• WSamakeler



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    • >> Thinking … maybe I could rename the XLSX suffix to ZIP, unzip it tp obntain the XML code,
      >> and then work out how to add an additional workbook, and then re-zip it….?

      Maybe the general idea of using a zip file is not so crazy. Save the workbooks in a zip file and use VBA to extract and open the workbooks from the zip file. And save them back into a/the zip file. And tell everybody that the zip file is a new type of Excel file…

      Now how do I open a zip file from Excel…? Google it …

    • Hi Zeddy,

      Thanks for your response.

      >> The workspace file doesn’t actually contain the workbooks.

      Oooo … I was getting really excited there for a minute. That’s exactly what I want to do: have one file that actually does contain all the workbooks…

      >> With regard to your actual issue, if your organisation uses Sharepoint, you can the Excel Web App that allows multiple Users to edit data in a worksheet in the browser at the same time.

      We do have a file control system which enforces checkin/checkout which is sufficient for our needs right now.

      >> But it seems to me that your best way forward may be to use Excel VBA to control what you require. You could control access to a shared workbook via the User login ID.

      Yep – or a radio / select button.

      >> Another way would be to have separate workbooks for each Dept, and use VBA to import and/or refresh ‘latest saved data from other Depts’.

      This is the thing … the manager goes potty at the thought of having more than one file for all of this; whereas the reality is that each user of three types of users needs a whole separate workbook, i.e., each user needs a table group.

      Thinking more … if Excel was only a database app (e.g., Access?), you would only have one table at a time anyway, and not a group of tables. So actually Excel provides a “luxury” (that a database app does not provide), and now I want to extend that “luxury” further.

    • Please everybody , don’t waste your time trying this idea of mine (altering the XML), coz it doesn’t work (of course). A nice dream…

      Thinking … maybe I could rename the XLSX suffix to ZIP, unzip it tp obntain the XML code, and then work out how to add an additional workbook, and then re-zip it….?

      “Trying too hard to answer your own questions sends you crazy.” Me – 2016

    • Thinking … maybe I could rename the XLSX suffix to ZIP, unzip it tp obntain the XML code, and then work out how to add an additional workbook, and then re-zip it….?

      “Trying too hard to answer your own questions sends you crazy.” Me – 2016

    • Thanks for the response, dogknees.

    • Thanks BHarder for the response.
      >> (note that for Excel, 1 workbook = 1 file).

      Yes I am aware. And even more aware now. 🙂

      >> However as you suggest, you can do this with the sheets capability.

      Each of the two departments needs its own group of sheets (me thinks: group of sheets = workbook).

      Well .. .you can’t have everything you want in life …


    • I suppose I could zip both workbooks files as one zip file, and provide a VBA ‘Open’ operation to extract both files from the zip and open them, and then I have cells of one workbook pointing to cells in the other workbook.

      But not ideal.

    • Wow! Thanks!

      Slapping my head. Wow! I have done this so often myself and I have forgotten.

      Not doing such fancy things with Word much these days.


    • Thanks.
      Well I could do that by displaying a message box also, I suppose.

      I just tried to do it this way – as below – where I create a loop that stops only when the loop control changes state.
      I tried to then invoke a macro with a key click (yes -while the first macro is still running, but that did not work. Obviously VBA does not allow that…

      Public Sub ScheduleContinue()
      g_bScheduleContinue = True
      End Sub

      For Each rowCmd In tblCmdInp.Rows

      g_bScheduleContinue = False
      MsgBox (“Getting ready to wait…”)


      Loop Until g_bScheduleContinue = True

      MsgBox (“After wait…”)

      Next rowCmd

    • Hi Mr. Geek,

      Thanks for getting back to me.

      >> Knowing why you want to pause the code would be most helpful in providing a good answer to your question.

      Well I could want to know just for general knowledge… 🙂

      Ok – so the reason I want to do this is as follows.

      I have written a type of command interpreter in Word VBA to execute a type of script held in a small Word document. The script comprises a list of simple commands. I run the script my clicking a command button on the Ribbon.

      What is important is that my VBA command interpreter has a loop that reads and executes the commands one by one. Once I run the command interpreter, it will “zip” through and execute all the commands in the script very quickly and without stopping. I would like to slow down the execution of the script by adding a ‘wait’ mechanism that, after the execution of each command, waits for the user to press a keyboard key, and then the interpreter will execute one more command, and so on.

      Does that help?



    • Yup – for lack of a better alternative, that’s what I am gonna have to do …



    • in reply to: How to to bring a document to the front #1417866

      Thanks for the answer.

      Sorry. I did in fact program it properly. I just posted an incomplete code sample. I programmed the following. But it does not work.

      Dim docCmdInp As Document
      Set docCmdInp = Documents(Word_StyleCmdList.doc)

      On another forum, in an old thread, somebody suggested doing the following:

      Sub MinimizeAll()
          Dim shell As New shell
      End Sub 

      and then activate your doc window. But my VBA does not recognize shell.

      So I would appreciate more help. Any more ideas?


    • Thanks.

    • Great thanks.


    • in reply to: Can I change the color of a tab on the Ribbon? #1412513


      ok – thanks.


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