• WSbandido



    Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 2,174 total)
    • in reply to: Cute or delicious? #1141551

      If you want cute, how about this one?

    • in reply to: Cute or delicious? #1141550

      Hi Rudi

      I prefer my dogs a little hotter!

    • in reply to: Mail merge and decimals (2003) #1141549


      bullseye . It’s working. Thanks so much, Hans (and of course, Rudi.)

    • in reply to: Mail merge and decimals (2003) #1141547

      Hi Hans

      Still no joy. I’ve included a before and after screen shot. I must be doing something very silly!

    • in reply to: Mail merge and decimals (2003) #1141544

      Happy New Year to you all.

      I still cannot get it to work. I must be applying the switches incorrectly. After toggling field codes and inserting the switch, this is how it appears:

      {MERGEFIELD “AutoMergeField”/# “0” }

      What am I doing wrong?

      Many thanks

    • in reply to: Download videos from MySpaceTV #1134181

      Glad to be of service. cheers

    • in reply to: Play Sound Until Movie Slide (2002 SP1) #1105297

      Perfect! Thanks John.

    • in reply to: Video clip confusion (PowerPoint 2003/SP3) #1105137

      Welcome to the Lounge.

      One option would be to convert your movies to Shockwave Files (.swf) then embed them into your powerpoint slides. I have done just this many times recently. You might like to try this site for your media conversion. It has given me excellent results and is free. There is a maximum upload size but I think you should be OK.


    • in reply to: Counting Button Clicks (2003) #1099919

      Thanks for the attached file, John. It’s been of tremendous use.


    • in reply to: Counting Button Clicks (2003) #1099799

      Point taken. Many thanks for your time and expertise. As Arnie may have said, I may be back!

    • in reply to: Counting Button Clicks (2003) #1099777

      Thanks John. That is really useful. Just one more request. What I’m trying to do is to keep a running total of correct answers as determined by which button is clicked. Thus, if a particular button is clicked on different slides, the value in the textbox on the “counting slide” is updated accordingly until the presentation ends. In other words, it keeps a record of correct answers to questions on any given slide.



    • in reply to: Counting Button Clicks (2003) #1099762

      Thanks for your time, John. I have just inserted a textbox from the Control Toolbox into Slide 2. How do I assign it a Shapes reference? Shapes(?)

    • in reply to: Counting Button Clicks (2003) #1099760

      Hi John

      Yours was the first site I checked out but I could not find any reference to my needs. I played around with ppt vba but it is still a bit esoteric. The syntax is not what I’m used to. Would you provide me with some vba to do the job.



    • in reply to: Referencing Addresses (2003) #1099648

      Thanks for your time, Hans. I’ve rethought my strategy as advised having come to the same conclusion just before you posted. I think I have it working now. I split the code into two procedures, one for the Worksheet SelectionChange event and one for the checking of a matching pair in a module, as shown below.

      Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)

      If Intersect(ActiveCell, Range(“C2:H7”)) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
      ActiveCell.Font.ColorIndex = 3

      ‘Add the ActiveCell value and address to sheet3

      Sheets(“Sheet3”).Range(“A65536”).End(xlUp).Offset(1).Value = ActiveCell.Value
      Sheets(“Sheet3”).Range(“B65536”).End(xlUp).Offset(1).Value = ActiveCell.Address
      Application.Wait Now() + 1 / 43200

      If Sheets(“Sheet3”).Range(“C4”).Value = 2 Then _

      End If
      End Sub

      Sub CheckPair()

      ‘Check that 2 addresses have been added

      If Sheets(“Sheet3”).Range(“C4”).Value = 2 Then

      ‘Check if the two cell values from sheet are the same. If so change font color.

      If Sheets(“Sheet3”).Range(“A2”).Value = Sheets(“Sheet3”).Range(“A3”) Then
      Worksheets(“Sheet1”).Range(Worksheets(“Sheet3”).Range(“B2”)).Font.ColorIndex = 3
      Worksheets(“Sheet1”).Range(Worksheets(“Sheet3”).Range(“B3”)).Font.ColorIndex = 3

      ‘ If not the same, change the font color to match the cell color.

      Worksheets(“Sheet1”).Range(Worksheets(“Sheet3”).Range(“B2”)).Font.ColorIndex = 35
      Worksheets(“Sheet1”).Range(Worksheets(“Sheet3”).Range(“B3”)).Font.ColorIndex = 35
      End If
      End If

      End Sub

      Best Wishes

    • in reply to: Referencing Addresses (2003) #1099644

      Hi Hans. C4 checks that there are 2 addresses, ie, that two cells have been selected prior to checking for a match. Once the check is complete, B2 and B2 are cleared ready for the next pair. C4 contains =COUNTA(B2:B3).
      Thanks for taking a look.

    Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 2,174 total)