AskWoody LoungerUnderstood, and well said; But the fact remains penton invaded my privacy.
AskWoody LoungerFor the first time I received an email today from Windows Secrets WinDeals ; Google promptly placed it into my spam folder, I thought, widows secrets windeals? so I looked into penton direct and didn’t like what I found.
A copy of the email I received, I embolden and underlined specific areas of the email for further review:
This message is sent to you as a valued member of the audience served by Windows Secrets WinDeals, a Penton property.
From time to time Windows Secrets WinDeals, a division of Penton, would like to provide relevant product and services offerings that we believe you will find helpful in your business or career.
Windows Secrets WinDeals also limits the number of emails sent to our contacts each month. If you would like to receive valuable, carefully-screened offers from Windows Secrets WinDeals, you do not have to respond to this email. You can easily opt out each time you receive an email from us if you don’t find the information useful and worthwhile.
If you no longer wish to receive these messages, please scroll to the bottom of this email for instructions.
Thank you very much for your time,
Joann Kropp
http://www.penton.comTo STOP receiving emails from Windows Secrets WinDeals advertisers, please click this link.
Penton | 1166 Avenue of the Americas | New York, NY 10036 | Privacy Statement
[*]Windows Secrets WinDeals, a Penton property? Windows Secrets WinDeals, a division of Penton? | The drive for revenue makes for strange bedfellows.
[*]that we believe | Please, do not presuppose that you think you know what is good for me.
[*]Windows Secrets WinDeals also limits the number of emails sent to our contacts each month. | I checked my setting on the link that BruceR provided, and it was already checked “No, I don’t want to receive the deals e-mails” so, penton ignored my choice.
- [*]You can easily opt out each time you receive an email from us | This is nothing but a way to increase pentons click-through rate (CTR).
[*]To STOP receiving emails from Windows Secrets WinDeals advertisers, please click this link. | Okay, I clicked on the link and it took me to a minimalistic page, “I would no longer like to receive information by email from Penton.” I clicked on the submit button and it told me “Successfully Removed. You have been successfully removed from for all future e-mail deliveries.” I wonder; If penton ignored my initial choice, would they honor this one?
[*]Hello starvinmarvin,
All publications require revenue, of course, but as is customary, the editors of Windows Secrets don’t get to choose, vet, or veto the advertising schemes arranged on the newsletter’s behalf. The corollary to this rule is that the ad sales team don’t get to choose, vet, or veto our stories in the newsletter. You and I might agree that some products and deals are bad and some are good, but naturally, because I am an editor, I am not consulted about advertising deals in advance. I can and do report subscriber reactions to advertising campaigns after they appear and have passed along your comments that came to me in email this morning and as they appear in this post.
If you can think of good, reliable, transparent (honest, of course) ways to support publications that avoid advertising, someone will name you genius.
KathleenThen have the ad sales team look harder for a more reputable Information Services Company, but I fear that will not happen since Windows Secrets is a property and division of penton
We get a lot of reader mail each week: questions about articles, requests for help with computing problems, compliments, gripes, and so forth. We appreciate all your feedback, even when it hurts a bit. More distressing is when subscribers have difficulties receiving or reading the newsletter. For the past several years, much of the workload needed to solve these issues has fallen on associate editor Kathleen Atkins. (Windows Secrets might now be part of Penton, but the newsletter itself is still a small operation.)
Source: http://windowssecrets.com/field-notes/a-new-windows-secrets-faq-and-a-microsoft-reorg/
Kathleen; I do appreciate all the work you do for windows secrets, but this strongly implies that indeed Windows Secrets is owned by penton.
As an update, I can report that product managers are looking carefully, this afternoon, at this advertising offering and others, and I expect to see changes.
BruceR, I can’t report on what ALL publications do about advertising–only that it’s common practice to keep a moat between the business and editorial sides of a publication.Could you please update your managers that; Since I jumped through all the hoops (at least all the ones that I know of) that if I receive any more “deals” from penton@pentonmeddirect.com I will be filling a complaint with https://consumercomplaints.fcc.gov/hc/en-us/requests/new?ticket_form_id=38824
AskWoody LoungerThere’s a tip in here: Clear cache and cookies | Google Troubleshooting to try incognito or private browsing before clearing cookies or cache:
Tip: If web pages aren’t displaying correctly, you can try using your browser’s incognito or “private browsing” mode to see if the problem is caused by something other than cache or cookies.
You may have a corrupt google cookie, try clearing them, and your cache (temporary Internet files). How to Delete Cookies in Windows 7 and Vista -
AskWoody LoungerNote: I just saw Tony’s Post. That is a very good suggestion! I would try that before thinking about what I have posted.
I have my DPI set at 150% I set it back to 100% but that did not change anything except Widows UI. I am visually impaired and need things larger. My settings are a compromise of size and screen real estate. Somewhere recently Firefox put a limit on the height of this window. Updating from version 40 to 40.0.2 did not help. I am also having the same issue with Cyberfox 40.
Darn! I was hoping it would because it did change some web page displays that I have where I can see items on a web site that I haven’t been able to see before. But you’re right, that would only have an effect on the windows UI and your problem is within FF’s UI…(Where is the line drawn?)
I can understand your desire to be able to have your display set to a higher percentage, My 64th B-Day is today (8-15) and I’m not seeing as well as when I was a young buck.
On to your proficiency with CSS; See below your quote…
I need to have items larger than the default UI, thus most of my css entries. Here is the list:
/* Set chrome fonts to 25px */
.menubar-text, .menu-text, .menu-iconic-left,
.menu-iconic-text, #main-window {font-size:25px !important;}/* personal-navigation */
.toolbarbutton-icon {height: 34px !important; width: 34px !important}/* Widen the dropmarker in the Address url toolbar */
.autocomplete-history-dropmarker {width: 30px !important}#urlbar[level] .autocomplete-textbox-container
{ background-color: #90EE90 !important; }In looking around I came across this thread: How do I alter the size of the web address bar? All of what I’ve researched seemed to deal with the width of the URL or Search boxes and not height.
In it the Original Poster (OP) seems to be asking conflicting questions about size, but, the chosen answer may have some promise.
I assume you are placing all of your customizations below this line in your userchrome.css file:
Code:*/@namespace url(“http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul”); /* set default namespace to XUL
At the bottom of the chosen answer you will see the code to widen the URL and Search bars:
Code:#urlbar-container { [U]max-width[/U]: 400px !important; } #search-container { [U]max-width[/U]: 200px !important; }
Now, instead of using max-width; use, max height so that your code would read:
Code:#urlbar-container { [U]max-height[/U]: 400px !important; } #search-container { [U]max-height[/U]: 200px !important; }
[tip]I would omit the #search container parameter in the code[/tip] Your code would then be only one line:
Code:#urlbar-container { [U]max-height[/U]: 400px !important; }
You may have to fudge the 400px higher or lower and if it doesn’t seem to be working out;
There may be a relationship between the URL and Search bars because they are on one slice of the FF title/toolbar area, so you will then have to include the #search container line in the code and drill around to the most advantageous px settings for both.
And do not forget Spaces between the Brackets and code! { } I see your code in the second quote doesn’t have spaces between the brackets; sometimes spaces work, sometimes they don’t. Try each way.
The only other item that I could think of that would screw up your FF UI would be an extension or plug-in that you have installed.
Personally the only add-on I use to force the FF display is the Tabs on Bottom add-on. This is similar to Tony’s suggestion, disable or rem-out your customizations to see if it corrects the problem, then add until you find the problem code line or add-on, and make adjustments accordingly.
AskWoody LoungerDo you have cookies turned on and accept third-party on this one machine?
AskWoody LoungerI just updated to 40.0.2; What do you have your display setting set at when you go to Control PanelAll Control Panel ItemsDisplay? If it is more than Smaller – 100% (default) try knocking it back to the default.
AskWoody LoungerI also use MSE and all my definition updates are listed as optional. I find it incredible that they would be listed that way. That is, wouldn’t you want you’re antivirus program accept the update whenever a new one came down the pike? No matter, I notice they’ll sit in the que, but are eventually installed within 24hours.
I just saw your new post, there was problems last year with a new security update that would change the update settings. Can you reset to your liking and see if it reverts?
AskWoody LoungerPerhaps it is your antivirus/malware program gone rogue. I’ve run across many user problems with Norton, and especially AVG. What do you use?
AskWoody LoungerFebruary 28, 2015 at 7:36 am in reply to: Change printer default to ‘current page’ instead of ‘all pages’ #1492898I have never found a printer that would not allow selective printing.
That’s not what the OP said. He wants the default for printing set to “Current page”, so erroneous clicks don’t launch 200-page print jobs. It’s happened to all of us, I imagine.[/QUOTE]I realize that is not what the original poster (OP), tarren wanted, that’s why I started my post with:
It would be very helpful if you would tell us what the make and model of the printer and its accompanying software that you are using. I have never found a printer that would not allow selective printing.
[/quote]A part of my post you decided to leave out.There are settings in some printers software that you can set the default to print the current page, but until tarren supplies the information on what printer and software version for that printer he is using we can go no further.
That’s why I wrote the workaround below my opening paragraph.
AskWoody LoungerYeah, we haven’t heard from him as to success or failure.
BTW, my thanks to Anak for originally finding that article also.You’re welcome.
AskWoody LoungerYes, there does seem to be some tie-in with Windows Update that wants to kill the widget, haven’t found which security update it is though. 🙁
Lumpy, have your GF ask the Gov IT guys how they keep it running. :whisper:
Nice #15post You should have that saved as a tutorial! To facilitate finding Rick’s Config.zip file it’s here in post #13
AskWoody LoungerFebruary 26, 2015 at 7:54 am in reply to: Change printer default to ‘current page’ instead of ‘all pages’ #1492488It would be very helpful if you would tell us what the make and model of the printer and its accompanying software that you are using. I have never found a printer that would not allow selective printing.
In any case, no matter what you are printing do not use the printer icon in the menu bar. Go to File >Print of the program that is displaying what you want to print and from there the printer’s print qualities dialog box should open and you can make your selection from somewhere in that box.
Were you using Adobe Reader?
[*]Make sure the page you want is visible
[*]Go to File >Print.
[*]In the Print dialog box, click current page.If not what PDF program do you use?
Here’s how to do what you want if you only want a certain portion of a page: Print portion of a page | Acrobat, Reader.
AskWoody LoungerThe fix here: Weather widget replacement for Windows 7 | Post #28 Might be helpful.
There are several ways to fix, but right now the challenge is to make it stick because it seems there is something about Windows Updates that keeps killing the widget.
Windows 7, weather gadget problem -
AskWoody LoungerI’d agree with the cleaning cycle and test print, perhaps followed by installing new cartridges and HP Premium photo paper (not especially new)
I printed our passport photos last fall on my 10-year-old HP 1315 all-in-one with no problems. The only problem I have had with this printer is that it often jams when trying to print an envelope.
We have a Cannon Pixma3222 now and before that a HP Photosmart Plus B210 series.
I found that with both printers, anytime I use envelopes, photo paper or any paper other than regular printing or copy paper I have to swap out the regular, put the medium in that I need and still apply just a bit of finger pressure to the new stack otherwise either printer jammed, not enough pressure to bend the medium mind you, just enough to ensure the next sheet or envelope is up against the feed rollers.I imagine the printer mfg. can adjust that jamming out and I’ve replaced printers that did it, but the replacements did it to. I’ve been using the finger pressure trick for so long it’s like second nature for me. Don’t hurt to try it, make sure your guides are snug and apply just a bit of pressure to the stack, you might be pleasantly surprised.
AskWoody LoungerTwo of your statements:
[*]”This noise does not appear on-screen even with 400% zoom.”, and
- [*]”These images printed fine on my daughter’s high quality printer with new paper.”
These would lead me to believe the problem lies with your printers ink cartridges, and that’s why BruceR suggested the cleaning cycle, you may have to run the cleaning several times before you see any improvement; If you don’t see an improvement it may be time for new cartridges.
Your concern about old paper could be tested by using some of your daughter’s paper; You could also test by using a different photo and your paper, and a printer’s mechanics that is used for light to moderate home use won’t wear out even after 10years.
I’d be willing to bet that while your cartridges may be okay for general printing, you have found they are not for “high quality” work.
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