AskWoody LoungerI don’t know if this is the answer for you… but personally I’d use a subform control…
For example: The main form would be in Single Form view with the Date control in the Detail section…. Then I would place a subform control into the detail section… The subform would be in Continuous Forms view, showing the file data, linked on the Date field…Does that help at all??
AskWoody LoungerYou’re right Charlotte… Sorry about that…
AskWoody LoungerOOps… Too late… I guess it is Bill Manville’s Addin…
AskWoody LoungerHi Tim…
I found the answer to that question on here long too long ago…. I’d like to give credit to the appropriate person, but I can’t remember where I got it…
The attached file contains an Add-in (I think came from The Access Web site) that will find all links in a workbook and ask you whether to delete them or not… Cool huh??If you need help on installing the Add-in, let me know…
HTH(P.S. This works on Excel 2000 on my machine… Not sure about 97 though…)
AskWoody LoungerLucas,
That’s short for Description… I made the Levels table have an ID and Description… (in case you ever wanted to see Green, Yellow, Lavender or White on some form or report… ) …You can use the ID throughout and get at the description (color) whenever needed…
I was trying to show you that you could do a query that would show the Level each employee was currently on…. I used the Max function to select the highest level currently in the records for each employee… If that makes any sense…
You can pull out pretty well whatever data is needed using relationships… Saves redundant data and helps ensure data integrity…
For example, when you said that you would probably have to add a 5th level at some point, I thought if you had a Levels table, you will simply have to add a record to that table and it can then be used throughout the database in the future…. Saves the time of looking through queries and reports for calculated fields like “=IIF(LevelID = 1, “Green,… ” etc… don’t you think?
(Geez I’m yappy today
… Sorry about that!)
AskWoody LoungerLucas,
I don’t know if this will help you or not, but I played around and quickly made a small example of what can be done with a bit of normalization in your database design… I created some general tables and created relationships between the data (as I saw it on what little information I have) and did a couple of queries to show how it could be used…
Take a peek… Hopefully it’ll give you some ideas, if nothing else…
P.S. If the PID is a unique number… and (I’m assuming) the Student ID is a unique number… I don’t understand why you’d need both… but I included the PID in the Employees table in case it has some other function for you…
AskWoody LoungerGood Morning David…
These are distinct records…
The different house name makes them distinct…
If you want to see Forest Healthcare 10, Acorn Healthcare 10 (I’m assuming the 10 represents the house type), you need to remove the house name field…HTH
AskWoody LoungerHave you tried setting the Can Grow property of the Detail Section to Yes?
AskWoody LoungerOops… That isn’t going to work quite right either…
I don’t know what your data the query looks like… but I just created a test db and tried it myself… If the date changes while inside the publication type loop, that isn’t going to be caught….
Charlotte is right… Best to use the fields collection… Or define different recordsets, maybe using SQL statements in the code… I’ve always used different recordsets for nested loops…
Post more details of the query and/or examples of what output you want and maybe we can help more…
Have a great day! -
AskWoody LoungerI can’t open the sample db since I only have Access ’97 at work… but I looked at your code and one problem is that you have an AND in the second loop condition…
Do Until rst.EOF And lngSavedCategory rst!CategoryID
This means that the first time through the outer loop it’s on the first record… then by the time it’s done the second loop once it’s at the end of the recordset…
And… even if you had an OR in that second loop condition you’d still have problems because you never move the recordset at the bottom of the outer loop…From what you said you wanted to do… I’ve come up with this code:
Dim db as dao.database
Dim rst as dao.recordset
Dim pdatLastDate as Date
Dim pstrPublicationType as StringSet db = CurrentDb
Set rst = db.OpenRecordset(“qryTesting”)rst.MoveFirst
If Not rst.EOF ThenDo Until rst.EOF
pdatLastDate = rst!LastDate
Do Until pdatLastDate rst!LastDate OR rst.EOF
pstrPublicationType = rst!PublicationType
Do Until pstrPublicationType rst!PublicationType OR rst.EOF
‘various tasks
End IfSet rst = nothing
Set db = nothingI added an IF statement to handle if there are no records in the recordset to begin with…. If by moving first, we are already at the end of the recordset, it won’t drop into the loop… (a Do Until will always be completed once… and this would cause an error if there were no records…)
(P.S. This is assuming that you have the recordset sorted by the fields in question… LastDate and then PublicationType… )
AskWoody LoungerHmmm…
aaucoin… I’m not sure I understand what you are asking…
If you want to know the proper syntax to designate a table as the row source its:
Forms!frmName!cboName.RowSource = “tblName”
(which means: Assign the table named “tblName” -> to the RowSource property -> of the combo box named “cboName” -> on the form named “form1” -> in the Forms collection… )If you want to know how to properly designate that the data to be contained in that combo box will be coming from a Table or Query, rather than a Field List or Value List… then this is the code:
Forms!frmName!cboName.RowSourceType = “Table/Query”Let me know if I’m completely misunderstanding… HTH
AskWoody LoungerCatharine,
I found this information at:
http://www.alamopc.org/PCAlamode/reviews/c…/rev030206.html%5B/url%5D“Today, Quattro Pro comes bundled as one of the business tools in WordPerfect
AskWoody LoungerYou need to add the following code to the BeforeUpdate Event for the cbo1… If there are more than 2 values that decide which table is the rowsource then you can use a Select Case structure…
Forms!form1.cbo2 = “” ‘this will clear cbo2
If cbo1 = “value1” Then
Forms!form1!cbo2.RowSource = “YourTable”
Forms!form1!cbo2.RowSource = “YourOtherTable”
End IfOh… and you’ll still have to play with the Bound Column to figure out what field to display in cbo2…
Hope this makes sense… Let me know if you need more detailed instructions… HTH -
AskWoody LoungerWow… Thanks Fellas!!
You guys are GOOD!
I’m sure that’s plenty of help for now… I’ll get to work on it and post again if I need more expert assistance…Have a great afternoon!
On another note: Wohoo!
I made it to “Lounger” !!!… I thought I’d be NewLounger for another year or two…
AskWoody LoungerJezsik…
I don’t know of any way in Access, to save a query as just a query without it actually being an .mdb of it’s own…but from the sounds of it, that would probably be a solution for you…
You can right click on the query or report in the database window… click “Save as/Export” -> To an external file or database… and choose .mdb type… Then email that file to the people needing it… Then have them “Get External Data” -> “Import” … from the File menu… while in their copy of the database and pull the new items in…
Just curious… Are you not on a network?… If so, you might want to consider splitting the database so that you can update the front-end and just replace that when needed… Just a thought…
… but what do I know?
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