
    Viewing 15 replies - 1 through 15 (of 357 total)
    • in reply to: selection VBA #1163691

      Does this do what you want?

      Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
        If Not Intersect(Range("B3:H14"), ActiveCell) Is Nothing Then
      	Range(Cells(3, ActiveCell.Column), Cells(14, ActiveCell.Column)).ClearContents
      	ActiveCell = Cells(ActiveCell.Row, 1)
        End If
      End Sub

      That does exactly what I want. Thanks so much!!!


    • in reply to: selection VBA #1163566

      Right-click the sheet tab and enter or copy the following code:

      Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
        Range("D3") = Range("A" & ActiveCell.Row)
      End Sub

      Hi. How could this code be modified to make it so I can apply this concept to a range of cells?

      For example, if I have cells B3:H14 that I want to apply this code to so that if I select cell B5 it gives me the value in A5, if I select cell D13 it gives me the value in A13, etc.

      And to complicate it, only one cell (in the range B3:H14) in any of the columns should have a value in it. So if I select B3 it has a value equal to A3, but then if I select B6 it has a value equal to A6 and B3 now has no value.

      Any help is greatly appreciated.

    • in reply to: Using last entry in column (2003) #1061715

      Does this help?


    • in reply to: Arrays vs. If Statement (Excel 2002) #1061564


      P9:P39 contains the numbers that would be summed if all the other conditions are true…effectively 1 x 1 x 1 times whatever number is in the relevant row in P.


    • in reply to: Outlook Express for Mac #1061198

      I’ve found a Google Group posting that states IE 5.2 was for OS X, and 5.1.7 was as high as OS 9.x went. The post has a link to download version 5.1.7, so I’m going to give that a try next time I’m at my in-laws house. Since I don’t recall what version of IE they’re on, it’s possible that this is the upgrade they need.

      Thanks for your help,


    • in reply to: Outlook Express for Mac #1061193

      Thanks, Hans. Version 5.0.6 is the version they’re currently using. Evidently, there’s some sort of encoding or something that this version isn’t capable of that 5.2 was. I can’t remember exactly what it is, but it prevents them from being able to send mail. They’re only able to receive.

      I’ve only found a couple of references to OE 5.2, the best of which was at http://lowendmac.com/misc/07/0402.html%5B/url%5D However, I haven’t found any working links to download OE 5.2, whether it be alone or packaged with IE. As you’ve pointed out, it’s been discontinued and appears to have been wiped from existence. It seems odd they’ve kept the older version of OE available. Must be because it works with 8.x and 9.x…

      Perhaps this will be my opportunity to get them to upgrade computers…I don’t do so well at supporting Macs anymore as I haven’t owned or used one regularly since about 1998.

      Thanks for the reply.


    • in reply to: Bullets Magically Appear (2002 SP3) #1044529

      Thanks – it was in the slide master.

      That was exceedingly frustrating…Thanks again for the answer!

    • in reply to: 3D photos #1025292

      Other than the fact that it’s saved as a flash file, is there any advantage to using this service over just taking your 20-30 pictures and making your own animated gif?


    • in reply to: connect dying SATA drive to another computer #1024006

      something like this would do the job. What’s your definition of cheap?


    • in reply to: #REF (2000) #1020910

      If you change calculation to ‘manual’ before opening the workbook, the #REF shouldn’t show up.

    • in reply to: Autorecover (Excel 2003) #1010468

      I think your user is confusing Autorecover with AutoSave.

      From the MS Support site:

      Microsoft Excel 97 and Microsoft Excel 2000 include an AutoSave feature. You can customize this feature to automatically save your file at set intervals of time. The AutoSave feature does not make a backup copy of your file. Therefore, it does not help protect against file corruption. Instead, it helps protect your data if Microsoft Excel unexpectedly quits. For example, it helps protect your data if your computer unexpectedly loses power.

      In Microsoft Excel 2002 and in Microsoft Office Excel 2003, the AutoSave feature has been replaced with the AutoRecover feature. The AutoRecover feature is similar to the AutoSave feature because it saves the file at set time intervals. However, it is different from the AutoSave feature in that instead of saving the file itself, the AutoRecover feature saves a copy of the file to a specified location.

      When AutoRecover Files Are Deleted
      To keep from filling up your AutoRecover location with unneeded files, AutoRecover files are automatically deleted in the following situations:

    • in reply to: How to read a formula (Excel 2000) #1009440

      When you double click it in Word, you should be able to go to Insert>Name>Define and change it there.

    • in reply to: Negative to positive numbers (XP) #1008641

      replace with a ‘+ instead of just a + will do what you want

    • in reply to: Colour in motion WMP visualization. #998028


      It looks like this is held in a file called wmpvis.dll in the folder C:Program FilesWindows Media Player. I’m still on version 9…don’t know much about version 10. I could email this dll to you if you wanted to try it out on your machine and see if it worked. Otherwise you may be able to locate it somewhere on the web. It’s about 508 KB.


    • in reply to: pagesetup.zoom (2000 sp3) #996981

      I’m using Excel 2000 SP3 – that’s how it works on my machine, too (at least in the page setup dialogue). The zoom values are retained when switching from fit to and adjust.

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