CDate(#11/1/00#),[tblTest]![fldDate]))<-184));

      Software Designer

    • in reply to: Disk or Network Error with linked tables #1776147

      If you can trap the error in your code you can relink the table(s) dynamically.

      I use code like this for the relink (sorry comments are dutch):

      Set dbs = CurrentDb()
      For Each doc In dbs.Containers!tables.Documents
      If Not blnGevonden Then
      If doc.Name = mstrTabel Then blnGevonden = True Else blnGevonden = False
      End If
      Next doc

      If blnGevonden Then
      Set tdf = dbs.TableDefs(mstrTabel)
      If Len(tdf.Connect) > 0 Then
      tdf.Connect = “;DATABASE=” & strExternGegevensBestand
      Err = 0
      On Error Resume Next
      ‘Als opnieuw connecten niet lukt, stoppen met de handel.
      If Err > 0 Then
      fnRefreshLink = False
      Exit Function
      End If
      End If
      fnRefreshLink = True
      ‘Tabel niet in database, reconnect onmogelijk.
      fnRefreshLink = False
      End If

      Software Designer

    • in reply to: Access links #510564

      If the link is established in the front end database, it is stored in the front end database.
      If you want to establish referential integrity to your database you should set up the link in the back end database and not in the front end database.

      Bart Stam
      Software designer

    • in reply to: updating a specific field #510195

      Use a recordset (type dynaset) and populate the recordset with the records that have no PIN yet.

      SELECT * FROM tblYourTable WHERE PIN Null;

      Loop through this recordset and update the records with the new PIN.
      Generate the PIN using a counter and check before updating the record whether the new generated PIN already existst. If it exists generate a new PIN

      In pseudocode

      counter = 1
      open recordset
      while records in recordset
      newpin = “PIN-” & cstr(counter)
      while exists new pin in database
      counter = counter + 1
      newpin = “PIN-” & cstr(counter)
      loop newpin
      update current record with new pin code
      counter = counter + 1
      next record in recordset
      loop recordset

      I hope this helps

      Software designer

    • in reply to: automatic sort number increment #1775376

      dim db as database
      dim strSQL as string
      set db = currentdb()
      strSQL = “UPDATE tblYourTable SET fldRownumber = fldRownumber * 10

      db.execute strSQL, dbFailOnError

      set db = Nothing

    • in reply to: Activate Outlook from within Access? #509874


      I developed a class module to send mails. Comments are in dutch, but the coding speaks for itself:

      Option Compare Database
      Option Explicit
      ‘Class clsMAPI
      ‘Algemene declaraties voor een email object.
      Dim objMySes As Object ‘Session object voor de MAPI sessie

      Public Function SendMail(txtMailTo As String, Optional txtText As String, Optional txtSubject As String) As String
      ‘Functie voor het versturen van een mailtje.
      ‘De returnwaarde is een string.
      ‘Als de string leeg is is de toevoeging succesvol geweest.
      ‘Als de string niet leeg is, dan bevat de string een

      ‘ Versie 1.0 augustus 2000 B. Stam
      ‘ Initiele versie van de functie
      If gTrace Then
      Debug.Print “clsMAPI SendMail”
      On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
      End If

      Dim strMessage As String
      Dim objRecip As Object
      Dim objMes As Object

      ‘Ontvanger is verplicht.
      If txtMailTo = “” Then
      strMessage = “The recipient of the mail is not valid or not given!”
      GoTo ExitFunction
      End If

      ‘Niet ingevulde parameters afhandelen.
      If IsMissing(txtText) Then
      txtText = “”
      End If
      If IsMissing(txtSubject) Then
      txtSubject = “”
      End If

      ‘De boodschap zelf invullen.
      Set objMes = objMySes.Inbox.Messages.Add
      With objMes
      .Text = txtText
      .Subject = txtSubject
      End With

      ‘De ontvanger invullen
      Set objRecip = objMes.Recipients.Add
      With objRecip
      .Name = txtMailTo
      End With

      ‘En nog even versturen.
      objMes.Send ShowDialog:=False

      If strMessage “” Then
      SendMail = strMessage
      SendMail = “”
      End If
      Exit Function

      SendMail = Chr(10) & Chr(13) & “Errornumber: ” & CStr(Err.Number) & ” ”
      SendMail = SendMail & “Errormessage: ” & Err.Description
      Exit Function
      End Function

      Private Sub Class_Initialize()
      ‘Bij het instantieren van het object een MAPI sessie
      ‘Let op de profilename is afhankelijk van het mail
      ‘programma dat gebruikt wordt.
      ‘Als profilename weggelaten wordt, dan wordt er, indien
      ‘noodzakelijk, automatisch om gevraagd.
      If gTrace Then Debug.Print “clsMAPI Class_Initialize”
      Set objMySes = CreateObject(“MAPI.Session”)
      If Not objMySes Is Nothing Then
      objMySes.Logon ‘Als profilename niet gegeven hoeft te worden.
      ‘objMySes.Logon profileName:=”Microsoft Exchange”
      End If

      End Sub

      Private Sub Class_Terminate()
      ‘Als het object verwijderd wordt ook de MAPI sessie
      If gTrace Then Debug.Print “clsMAPI Class_Terminate”
      End Sub

      Software designer

    • in reply to: Get function or sub name #509795

      That was also my solution, but I did not like it. I hoped for a more elegant way to get the function name. Pity….
      Thanks for the effort.

      Bart Stam
      Software developer
      PGGM Zeist

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